
Team Xbox: The Losing Team

Team Xbox: The Losing Team

#Team #Xbox #Losing #Team

“Xbox Basement”

Team Xbox: The Losing Team in all the console wars. How will Xbox series X/S survive in the future? I’m team Xbox, the losing team, into 2024!

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  1. Personally, I think with Microsoft's acquisition of Activision, there will really be some turnaround in the interest for Xbox hardware. Hate or love CoD, it is almost always the best selling game every single year. Once it's on game pass, no one will want to pay $70 to play it, PlayStation gamers included. One day PlayStation will be in the tough spot and Xbox will take over.

  2. Don Mattrick did irreparable damage to the xbox brand. The xbox one E3 reveal was awful and showed that sony had more respect for their customers at the time. We've been on damage control mode ever since. It doesn't help that their big franchises such as halo have lost a lot of popularity

  3. 360 definitely beat the PS3. I get PS3 sold more by the end of it's lifetime, but during their peak, XBOX was definitely the only way to go for online multiplayer. PS3 didn't even have private chat while in game.

  4. The only console I have ever had where the “rubbers came off the sticks” was the PlayStation 4 when it first came out-

    I’ve never had the problem you mentioned with the Xbox 360 ever-

    And the fact that it and still uses AA batteries is actually better if you have rechargeable AAA batteries!!!! Because when the battery dies in your PS4 or your PS4 controller, you gotta either buy a new one or order a battery and do some surgery- I still got the 360 controller that I’ve had since like 2008.. I’ve rebuilt it a few times, but even if I had, it would still have the rubbers on the joysticks, that’s never a problem I have experienced with Xbox, ever- I understand that heavy-handed people that got more meat on their bones tend to often wear the joysticks down because of them, pressing the button and stuff harder, but that’s never happened for me personally…

    If you consider the fact that doesn’t sell in Japan, hardly at all, the Xbox 360 beat out the PlayStation 3 during that generation- everything was nicer, and the Xbox had better graphics for most of the third-party games, and even some of their first party exclusive, had better graphics than what you got out of the PS3 now there are so many people that claimed this is because the PS3 with our development for, etc… yeah, maybe? I would just argue that during the 360 generation Xbox had some developers under their umbrella that had not branched out yet that got their start making games for Xbox and then, of course, after success, they went on more success, and started making games for either Nintendo or Sony? They had more talented people back then?

    Either way, has always had the most comfortable controller, except for the first Xbox … and even the controller was better but I was playing mine the other day and God I can’t believe I used to like that controller!?!?!?

    My favorite controller is the Xbox one X and the Xbox one S controller as it differs slightly from the Xbox series controller, which I love the shape of and the way it feels in your hands but it ultimately is cheaper, the shoulder buttons, all feel cheaper and they do not make the same satisfying yet. Very responsive click That the Xbox one and Xbox Xbox one S/controllers made, in addition to the new Dpad on the series controller, adding back in some of that garbage ass Sega Genesis Dpad??? Have no idea why they did that? I hate playing fighting games like tech with the series controller but you give me an Xbox one controller and I will bust your ass and it is because of the pad being superior!

    All of this is not to say that I don’t like the PS3 controller as it was one of my favorites, nor that I don’t like the PS4 controller because I like it I just feel like they made mistakes and it’s design that cramp my hands like trying to hold Either side of it and then hit the L1 or R1 button as they made that part of the controller, rounded down, or flush, and it makes it to where your hand has to cramp to hold that button Preston, and all they had to do was leave the shoulders just like they were on the PS3 controller?!?! I’ll never understand why they shaved down the shoulders, it makes for adults(which are the vast majority of gamers) with big hands, have to cramp their hands to try to do the same thing on the Xbox controller, you have leverage, and your hand is never cramped-

  5. Microsoft should take blizzard by the neck, and make them put world of warcraft on xbox. Make it release at the same time as PC for the next expansion, only on xbox for consoles, included with gamepass and bam. They could really do amazing things here, and if they can port diablo they can port WoW

  6. Sales don't matter bro
    If the only rebuttal against something sucking is sales, then Nintendo is the best console of all history and none can come or should attempt to come close. Obviously that's boogus. Imagine if you told me PC is entirely worthless cause some $299 tablet sold more, only a casual would care about such a thing. Only someone with no merit needs sales to speak for their points. It derails everything to "I did better" without showing how you actually did better. 44M+ more sales ain't mean you did better, just sold better. Those 100M+ will never be seen by us, so why attach such meaning to it when Xbox is able to stand toe-to-toe with like 44M+ less than that. I find that much more impressive than hallow numbers

