Neutron stars can crack, new study says

Neutron stars can crack, new study says

#Neutron #stars #crack #study

“Sabine Hossenfelder”

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  1. I would have thought that the surface would have critical fluid like properties considering the surface would be an intensely compressed plasma. Cracking would be the last thing I'd expect.
    I'd think magnetic eddies and plasma jets would be more likely.

  2. Or they may be passing a speed barrier light the speed of light? Just sayin 🤷. Thermal Dynamics at work. As these blacksphere feed and the heat gets turned up so might it's spin rate. And when it's increased beyond the speed of light boom 💥. Same occurs when jets go real fast but at light speed the boom may be just a bit bigger. And without the sound a fast radio boom would seem to be a good outcome.

  3. I heard (on YouTube) that it is not just the size of the flare that matters ,but that it's polarity relative to Earth's north south polarity that influences the amount of radiation that reaches the Troposphere .
    Is that not true, or just rendered irrelevant due to the sheer ferocity of a large Miyake Event?
    PS everything you covered is as fascinating as ever. Thanks!

  4. They'd like to do away with enzymes as a builder of proteins, because, with over 5,000 enzymes needed in Darwin's warm little pond or puddle, the odds against them meeting the right smaller protein to speed up the processes, are more than 1 to 10^250,000.
    They've found one process that takes a trillion years without the right enzyme. Granted, that's the extreme.

  5. One mitigating thing about AI data centres is that they are very heavy processing but comparatively light on IO. They don't benefit much from being near the users, so can be put basically anywhere there is power. Geothermal power in Iceland seems the obvious location, but pairing a data centre with a remote renewable facility can reduce other infrastructure requirements. You design it so that the power draw of the centre is half of a wind farm's peak output and the long grid connection only needs to be half as powerful as it would otherwise be. When it is not windy the power will be going the other way, rather than the connection sitting idle. Building a larger connection initially isn't much more expensive, but if there is an existing connection with limited power then dropping a data centre at one end can let you enlarge the power facility without having to upgrade the infrastructure.
    If batteries don't get cheaper fast, but solar and rockets continue to get better, I can see a world where sun synchronous orbital AI data centres are a thing. The price per kg of the top end chips is pretty absurd, so sending them to orbit isn't actually that much of a jump, while sitting in 24 hour sunlight avoids the need for battery storage. It is entirely possible that we will get to the point where energy is cheaper in space than down here, and then most of the AI stuff will be sent there.

  6. even if we were to toss coins in a way that avoids any irregularity, never, ever at the end of 300,000 tosses would we have parity between heads and tails. For me, what is illustrated is an example of poor conduction of an experiment and a bad interpretation of the results.

  7. I'm celebrating a $32k stock portfolio today. I started this journey with $4000 have invested on time and also with the right tearn now have time for my family and the life ahead of me

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