
Onewheel Fears Fair Play: Future Motion Sues Floatwheel,

Onewheel Fears Fair Play: Future Motion Sues Floatwheel, A Repair-Friendly Competitor

#Onewheel #Fears #Fair #Play #Future #Motion #Sues #Floatwheel

“Louis Rossmann”



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  1. Urban mobility products like Bikes, skateboards, electric unicycle and mopeds have all been through a phase of proprietary products coming to market. In the past consumers have almost always chose the more repair friendly option. let's hope the same happens for this category. For those who don't understand the sheer usability of a device like this is unbelievable. Future motion should be afraid, float wheel just might be the option that consumers choose. I just wish there were more American manufacturers for this category.

  2. EUCs could be the future, they seem excellent except for the fatality capability. the fact that they are all made in china and they sue to maintain control pretty much ensures they remain a fatal vehicle. i would pay for a sherman made in japan or the us, but 4 grand is not a dollar amount worth investing in chinese controlled junk, even if you knew you were getting a good one.

  3. Patent means nothing until it holds in front of a court. You can patent everything you want if you have the means. If it’s that easy to prove that the invention is not from them then you don’t have to worry to much, they don’t stand a chance

  4. The one thing I don't like about infringement, is that two people who have never met each other, who are across the world can make, and manufacture the same product. But whoever invented the product first gets to sue the other person for infringement even though the second person never met the first person never knew about the first person never knew about their product and so on. Whatever happened to innovation and creativity, without being sued, or any sort of reprisal?

  5. Back in the day, Henry Ford invented the car. Which means no other company could make a car other than Henry Ford. Now everybody that is a car company can make and manufacture cars. So I am guessing patents expire. Is this true? And

  6. If FM actually has novel innovations to the design, let them enforce them. If Floatwheel doesn't use those innovations, too bad for FM. If FM's innovations aren't actually novel, too bad for FM. The burden should be on FM to prove both that their patent is valid and that it's being infringed.

  7. Arduino. Relay shield. Motor controller with regenerative braking. High-torque 200 watt BLDC motor. 30S Battery Controller/Charger, level sensor, electronic gyroscope, pressure sensor. Batteries. Probably 20 hours in the shop. Yeah, I can do this. About 30% of their sale price in parts, but more expensive if counting my labor at a decent wage. Still, the 'labor' is recreation when viewed as a fun personal project so that might be okay.

    At least there'd be no bullshit about who gets to replace batteries. And I haven't even seen their patents. There's nothing visible that's non-obvious so I've no idea what they patented. If I wanted patentable, I'd add a GPS, reaction wheels, remote control, and FPV camera. But that gets complicated and then it would be way more than 20 hours of shop time.

  8. I think that the US legal system is a joke and that they should implement laws that prevents big companies from killing smaller companies through legal battles this way. We have it over here in Sweden and as far as I know, it works well.

  9. I truly hope Tony is incorporated. Seems like he isnt tho… How could you run a company this large and not think to form an LLC? Especially in this space?

    Just seems like hes operating as an individual based on the wording of the lawsuit service section.

  10. You notice they are not suing them for making a one wheel, they are suing them for putting a status indicator in a slot in the surface of a onewheel. Take out any one of those words and some one else has already done it. This is the problem with the us patent system. You make a bazzilion incremental improvements that are only new in that your device never had them before, and you can keep competitors out of something that is not actually patentable.

  11. Here is a idea, Why does the guy from floatwheel not reach out to the guy that created the original patents on his original product? Get him to join as a partner and now they et rights to his original patent so that would be the end of not only this case but future motion all together.

  12. Here in the EU the story is much different, if i buy that piece of burning trash and an update bricks it, regardless how much time has passed, i can take the receipt and the bricked board to the store i bought it from and ask for a new one free of charge, or a full refund regardless the current aspect of the board. But to this day i failed to see any EU based store selling those pieces of e-waste since it is general knowledge how much they suck and how dangerous they are.

