170 New Scientific Breakthroughs You’ve Never Heard Of!

170 New Scientific Breakthroughs You’ve Never Heard Of! – Unbelievable Progress Forward in Science

#Scientific #Breakthroughs #Youve #Heard

“Quantum Oracle”

Timestamps in the top comment! Explore the forefront of scientific innovation with our comprehensive long-form podcast, ‘170 New …



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  1. 00:00 Introduction

    00:56 Discovery of the SLYM Layer in the Brain

    01:40 Archaeological Discovery of Proto-Writing

    02:25 Stentrode: A Non-Invasive Brain Implant

    03:12 Discovery of a Second Earth-like Planet in TOI 700 System

    03:57 Impact of Viral Exposures on Neurodegenerative Diseases

    04:42 Autonomous Operation of Modified F-16 Fighter Jets

    05:36 Visual Flicker Paradigm and Faster Learning

    06:23 Cloning of 'Super Cows' for Increased Milk Productivity

    07:07 AI's Role in Detecting Early Signs of Alzheimer's

    07:55 Laser Redirecting Lightning

    08:36 Reversing the Aging Process

    09:21 Quaoar's Ring System

    10:03 Discovery of Additional Moons of Jupiter

    10:41 C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Green Comet

    11:21 First Direct Qubit Transfer between Quantum Chips

    12:06 AI Predictions of Global Warming

    12:47 Safety-by-Design in Biosafety and Biosecurity

    13:29 Results of CALERIE Longevity Trial

    14:05 Black Holes as the Origin of Dark Energy

    14:40 Pre-installed Apps and Mass Surveillance in China

    15:08 3D Printing-like Additive 3D Assembly using Holographic Sound Fields

    15:44 Public Health Knowledge Advancements

    16:14 Record Low Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

    16:47 Integration of AI in Military Applications

    17:24 Antimicrobial Resistance and Livestock Antibiotics Use

    18:26 Magnetic Medical Microbot (I-RAMAN)

    19:07 Sexual Loneliness and Social Dynamics

    19:54 Organoid Intelligence (OI)

    20:43 Advances in Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease Screening

