
Call Of Duty Has Stopped Pretending…The SBMM

Call Of Duty Has Stopped Pretending…The SBMM ‘Situation’

#Call #Duty #Stopped #Pretending…The #SBMM


Activision finally opens up on Skill Based Matchmaking in Call of Duty. What they have to say might not be what you want to hear. But there’s more here, if you read between the lines.

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  1. ▶▶SBMM has been a really hot topic for years now, and for years, Activision has stayed silent or denied it existed…until recently.◀◀
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  2. 7:40
    Hey Activision heres a fun fact: Ive played Call of duty religiusly from Cod 4 up until Cod Ghost. Came back to MW 2019 and was on and off again.
    How many days did i play the new MW3?
    1 day. Biggest waste of money of me life. Was spawn camped to Hèll.
    Couldn't believe the amount of sweating i was experiencing. Im a sweaty my self but damn, it was my first day, let me get my beaeins in.

  3. But does every game have to feel like its been tainted by fortnite destiny dark souls or GTA? Where is the originality, the vision, the dream? Its like watching legacy media. Its boring all the same bs reruns. Game industry meets Hollywood. Same plot on every game just different actor's.

  4. Matchmaking was much better on MW2 and Black ops 4. Now, it is constant swear lobby’s. I have to basically snort a line of crack if I want a chance in any lobby. I is not semi relaxed like it used to be.

  5. Im not understanding how this is a "situation". COD is the king. Of course they would not want share too much how they do their matchmaking in the past. To hear them share in some detail now is kind of cool I guess. But… they have more players than any other shooter out there. I.e. they are doing things more "right" than anyone.. its not even close too.
    If there are some people not happy about how matchmaking is done… play another game. lol they HAVE to appeal to the broadest audience as possible, which they absolutely should. Thats in no way bad to me.. Obviously the vast majortity of COD players dont care too much, cause end of day they are having fun and staying engaged. You seem to be projecting a negative slant to this video and I just dont really understand why.

  6. "Those less skilled players would constantly die to higher skilled players, causing those less skilled players to quit the lobby and that would hurt the overall experience. At least according to the devs."
    As one of those less skilled players I'm going to agree with the devs. So it's according to me too.
    I have NEVER found a PvP shooter that I've enjoyed playing because it always goes the same way. I join games, I get my ass kicked by players more skilled than me, I get frustrated, the combination of frustration and constantly dying means I can't practice shit and I don't learn a damn thing so it's impossible to get better, I quit the game and try something new, only to repeat and repeat until I just avoid PvP game entirely.
    I would love a system that's actually based on skill and performance, as long as it takes into account long term performance so people can't skew they system by deliberately playing bad in a couple of game just to get into a newbie game. I would love being able to log in as an F tier player knowing that my matches will be against other F tier players, because then maybe, just maybe, I'll enjoy myself and actually be able to practice, learn, and 'get good', possibly even getting good enough to move up the tiers.

    Yes, devs want to get lots of players so they sell lots of games and earn lots of money.
    A game that doesn't get enough players, that doesn't earn enough money, get shut down and then YOU can't play it.
    If they don't get lots of players, they don't sell lots of games, they have less enthusiasm to make the next game, they have less incentive to put time and money into making a good game, a good game that YOU will like. If you want this genre to be big and have good games, then you need there to be a ton of players who want to play, who want to stick around and 'get good'.

  7. Connection is NOT a variable. I am in central US and I am constantly getting in games that are primarily EU and East Asia servers. I can not remember the last time I had a game without serious connection issues.

    PS: I am an extremely casual player. I am by no means the best or even good in my opinion.

  8. Its wild they say that SBMM keeps players engaged more, SBMM literally killed CoD for me, and im far from the only person who has quit playing for that reason. Its the reason i dont play Warzone anymore. As an adult with a job and a life i dont have time to sit and grind my skills, and i always got thrown into lobbies with players of my skill AND HIGHER. It makes for a very demanding, frustrating experience when youre just trying to jump in for a few casual games. SBMM has no place in public lobbies and should be strictly reserved for ranked style play, or those that want the extreme challenge, it should not be forced on every player.

  9. I haven't played since the mw2 mw3 days.
    My brother got me on dmz not long ago. Absolutely love it. Just to find out they aren't making anything else for it lmao.
    So once that's done it's back to not playing COD anymore.

