The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

#Paradox #Infinite #Universe

“Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell”

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  1. "Today we know that the universe had a beginning 14 billion years ago" no we don't, its our best guess on how old it is but we don't actually even know that it began at all or when. The universe having always existed of course breaks logic. speaking on something outside of our own existence we definitely do not "know" it.

  2. 1. The Big Bang is just a THEORY, it is not a certainty of what happened in the past.
    2. Scientists think of Big Bang as plausible because the universe is expanding. But is it? Just because you see Red Shift in far Galaxies from Earth doesn't mean that universe is expanding. And if it is assumed to be expanding, then WHERE IS THE CENTER??
    3. We should be humble and not confidently claim that Big Bang is a certain thing in the past nor far Galaxies are moving away. First how they measure the distance & speed of the galaxy? It was measured using the same tool, the Red/Blue shift (Doppler Effect) and from this they derive the distance (how strange is that). Please research on the way they measure distance and speed. In the end it is just an unproven logic.

    What if I told you that the universe is not linear, it is dependent on the consciousness of the observer. If you are here watching this then the center of the universe is you, the fabric of universe is created like a tapestry of spider web, in a similar pattern of the Sunflower. In this way the object farther away will "appear" to move further away from us because if you take the line from center outward you will see the cross-points will hit with increasing distance. So, in this explanation we answer several things: the center of universe is YOU and the far objects are NOT moving further away from you, it is that the universe tapestry is slightly different for very distance objects.

  3. Mathematically speaking, in an infinite universe, not only is the seemingly impossible possible, but there is an infinite number of them. Consider the ludicrously small possibility of a bunch of monkeys in a room being able to type the entire works of William Shakespeare word for word. Now consider how much time would have to pass for this to occur once. The numbers are off the scale. But not impossible. In an infinite universe the monkeys would produce an infinite number of copies of the works of Shakespeare. Mind boggling isn't it :))

  4. Why would there be an infinite amount of particles in a universe with infinite space? Assuming the big bang as fact and that all matter came from it.

  5. I have a couple thoughts. If a finite universe with an edge suggests that there would have to be something on the other side of that edge, is that even considered finite? If there's always something on the outside of the edge then surely by definition that's infinite.

    Secondly, there's always the thought that an infinite universe means there's infinite stuff, but that's not true. It's perfectly plausible for there to be infinite space but the further out you get the less and less stuff there is, until you reach a point that's just blank space forever.

  6. 2:59 I'm sorry what, this might be extremely dumb and stupid but i have a question, if you go in a straight line from Earth you will come back to Earth as the theory says, so if you look through an extremely advanced telescope which is looking in a straight line, does that mean you will hypothetically see Earth from Earth

  7. I have a question maybe you can help me with that, If we can't actually see what’s happening in other planets in real time, how do we know we are the only ones and that there isn't life or other forms of life out there?

  8. The writings in these videos is getting kinda bad,

    Idk who they replaced but this is pretty much just the same things they said in other videos but with worse phrasing, music, and really not relevant to itself,

    For example the way they moved from “the universe is infinite so anything could happen” to “how do you know if you really are you” is terrible and made no sense as a connection.
    Same goes with many other random unrelated things they said

  9. L'integrazione di infiniti infinitesimi non è sempre possibile però…
    L'esistenza di infiniti me significa che la probabilità è integrabile, in un intervallo piccolo ma finito, altrimenti una probabilità infinitesima non integrabile è effetivamente indistinguibile da zero

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