
7 Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets of the Depths (Zelda:

7 Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets of the Depths (Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)

#Unsolved #Mysteries #Secrets #Depths #Zelda


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  1. Some thoughts for Zelda Fanatics

    If 10000 years have passed… Time here is looped… It's destined to happen again and again… It's possible everything did already happen. Will happen. And is going to happen again. Hence, the semi exact copies of areas. But…
    It's also possible of heaven and hell battles…

    Sucking the life force of earth is the gloom. Seeping out is the after affect…

    Hells light chambers are the reason hell can't ascend, but, by draining the earth of its life, it can destroy earth. Hence the exact spots. Hence, by overcoming the challenge, the light can shine over the depths, leaving it tamed… More

    By overcoming the challenges on earth (Hyrule) the hero gains more strength, courage, life, knowledge and such…

    Only the hero can ascend and reverse time to return life back to normal… For a short time… Hence, why the guardians protect the areas… Not necessarily bad guys but simply protectors and only the hero should/ve be/en able to overcome…

    The depths are real and shows the battles lost over time, leaving the stories of pasts being undiscovered because of the lost hero being gone of this world… Hence why, most of the pasts heros clothes are hidden away in the depths. And why only the hero of "TIME" is the only one able to transcend into the depths and overcome this evil… Other than the ancestors protectors, yet, dying out over time. Mostly in part, due to the evil sucking the life over time.

    Lost souls taking over the depths and never moving on is a conversation all in itself…

    The last outfit of the "Hero" whom fought alongside the princess is the loop itself. Ganondorf being reckoned to want to be king rather than just the hero and protector alongside the king and queen are the possibility of why this loop happens. Ganondorf is consumed by hatred and finds a way to do what the Princess is alive to do. Opposites attract and each have their part in keeping order and balance…
    The HERO of "TIME" (Link) is merely an object used, destined to save the princess, but, given certain deviation, can lead to different stories and/or timelines… Hence, the falling into Majora's mask, the Hero of "TIME", the lost land of Windwaker, and the Depths Twilight Princess

  2. My biggest question is; If the zonai came from the sky, why were all their major settlements found in the depths? You don't build cities down near your mines, but up on the ground near them. Yeah, now we do find settlements everywhere up near mines (why beneath Taburasa, a place founded during BotW just a few years back? I can't tell), but without any features linking zonai to them? After all Rauru and Mineru did for the hylians the hylians should have preserved these, I'd say. Again granted a lot of time has passed so their deeds may have shifted into the unknown facts of Hyrule history, but Zonai buildings on sky islands are still in perfect condition, so there is no reason to assume their buildings from old settlement would have been in a condition to make it necessary to deconstruct them for a place to build a new building.

  3. Biggest mystery is whether (if there is going to be some surprise dlc) theres going to be some other secret race that predates the nomai- ah crap i’m mixing up my 3 eyed ancient races that look like they’re goats (as in the animal, not messi) that had prosperous and ancient yet highly advanced technology near the end of their respective timelines and also are spelled _o_ai

  4. The only i dont like is how botw ancient tech just gone in totk, imagine if we can revisits botw shrines and divine beast and all ancient tech building but they all inactive theres no life to it but theres also no monster inside them pure quiet to emphasize that their job is done and now were just visiting their grave.

    Make it the only place you could find some ancient weapon/armor

    Instead we are presented with “they just mysteriously disappeared” i know that ancient isn’t the main focus anymore but they are part of the history deleting them didn’t do ancient tech justice

  5. RE: Aspect of the hero (and possible statue/race relation). Something that isn't mentioned often enough is the different tribes of Zonai that existed – Owl, Dragon, and Boar. Our only in-game Zonai characters both belong to the Owl tribe (Mineru and Rauru), and their appearance could very well be distinct for the Owl tribe Zonai. I've seen it theorized that the Aspect of the Hero, and by extension the old hero of legend, are actually Boar tribe Zonai, and the appearance is reflective of that. Worth reminding as well that the Aspect of the Hero armor's "loincloth" is actually made up of the symbols from all 3 tribes, possibly indicating an alliance of all Zonai tribes during the initial fight against the calamity.