    Only other thing COD I would play is a mw2 or 3 remaster with the multi-player mode. Not the story bs they did with mw2.
    Guess they know people would prefer that over all their new stuff.

  10. yep sales are going down and now they share this BS..we all know whats going on. when you go 15-0 in a match. the hitboxes keep getting smaller and you take way more damage 😉

  11. So whats the real problem with sbmm are people really just mad about having to play with people thier skill level and not being able to hop in a game and destroy some noobs?

  12. The giving players proportionated wins and losses experiences is a whole mess that's not at all easy to untangle. And part of it is the players' fault. From the noobs who want wins without investing any effort to improve and get good to the high skill players that whine about others sweating, which means finding players capable of beating them. The biggest issue perhaps is that: too many players only want a bullshit experience of curbstomping lesser skilled players to fool themselves into thinking they're like gods and too few do enjoy being challenged, beating the challenges when doing things well and, when not, lose to them and learn from them and get better until eventually they've moved from being the newb everyone curbstomps into performances at the level of the top players and winning the singular scores against the top players in the enemy team.
    I wrote that before finishing the video. So, one final thing: the casual vs competitive, my answer to that is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The competitive crowd is the most whiny, whimpy and casual of all. I'll tell you my experience in another game when it started have clan vs clan ranked matches. So, I always have considered myself casual. And there were a bunch of "competitive" players in the clan I joined, though not that many. As a gesture of respect to the clan I decided to sign to be available to join their ranked matches if they only had four "competitive" players to help them and allow them having the matches. We make a party and this is how it goes: someone says "this top level clan is queueing", my casual ass "Good, what are we waiting for? Let's go show them we're better!"; the competitive players "nooooo, they'll beat us, wait till they get a match so we can get a low ranked clan team for an easy win, waaaah waaaaah". Fucking hell, and they are the ones who claimed to be competitive. From seeing videos and reading from other players, that's kind of the mindset of the so called "competitive" players. Just a bunch of wussies that want easy wins to artificially inflate their results to a level they don't deserve or are not willing to prove they deserve. Meanwhile casual me is wanting to prove my actual skill and get to where I can beat the top players.
    I also find kind of appalling the conclusion. WTF skill shouldn't be part of a skill based match making? WTF Magnus Carlsen should be having the chance to play a five year olds bracket? Of course skill got to be considered! And KDR! And recent form, though that's more debatable! No, the goal of any decent skill based match making is to set the two teams with players of as similar skill level as possible. That said, I think it's also important to leave room for the chance of getting a match of a group of low levels against a group of top levels, because when that happened in FAO it served me to jump one or two skill level tiers. First I went from crap player (reaching 10 kills was a 'good' match) to average player (can get regularly around 15 and some times even reach 20) to top player (40+ kills often, get more kills than deaths when engaging against the top players of the server playing on the enemy team, gets hackusated more and more).
    Sorry for wall of text.

  13. I think the skill-based match making, even if flawed, conceptually makes sense tho. So what am I missing? As a noob & solo & I quit DMZ because it was overwhelming and so was BR & other modes.
    I love MWZ because at least I can play, make progress and achieve something.

  14. So wins and loses are supposed to be more balanced but when you constantly throw me in a lobby with bad players against a full sweat squad doesn’t seem very balanced.

  15. It's obviously been a thing for years. I played a lot of the original MW2 and first Black Ops , and was terrible at it and would get destroyed a lot, but… it was fun. And it pushed me to get better. Playing COD nowadays, it's like playing in lobbies of clones of myself where everyone kinda does about as well as each other, and it is mind-numbingly boring. On top of that it's just not fun at all anymore. My peak playing era was the original Black Ops, and I don't think I'll ever get that kind of fun out of a multiplayer ever again.

  16. As a former player who was VERY good back in original MW2 and 3, but became too busy to play and turned into a barely better than noobies, in more recente games I really hated getting matched with people who have "all day" to play. I never stood a chance. Same when I was good! I'd prefer more evenly matched games than getting 30k/1d ratios. Of course the companies have their shady reasons for doing this, but I preferred skill-based matchmaking.

  17. I feel that only good players complain about sbmm. For me as an average player i would prefer to play against people at a similar skill. PUBG doesn't have sbmm and i have stopped playing that game because i get absolutely owned.