    We're not casuals so we aren't affected by the mainstream effect. I sure ain't. It's why I own an Unpatched Switch, bcuz I don't look at things based on what the mainstream offers me. Bcuz of that I was able to detach useless labels and get any game I want anytime. Call it improper, but Switch doesn't offer it's users much incentive to stay green as they lower the ball. Look at Series S even. Only got it cause its available and actually affordable during 2021. Couple Rewards and I was able to build a collection in 2y. Nothing to do with sales, just more convenient at the time

    Received a PS4 and will begin investing in it this year, but I was only interested in that offer so I can play games not on the Xbox, once again nothing to do with false winning due to sales. Merely had what I needed. Also when you speak of PlayStation you're speaking on behalf a much older piece in gaming who resides in Japan. When PlayStation is like your biggest avenue, you invest all you got. Xbox ain't that to Microsoft. Reasonable to see why the investment ain't there. And yet they still compete toe-to-toe where it counts. I just personally wouldn't take Xbox being considered a loser when bro got all PlayStation got, make it make sense, the name is perfectly fine btw. Using numbers just mad IQ problem nothing else

    Also don't ever mention Switch ever again in regards to Xbox losing, don't. That's the very definition of letting numbers speak for your case when you got none. Switch is by far the worst user experience in the modern age of console, please don't 😅 | Next time you make an "Xbox loser" video, please don't do the tired and true method of dropping sale figures and just dashing out the exit. Its lazy and leaves me learning nothing. "Hey I know you're gonna perform worse this quarter, just reminding you. Yeah you're just about similar in everything I do, better sometimes, but I sold more" – nothing to gain from that advice

  7. pls don't attack me and Insult me for saying this
    How about we…Ignore the dumb ass console wars, stop trash talking consoles we've never experiences, and buy what we prefer, ok? lets Ignore the statistics, Ignore trash games that your not going to play to begin with, and buy a ps5 or xbox, because you want to, not because hates told you to not buy a ps5 or an xbox, because you want to have fun, right? thats the whole point of consoles (pls don't attack, pls don't attack)

  8. I want the xbox because I wanna play forza games, pls STFU about console wars and how xbox Is losing and It's trash, you ain't even buy It and see for yourself, most of yall are listening to the internet telling you to hate it I just want to have fun, THATS THE HOLE POINT OF CONSOLES 😢😢😭😭

  9. If MS didnt have the Additude they have to be the Number One…there would be no loosing ….just selling less Games as Sony , Nintendo and Steam…
    now they need 100 Mill GamePass Subcribers to get theyr Profit with GamePass.( is that true ?GP dont have much more Subcribers on Konsole/PC/Android then Switch Online just on Switch?…if that is true..thats Outch! Ms Should screew GP and make Profit with selling theyr Games ..couse with BugTesters StarField and the new CoD Game they wasted just Money yet…Money what they could push in Medijoker Halo Infinity yet or even better..Fable4 and other IPs X Box as Console had Fame for . It was also dumb by Phil saying theyr Fans they dont beleve in good Games ..just in subscripsionService .With that Nonsence i dont wonder why the Portal is outselling the Series X /s in Europe….I dont know how the US Consumer Mentality is..but is it really " SubscripsionService for Medijoker Games?Hell Yeah! Best Thing ive ever had as VideoGameFan!"? Naaaaa US Peopel can be like that! They love to own a Big Nice Quality Car and not rent a old one like Al Bundy drive around …

  10. Sony delaying games and firing developers and MBG saying he's quitting gaming if Microsoft wins this generation Sony have no leader, Getting sued for 8 Billion for ripping their customers off, TLOU 2 Factions gets shelved, Ponies begging for Blade to come to PS, The top selling game on PS right now is COD a ( Xbox ) game, Jim Ryan said PS can't survive without COD, Wolverine gets leaked, and they got hacked, And in the leak Wolverine documents 📃 Sony said they're concerned about Microsoft acquiring Activision, PS Portal is a flop, PSVR2 a flop, and their exclusives aren't making them that much money like they thought they would, Sony forced Insomniac to cut their budget for Spider-Man 3 Damn Sony is down bad 🤣

  11. Few errors here.
    After Wii came WiiU that did not out sold anything.
    X360 was not more powerful or better than PS3 hardwarewise (raw power), nor was X1 comparing to PS4.
    X1 cost more than PS4 at launch, 100$ more.
    It is very common to lose money on console sales but make it back with software sales. Sony have dona this many times.

    Other than that you might be on to something.

  12. To be honest Xbox won the 360 ps3 gen. Xbox stopped production in 2012 Ps3 still sold for $129 and then $99 for another 4 years By the time Ps3 overtook 360 sales the generation was over and xbox was focusing on Xbox 1.Stop just going to wiki and pulling raw data. Xbox was in the lead the whole generation until the end. You had to be there.

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