  6. Don't forget the Dueling Peaks paradox! Although TotK confirmed that the two mountains used to be one, there is a wall in the Depths (mirroring the river on the surface) splitting the Dueling Canyons. Were the Dueling Canyons once together as one? Did this wall exist before the mountain was split? If not, how was it created, and why?

    There is a lot to consider when thinking about the Depths' relationship to the surface. Walls in the Depths are supposed to mirror water sources on the surface, yet we know that the water sources in Hyrule have changed significantly since ancient times thanks to the map in the Forgotten Temple. Perhaps the Depths are a more metaphysical plane than we realize, and the geography down there changes in real time to reflect the surface. Who knows!

  7. Aonuma also made a comment about the Lightroots after Fujibayashi explained the Shrines of Light:

    "There are also "Roots of Exorcism" [JP name for Lightroot] extending to the Depths. It's like there are air purifiers placed both above ground and underground. I suppose it's like a talisman to ward off evil, or perhaps a Jizo statue [guardian deity] that destroys evil spirits."

    Also, on the topic of Crafter Constructs, if Mineru is the only sage you have for the final battle, when the Seized Construct comes back for her to take care of, she says it's a "magical copy" of her construct this time. (This would probably have been a better explanation for the first time too, because Mineru's whole plan of guiding Link to a construct head on Dragonhead Island and then the construct factory doesn’t make sense if she had one already prepared… and even then it's not explained why she waited in the Purah Pad but didn’t do anything until Link got there. And she supposedly helped lift the Temple of Time and ancient tablets into the sky despite storing her soul right when Zelda swallowed her secret stone… This is more of a writing flaw though.)

  8. Why does the Zelda Community call then "Sky Islands" when "Skylands" is RIGHT THERE?!?! Pronounce the "land" part the same way you would for "island" and just say "Skyland". You're already saying "I" at the end of "Sky" and the name is RIGHT THERE lol anyway rant over love the videos

  9. If this underground is meant to act as some sorta afterlife as seen with all the poes.

    Maybe it is meant to look idyllic and the roots kinda messed it all up, explaining why the Poes are helping us with weapons?

    And then we take them and collect them and use them to make armor… we are jerks.

  10. the one thing i don’t get, which may actually be an oversight, is fast travel still being blue. sheika tech no longer works, so why is the teleport animation blue like in botw?

  11. The only thing i wish they did a bit more with the depths is the yiga. One they are far too weak most of the time. It would of been cool if each schismatic base was treated like a monster base and you were swarmed by a bunch of yiga maybe 4 of the big ones and 6 of the small ones that you would have to fight instead in various ways so they actually feel like a threat instead of a joke. The fact that you just need to shoot one guy with an arrow abd you are done just felt like w big missed opportunity to me

  12. I wonder, since the roots are activated by an action related to Rauru's hand, I wonder if the shrines take root (or, just the bases of them?) & that's why they're mirrored in the Depths. 🤔

  13. I highly believe that the dephts are the old hyrule, the one that we explored and played on the past games, At some point of that distant past, hyrule was destroyed and buried underground, and the remaining races including hylians, lived there waiting for they final hours, until the zonai descended "from the skies"; that's why there used to be goron civilization underground, and the gerudo have a mausoleum in the depths. The zonai past happening after every single game except for obviously botw and totk, gives sense to Gerudo havin long ears, zora coexisting with rito at the same time of the founding of hyrule and also the gerudo being closer to the hyrule kingdom, because the kingdom needs the four races to command the divine beasts and most important, to wake up the sages in the future, as the ancient sages promised to Zelda. It wouldnt make sense to the royal family, who knowns about the necesity of the races to have their champions, to let gerudo live in misery, to rito to "fly away" of hyrule and zoras becoming baddies, like we see in so many old games. That's why the races are always loyal to the hyrule royal family, and the zonai paist happens after everything, and going back to the depths, the remaining of a lost hyrule in time, a place the zonai also minned, encountering the clothes of the ancient heroes