  13. the patent system is definitely broken because almost all patents appear to have prior exposure, making them inelegible as a patent. simple google searches find earlier cases, why can't patent offices find these and fail to grant patents.?. All patents which have previous examples easily demonstrated should be cancelled and the applicant fined. That way "frivolous" claims by trolls can be reduced. Or, change the patent system so that instead of 20yrs, the protection period is 2yrs. That is more in line with modern technology, and would open up companies to provide compatible parts for "right to repair".

  14. Absolutely useless those who moan offering no solution yet insist that you provide one.
    In fact, just before you mentioned those comments you got my thoughts were I would really love to see more of your insight and commentary on PEV stuff.
    I'm seriously dubious about the cheapness these things are being slapped together with and there being no real visibility into what's safe and what's not. Your face won't like it when your electric unicycle or similar throws you off at 30mph into a civilian and then the floor.
    So Louis your exposure of stuff like this is invaluable. Thanks for your contribution man

  15. There is a concept in US patent law called "prior art" which means those patents are invalid and would be thrown out if any of these cases ever actually did make it to court.

  16. Escooters and ebikes are cloned to hell and back. Freemotion thinking they're special and shouldn't have to participate is just mind-numbing. I'm surprised we haven't already seen a thousand OneWheel clones, and frankly, I can't wait for them. The commodification of technology happens fast, and if Freemotion thought they wouldn't have to deal with that, then that's on them.

  17. If anybody here has any development ambitions and ability, i have at least 1 fantastic idea that should be backwards compatible with almost all historic media creations providing certain criteria are available, either way, it's very adaptable. i would write more, but, you know… ideas and stuff.

    it's obvious when i mention it and it's highly anticipated by specific people i've floated this to. people who like Louis and his tech rights, i feel like Louis and the audience and you reading this, may indeed be highly interested in helping me forge a demonstration of this idea i have. merely explaining it is enough and saying almost anything about it seems really obvious to me, so i'm purposfully obfuscating my full idea.

    the problem i have, is i'm in relative poverty and lack the means and money to make it happen or even get a real demo going. however, i have semi-figured out the easiest way to demonstrate it, but the preperation for the demo WILL take time. once it's understood and fluent in the creation process, the idea should be very very quickly adopted for everything where approriate.

    this is pretty much my first public and open request for a partner/helper. it will require programmers and access to SOME sensetive data companies won't give away for free to test it on their things. again, deliberately vague and i'm sorry about that. if i wrote it out, sure, it'd get made eventually but i am kinda sick of people taking my ideas and getting rich… if it means anything, i invented the base idea for Guitar Hero and eventually Rocksmith back in 1997-1998. the idea was taken and i was wholly unaware. 5 years later, Guitar Hero arrives. that's one such instance. with hindsight, i realise my idea was too powerful for tech in 1997 which is why it waited for the PS2 era of consumer computer capabilities.

    my new idea. i promise, is groundbreaking. i already sealed an envolope to myself along with an unopened self addressed private email with the details inside. that email will remain closed to prove to a judge/solicitor that this was defintiely concieved of first by me before the idea spread across the internet if it gets away from me. and, it's FOR other people. i literally cannot benefit from my invention beyond financially. it genuinely is useless to me and would go entirely unused. but, it WILL be a brand new experience and opportunity for everybody else to play with it and make new shit with it. all i want is to be first and make a ton of money.

    i promise, after the "box office opening" and financial benefit, i will certainly make it wholly free and open for everybody to use with no subscriptions or purchases individually. this is not something you buy for yourself, you will be buying it (at first, just for my pocket) to get it and use it but let's say, 4 or 5 years go by, THEN i will let go of it and just give away the thing. patents are amazing. but poor people like me can't afford much of anything along the lines of food and energy, nevermind throwing money away on a thing that may get stolen before i even get a chance to sell it.

    i hate being vague. i'm also not divulging it without any proof you're seriously serious. i have no time or effort to waste with people pretending or lying. i'm going to be super critical of your claims.

    if anybody who can, is interested and wants what we all want, which is a fair and justified financial win along with an altruistic ending to an idea that will be beneficial to everybody else.

    don't thing my words are contradictory. they're vague, remember that. it's written so you don't read into it and conclude my idea.