  18. This isn't related to the video, but I wanted to ask you a question, LtBuzzLiteBeer:
    Have you ever done voice acting?
    The reason I ask is because you sound like the voice in the "Private Murnahan's Holotape" found in Fallout 4 at Fort Strong.
    Doppleganger voice, if not.

  19. Idk why people hate SBMM so much. I really don’t want to have a streamer or someone with no life to win every match. Occasionally I get bodied by some insane players, sometimes I get paired up against bots. Really, it’s just the top percentile wanting to play against terrible opponents every round that seem to have an issue with the system.

  20. Correct me if Im wrong, but SBMM is term coming from COD devs themself.
    I played MW on PC in 2007, no SBMM, pure fun, admins did their job, server was as good as its admin.

  21. I still feel like performance IS the dominant factor that puts us in our lobbies. My dad loves playing MW3 when he’s done with paperwork. Sometimes when I’m at my parents house, I’ll hop on and click whatever playlist he had on. I rarely play CoD and I SMACK everyone’s ass in the lobbies. Makes me feel like an esports player with how bad his lobbies are.

    I absolutely hate the “experience wins and loses proportionately” line.” It’s be nice to just go in a lobby, kick everyone’s ass, or have someone kick my ass. Having even teams is so boring.

  22. The Destiny community begged for years to remove sbmm from crucible. They eventually got it. Strictly connection base match making… Wasnt long before the community started hollering about unfair matches and there pvp numbers dropped way off. So much so they reinstated a form of sbmm.

  23. People will hate, but SBMM is good.
    it gives those Twitch people their own lobbies, and they can play against each other!
    And I can just enjoy playing with people whom are at my skill level on PS4 with 30 FPS.

    I'm happy, they are not happy (even better), and call it a day.
    I want to jump in, play for a couple of hours, and go to sleep.
    It is not fair to play against someone who is playing 24/7
    Where is the fun for me in that?

  24. Personally, I look at it under the assumption that they've had comparable sbmm since cod 4, but since the lobby disbands after every game the game looks for equally skilled players each and every match. Comparing this system to that of the old days with lobbies that stayed together, the game only has to match you with players when you first look for a match as well as if you back out and go back to the menus. In the old days if you were getting stomped a couple games in a row you probably left the lobby to re-roll your odds at getting a less sweaty game, You then got matched with players in easier lobbies thus creating a larger margin of error and more variety. This caused you to stick around for a while before eventually changing lobbies and re-rolling who you get matched with. Modern cod sbmm matches you with players that match you performance EVERY GAME. Which leads to a more accurate assessment of everyone's performance and a very small margin of error which creates less variety where every game seems super sweaty.

    Therefore I assume that disbanding lobbies exaggerates the effects of sbmm and sucks the life out of modern cod.

  25. Something I'd love for a MM thing at some point for a game, especially for MP games like COD, Halo etc, is a unique toggle. Do you want sweaty MM, because you're in the mood to really crank out and push your skills to the max? Or, do you want casual, where you're going to just mess around (Like how Team Fortress 2 has people who just goof around, be friendly etc, then the tryhards), and goof off with friends. Maybe a mixture toggle, allowing a 'yeah, sure, give me some crazy matches, and matches that are chill.'

    We'd probably see casual MM toggle having the most, or mixed, if people leave it default.

  26. Why do I keep getting the same map and mode 4-6 times in a row if modes are a factor, why is there either one person extremely lagadocious if connection is high in the priority list. Majority of my matches do not align with how they claim it works.

  27. A lot of bigger voices in the community have been saying this for years—it’s not SBMM, it’s EOMM. The entire experience is a slot machine designed to drip feed you dopamine to keep you playing as long as possible.

  28. Finally, someone that will talk about this issue.
    As a long "OG" COD fan, playing since cod 2 up until MW19 i truly hate COD as it sits today, resulting in not playing. TBH i enjoy many roblox games more, and as a 35 yo man that does not come easy.

    They wont get a single dime from me until i can see someone actually confirm that the SBMM is gone, for good or any other BS .
    If only the playerbase got togheter as they did with ARK…. we would have your old COD back to basic.

    Kjells_angels-_- /Agent Dex / Sinna

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