  14. I couldn’t stop thinking of the Shrine of Revival, the mines, and Gorondia and just mentally scream, just wishing I knew more about society and cultures of millennia past.
    I wondered about the slips on the dark clumps and figured it could be used almost similarly to the slips on Death Sword, but in the sense of keeping someone from getting harmed from the clump’s effects. I thought the Tarrey Town mine was just location being relevant to where Tarrey Town was, but somehow I didn’t realize Tarrey Town may have been mentioned back in time. I love the Dondons and I would not be surprised if the Royal Family ended up cherishing them due to the rarity and they literally poop out gems that are decent or high in value. Those gentle giants would love the Lanayru provin- region ahem.

  15. I think the Lightroots are able to purify any beings of the Gloom including monsters I also think that's why the monsters on the Surface aren't coated in Gloom because they were purified of said Gloom and the monsters within the Depths don't go near the Lightroots because the Gloom has completely taken over the minds of the monsters and if the monsters were purified of the Gloom by the Lightroots that they're covered in they wouldn't be being mind controlled by the Gloom

  16. I have a theory that plays into the popular one of Hylia being the Goddess of Time.

    It's one I've had since Skyward Sword, but I've had trouble wording it; basically, I noticed that whenever Hylia (or Zelda) is time travelling, it creates a closed loop (Zelda was always in the amber, the Light Dragon was always there, etc.) but when someone else does it, it causes changes (Link planting the Tree of Life, for example).

  17. Very strange to see you skipped over the huge bones. I was hoping you'd do a bit on the bodyscapes down there; they're my favorite part. Once long ago, there were giga-enormous creatures moving around down there, and probably they could make it to the surface too. Maybe since that's all there is to say, you skipped it, but dang, don't you think they're cool?

  18. One of my biggest questions surrounding the Depths is the original purpose of the ruins in which Ganondorf is sealed. The only names we get to describe them are "Forgotten Foundation" and "Imprisoning Chamber". The former seems to be a reference to it being located beneath Hyrule Castle, which we know was built after the Imprisoning War. The latter references Ganondorf being sealed here, and I highly doubt they built this whole place during the Imprisoning War just to lure Ganondorf down there and seal him. A while back, I heard someone state the theory that the massive bottomless pit where Gloom's Origin is located is actually a gateway to the underworld and the path Demise originally took to reach the surface. This theory sounds extra plausible when you see that the roots of Gloom's Origin are growing from the bottomless pit, giving it the image of a tree growing from hell. It would then make sense for Ganondorf to come here both to gather his strength in preparation for battle with the Sages in the past and heal himself in the present. I've also gotta assume the roots of Gloom's Origin are the source of the Chasms across Hyrule as it's impossible to access the rest of the Depths from Ganondorf's location. If this is indeed the case, perhaps the nearby ruins were built to study the bottomless pit, or even to prevent others from accessing it upon learning of the deadly power it contained, similarily to Hyrule Castle's purpose of preventing others from accessing these same ruins in the present day.

  19. One big cue that TOTK is destined to be is the champions/sages. Zelda is labeled as the champion/sage of time. Had she NOT gone back, there'd be only 6 champions/sages. In every game that had sages(that I remember), there always were 7 sages, always including one of time. Also, no one recognized Zelda's name or the sword.

  20. Something I noticed that I haven’t seen anyone mention— when Ganondorf is on the platform when you first find him at the end of the game, there’s some glowing gloom spots on the bottom of the platform that look like a squashed boar face. It might be my imagination, or a thematic aspect, but it seriously gave me the creeps when I first noticed it

  21. Maybe the lightroots did seal away monsters but only certain kinds, like the geelok or areacudugh. But most monsters couldn't be sealed for some reason. But the shiekah only mimic the tech but not fully replicate it fully.

  22. Thank you for making this vid NBC! Having large creators maintain interest in TotK theories, hopefully the community will continue to piece the lore together.

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