    i tried getting funding before but the assholes only wanted profit and didn't want to get it out so they said no. i want to get it out mostly, but i don't want to screw myself. it's just as revolutionary as a prosthetic limb was, and how revolutionary prosthetic, dextruous limbs are right now. you WILL ask yourself… "how come nobody did this before?" and i know… tech limits. but shit's so powerful now, a small skilled team can make this happen with great success. the more i write, the less i want to hit "post" but, we only live once, and if i can improve your living and others, then as far as i care, i've won. but i really want to do this and the more i try, the more expensive it gets and the more i remove myself from trying. it's not a one man job and it's not a free job either.

    to make this even easier, tech savvy people are likely to be the best at making this vision come to life. until then, it will be crude and easily ripped off if some idiot on the internet with a daft name put it out, gets 170 views and suddenly that idea has been stolen by everybody else and i don't get any kind of kickback for even digging into the idea… it's not even an idea that helps me… that's how good it is. it's not even FOR me.


    you needed to know that if you thought it would be expensive to manufacture… it's time and effort. not time and labour. (i don't consider computer stuff as labour. lifting shit is laborious. computer shit is effort.) so don't worry about warhouse/land costs. we have the internet, we don't have a limit in our ability to congregate around the idea. IF and when, the idea will be highly secretive and incredibly tight lipped.

    1 very good donation/contribution/partner would be best. IF you want to help financially but can't actually help, i'm afraid the idea MUST remain a secret from you while all other operations will be highly transparent for you. progress reports, simplistic details BUT you will be the first to see the early draft before public posting.
    as revolutionary.

    there will be a contract whereby the idea is central and if you're unhappy with what it is, which you won't be, you can be paid back or something. BUT, being involved, makes you a pseudo developer anyway since you developed the money for the project. and i can promise, the wave this will cause can shake up the minds of plenty of new inventors and it may even make previously inaccessible things to certain people, wholly acessible and dare i say it, enjoyable!

    okay. buzzwords, wall of text. telling you it's a secret if you're not actually helping (to avoid you bouncing a cheque and running away with the idea despite being warned i have an email from history where it shows i concieved the idea in full detail.). i know i seem like a real asshole for it. and probably puts you off. the initial investment needs to make a few things possible. hiring a team. writing an NDA that's entirely waterproof and airproof, getting it certified and legally covered, and then patenting it after the initial demo to the investor(s) when they agree to invest more for the benefit of making it so much more refined than the initial obviously rough composit.

    i have no clue how much just that criteria would cost. but it's not going to be cheap and keeping lips shut with an NDA and respect for what the idea is, may be very very difficult.

    i'l stop now. if you're interested… go to instagram and paste this .com/_chief_mojo_rising_/
    make your first line Louis Rossman Group Idea Appeal. and please be entirely serious. if you have skills and want to do a project, the same applies. i'm either getting it out and getting paid or i'm going to get fucked again. i feel like most of us here are on the same page. remember, i only want the initial benefit of monetary gain. after that, it's pretty much open season and our job will be done.

    i'm also considering audio and video NDA agreements. so there's no backing out pretending you didn't agree. the task actually shouldn't be long. it's getting the team and legalities that are expensive. not many people either. maybe at MOST 10. probably 5. i'd do it myself if i didn't have to learn a million new things to make it work.

    by the way. it can be implemented into video games too. think of it like the toggle options for colour blindess. doesn't matter who you are, it may help you or it may not. i know for a fact i have no need for it. which is why i'm fairly certain it's incredibly fucking rude to keep it to myself and take it to the grave. also, if this gets deleted. i totally understand. but i've never known a comment section to have a very obvious group think mentality and seemingly wealthy people too. so, i'm taking the opportunity to ask both LRG and the audience (whoever CAN) to get in on the ground floor. i think it's obvious i wrote this in haste, and i know the wheel isn't related… but it kind of is… at worst, Apple buys my idea and doesn't use it. at best, it's public sourced and socially created for everybody. but we can't just give it away. and i know i should. but goddamn, i want to get mine for once and this idea is GOLD!!! a few years and when sales begin to dip at all, immediately free. no trades, no shares. whoever is involved will divide 60% of any profit. i'm probably taking 40%.

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