Ukraine War Update NEWS (20240112b): Military Aid &

Ukraine War Update NEWS (20240112b): Military Aid & Geopolitical News,

#Ukraine #War #Update #NEWS #20240112b #Military #Aid

“ATP Geopolitics”

Here is today’s UWU NEWS giving you all the nuggets you need to add to your understanding of events.

My article mentioned:


Russian losses open-source data set…



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  1. morning Mr Pierce…
    After following your channel for 2 years I noticed, during your last 4 or five videos, a decline in your use of words and phrases.
    I suspect this is not due to your condition, but to plain exhaustion.
    you now produce 3 or sometimes 5 videos a day. c'mon man !
    you clearly need a break…
    sit back for a week, look after yourself, have some more tea and watch the rugby.
    I watch your videos every day but will survive with Denys's stuff "kaputting" the Russians and Ukraine matters and thorsten heinrich and ZDF Ukraine Lagebericht etc..
    all with less commitment, enthusiasm, (obsession), but let them step up for a week to give you that much-needed break…
    again, look after yourself..
    your nr 2 fan..

  2. I wonder of UK would be willing to pay for drones built in Ukraine. Article yesterday saying that Ukraine is making drones faster than the Ukr government can pay for them.

    I don't understand the deal EC is making with Orban. Earlier there was discussion "paying off" Orban/Hungary to make the deal go through.

    [LoL] the first time I heard you say it, it sounded like "get b**bs on the ground" [LoL] First reaction was,

    I also read that Poland is holding and returning men crossing it's borders.

    I saw a report of "twiggy" drone made in Africa. The problem with "twiggies" is that the pieces are not symmetrical. The motors have to be roughly the same distance from the center, pointing in the right directions. It is easier to assemble and properly balance the drone using machined parts.
    I found my earlier reference to a "twiggy". It was the same video as you showed, released November last year. It was about a Yemeni, not Houthie specific builder.

    Here is a YT making a very simple drone using Popsicle sticks:

    Where does Andrew Perpetua get the 60% range for Drell bombs? May be right, compare the "fins" on drell to "wings" on russian "GLSDB".
    "Advantange" of Drell is that it is produced on an assembly line.
    The current russian versions of GLSDB "glide bombs" are "slapped together". If you look at the welds on them, they are very "manual". And there have been several reports of the glide kits failing. I've seen at least 2 pictures of russian "GLSDB" that 'plopped" into the ground basically intact.

    The republican plan for Ukraine. I'm not clear, isn't that plan from the Senate, not the Congress? Congress is where the problem is.

    I saw a report about russia whining about the russian investments being used to finance Ukraine. Russia has already nationalized a bunch of western investements, forcing sales for nominal $1, not allowing owners to remove most of the proceeds of the sale from russia. Latest one I saw was a luxury auto dealership in Moscow was taken over in December.

    Russia whining about west bombing the houthies is a real belly laugh.

  3. Your not a globalist British person. Your a leftie that is having the Penny dropped.

    You spelled out the axis of evil that for years the USA NATO and the west was standing up to.

    But people like you were criticising and branding as he devil. America and its influence was evil. Profit was evil, doing business with america was evil.

    And now that your seeing what the alternative is. Putin, Iran, China, North Korea, Would you have your facebook channel with the mad mullahs in charge.

    You people branded people racist for pointing that out.

    So the penny is dropping. The Axis of Evil, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Hungary, ETC ETC are going about their business.

    Yet the west is doing NOTHING in response.

    BIDEN the gutless appeaser is doing nothing. While North Korea attacks the Ukraine with its missiles.


  4. Both the USA and the UK are losing their hegemony around the world gradually. They lost each war they fought in the last decade the last one was Afghanistan and had lost in Ukraine. China, Russia, and India are strengthening power, get ready for that change!

  5. It's just the sort of baseless words the world has got used too by the Putlican party, while the border is crying out for that money they're blocking. Hope they get paid in dollars because the Rubel is worthless! 😒

  6. Again the GOP are playing with Ukrainian lives as they blame Pres Biden on one hand while voting against Ukrainian aid with their other hand. Talk about twisted bastards as they risk our National Security and Europe's for their sic power grab. The GOP claims to have a Plan for victory in Ukraine which is bullsh*t as it part of their twisted salad talk to pass the blame to Pres Biden when the blame is on them for not approving any aid to Ukraine.

  7. Notice how few Taiwanese microchips are getting through to Russia ?! They are so much better capable of security and distribution control? Speaks to some form of greed is in play at some pont in the American chip distribution chain.

  8. The UK contribution of Β£2.5b is a niggardly sum in my opinion and falls far short of the 2.5% of GDP proposed and implemented by Estonia (or was it Latvia or Lithuania?). If the UK had shown itself a leader in this as it did with MBT's and long range missiles it could have had an impact on the policies of other European govts. in this regard too. Also, although the UK equipment cupboard is frequently described as bare there are in excess of 200 Challenger 2 MBT's in storage which could be refurbished and sent to Ukraine. In addition, we hear little or nothing about the establishment of new factories for armaments production in the UK to replenish used stock and increase it for the future or for supply to Ukraine. If the govt. acknowledges the threat to democracy and the rule of international law why is it still so half-hearted in its response? Rhetoric is all very well but it doesn't put weapons in the hands of those who need them. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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