    21:38 Launch of GPT-4

    22:31 Active Volcanism on Venus

    23:10 High-risk Pathogen Labs

    23:44 Carbon Capture Innovations

    24:21 Discovery of Ultracool Dwarf Binary Pair

    24:55 Deforestation and Greenwashing Investigation

    25:32 Havana Syndrome Report

    26:01 Impact of Financial Income on Mental Wellbeing

    26:32 Global Air Pollution Study

    26:59 Ancient Europeans' DNA Study

    27:31 Asteroidal Planetary Defense Test (DART) Results

    28:02 Nitrogen-doped Lutetium Hydride as a Room Temperature Superconductor

    28:30 Development of a Fuel Cell Implant Powered by Blood Glucose

    28:57 Unexplained Rise of CFC Emissions

    29:40 Body Temperature and Lifespan

    30:17 Neuronal Glucose Metabolism

    30:52 Genomic Surveillance of Wheat Blast Fungus

    31:28 Discovery of New Exoplanet HIP 99770 b

    32:01 Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) Launch

    32:41 Improving MRI Brain Scan Resolution

    33:22 Global Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance

    34:12 Semantic Decoding through Brain-Reading

    34:52 Detectability of Human Civilization from Afar

    35:27 Brain Activity at the End of Life

    36:02 AI-Boosted Antibody Response for COVID-19 Vaccines

    36:37 Single-Molecule Valve for Nanoscale Fluid Control

    37:13 Infrared View of Asteroid Belts around Fomalhaut

    37:45 More Complex Model of Human Evolution

    38:22 Artificial Intelligence in Health Risk Prediction

    39:13 Human "Pan-genome" and Genetic Diversity

    39:59 Macroscopic Multicellularity Evolution

    40:47 Mental Health and Economic Factors

    41:32 Universal Influenza Vaccine Trial

    42:15 Neuro-Molecular Mechanics of Parasite-Induced Behavior Changes

    42:59 Global Climate and Environmental Policies

    43:42 Quantum Computing Developments

    44:25 Discovery of New Moons of Saturn

    45:23 Antibiotic Design by Artificial Intelligence

    46:17 Evidence of a Second Kuiper Belt

    47:11 High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells

    48:11 Exploration Mission to Asteroids

    49:12 Solar Energy Beamed from Space

    50:14 Reinterpretation of the Expanding Universe

    51:04 Homo Naledi's Complex Behaviors

    51:50 'Chef' Robot Learns from Videos

    52:37 Mycorrhizal Fungi's Role in Carbon Storage

    53:26 Anticipation of Complete Arctic Sea Ice Disappearance

    54:14 Central Nervous System Viral Diseases Mechanism

    55:10 El Niño's Global Impact

    56:05 Taurine's Lifespan Extension in Animals

    57:00 Global Human Time Use Study

    57:48 Synthetic Human Model Embryos

    58:33 Earth's Formation Timeline

    59:15 Phosphates on Enceladus

    01:00:01 Quantum Computing Superiority

    01:00:58 Discovery of Senolytic Chemicals through Machine Learning

    01:01:53 Understanding Consciousness through fMRI

    01:02:41 Health Risks of Indoor Gas Stoves

    01:03:27 Social Isolation and Loneliness Impact on Mortality

    01:04:11 Functional Cryopreserved Kidney Transplant

    01:04:56 Projected Increase in Global Diabetes Prevalence

    01:05:39 ESA's Euclid Space Telescope Launch

    01:06:39 DNA Data Storage with Optogenetic Circuits

    01:07:34 Discovery of Interstellar Material

    01:08:23 Synthetic 'Minimal Cells' Evolution Experiment

    01:09:19 Methane Release from Arctic Glacial Retreat

    01:10:04 Dynamic Shell Formation for Fusion Energy

    01:10:55 Discovery of High-Albedo Exoplanet

    01:11:44 "Dark Star" Candidates and Early Universe Insights

    01:12:35 Warmest June on Record

    01:13:23 Carbon Taxation for Luxury vs. Basic Goods

    01:14:18 James Webb Space Telescope's Success

    01:15:17 Plastic and Pesticide Pollution Studies

    01:16:02 Advances in Gene Therapy and Longevity Research

    01:16:59 Discovery of Naturally Occurring Graphene

    01:17:43 Self-Healing Metals in Vacuum

    01:18:31 Air Pollution's Effect on Insects

    01:19:29 CRISPR and Sustainable Fiber Production

    01:20:23 ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission

    01:21:11 Breakthrough Listen's Technique for Alien Signals

    01:22:03 Discovery of a "Two-Faced" Star

    01:22:53 Study on 'Bullshit Jobs'

    01:23:53 Global Warming: Ocean and July Temperature Records

    01:24:47 Theoretical Limits on Advanced Civilizations on Low-Oxygen Planets

    01:25:34 Unusually Large Gas Giant Around a Small Star

    01:26:21 Discovery of an Ancient Human Hominin in China

    01:26:57 Dogxim: The First Known Fox-Dog Hybrid

    01:27:36 Walking More Than 3,967 Steps Reduces Mortality Risk

    01:28:19 Most Precise Measurement of the Muon's Magnetic Moment

    01:28:58 Discovery of Earth's Heaviest-Ever Animal

    01:29:38 Rise in Photosynthesis Rates Slowing

    01:30:32 DNA Methylation Profiles Across Mammalian Species

    01:31:22 Comet Nishimura Discovery

    01:32:03 First Image of Quantum Entanglement

    01:32:41 India's Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing

    01:33:19 Complete Sequencing of the Human Y Chromosome

    01:33:58 Longevity Factors Transferable Between Species

    01:34:33 Global Warming and Potential Mass Deaths

    01:35:08 Jupiter Impact Event Filmed

    01:35:46 Standard Model of Cosmology Questioned

    01:36:37 Warmest September on Record

    01:37:15 Discovery of Hoʻoleilana Galactic Structure

    01:37:59 Specialized Astrocytes in the Central Nervous System

    01:38:33 Largest Known Lithium Deposit

    01:39:07 Evolutionary Link to Reduction in Prey Size

    01:39:43 Sleep Timing Regularity's Importance

    01:40:16 Carbon Dioxide and Methane on Potentially Habitable Exoplanet

    01:40:47 LCLS-II: World's Most Powerful X-ray Laser

    01:41:22 Sixth Mass Extinction Event Acceleration

    01:41:57 New View of the Cosmos and Instantons

    01:42:50 Nobel Prize for mRNA Vaccines

    01:43:32 Discovery of Jupiter-Sized Rogue Planets

    01:44:14 Nobel Prize in Physics for Electron Movement

    01:45:01 Same-Sex Behavior in Animals

    01:45:39 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Quantum Dots

    01:46:21 Light, Circadian Clocks, and Health

    01:47:00 Gene-Edited Chickens Resistant to Bird Flu

    01:47:35 Afterglow of Exoplanet Collision

    01:48:06 Psyche Mission Launch

    01:48:50 World's First AI Summit

    01:49:35 Theia's Remnants Inside Earth

    01:50:16 Dinkinesh: A Binary Asteroid System

    01:50:48 Breakthrough in Solar Cell Efficiency

    01:51:29 UK Forests' Ecosystem Collapse

    01:51:59 First Human Eye Transplant

    01:52:30 Scalable Carbon Nanotube MOSFETs

    01:53:09 AI-Generated White Faces Perceived as More Real

    01:53:40 Iceland's Volcanic Instability

    01:54:06 3D Printing of Hair Follicles

    01:54:37 Ancient Earth-like Area in Puna de Atacama

    01:55:17 Google DeepMind's Gemini Multimodal Language Model

    01:56:00 Gene Therapy for Vision Recovery in Glaucoma

    01:56:39 Future Plans in Particle Physics

    01:57:15 Quantum Entanglement of Molecules

    01:57:49 Ancient Carbon Dioxide Levels Study

    01:58:22 Organic Molecules in Asteroid Bennu Samples

    01:58:51 Discovery of the Smallest Known Brown Dwarf

    01:59:24 Highest Global Average Surface Temperature

    01:59:54 AI's First Scientific Discovery

    02:00:24 Machine Intelligence "Replication"

    02:00:59 Important!

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