
390,000 pairs, 101 kg each|Magico S3 2023|Guoren actual test|cc subtitles

39 萬一對、101 kg 一隻|Magico S3 2023|國仁實試|cc字幕

#pairs #eachMagico #2023Guoren #actual #testcc #subtitles


Magico S3 2023 speaker price: HK$390,000/pair Inquiry: Asia Theater Asian Audio and Video Flagship Store Address: 21/F Oriental Crystal Building, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central & Western District, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2180…



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  1. 正, 無得頂!. 科技就係科技. FS應該自己用A3 再配下MAC/ACCUPHASE/ONENOTE 之類. 再可比下S3貴幾倍值唔值.
    香港地方太細, 係地方搞唔到既情況下搞到HIGH END. 唔錯.

  2. 片尾主持說細聲聽發揮不到,要中音量或炸機播放才能發揮到套機嘅表現。其實我一直有個問題何謂中音量、音量要去多少才算炸機?因為聲音大細其實都非常主觀。

  3. I just got a pair of S3 Mk 3, had a tour of the factory in CA. Love the concept and philosophy. Sounds awesome with my Accuphase. Looking to pair with Pass Lab Amp in the future.

  4. Sealed box speakers are always going to provide superior bass than any ported bass reflex design. Alon wolf knows that. Even AR acoustic suspension speakers from the past still do bass better than many modern ported speakers today.

  5. 可能我口味重唔識聽,對標榜“高保真冇調味”嘅喇叭興趣唔大!唔用油鹽醬醋嘅大廚,整出嚟菜式會有幾好味呢?其實,真正嘅“原音”究竟存唔存在呢?收錄器材嘅本身音色,演奏現場嘅音響效應,錄音師嘅調校,邊一樣先係“原音”?淨係對喇叭唔落味精就係?玩音響都係加加埋啱自己口味就算啦!

  6. 我会选密封箱,而且系大音箱。虽然难推D,低频量感虽然不如同尺寸倒相箱,但声音完全无拖泥带水,干净,特别系低频收得住,而且对环境要求会比倒相箱友好D。

  7. Currently using Magico S3mkii in a small space as well, you are spot on about the easy placement of this speaker. Generally, due to the sealed box design, you can get away with it in a smaller space, unlike ported speaker design. Great review!

  8. Not for me. I have never liked that Magico house sound. Personally, I just find it too dry. Also, I have never really cared about sonic measurements. To me, is all about emotional connection, I care more about whether the music from a particular pair of speakers move me. At HK$400K, I would probably go for a pair of MBL 111 F instead, but that's just me. There is no right and wrong about Hi-Fi gear as far as I am concerned, is all about your personal taste at the end of the day.

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