
What Can the West learn from China’s Two Sessions?

What Can the West learn from China’s Two Sessions? Conversation w/ Carl Zha! Part 2

#West #learn #Chinas #Sessions

“Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou”

In its recent two sessions, China’s Premier Li Qiang delivered the Chinese government work report. One thing is sure: China seems well-positioned to achieve the ambitious goals announced at the lianghui, and Washington should be prepared for that eventuality. The world order is changing…



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  1. The $1 Billiion supposedly "investments" in the Philippines for chips are for upgrades to the existing chi[p-packaging and chip-testing equipment of Texas Instruments in the Phiiippines. Nothing for chip fabrication itself. This billion-dollar investment was already planned and scheduled by Texas Instruments two years ago, so in actuality, there is NO NEW, ADDITIONAL investment going to the Philippines.

  2. Vietnam badly need North-South HSR, missing this link vastly hinders Vietnam economy growth.
    As Japan rail technology cannot solve technical issue in this difficult project, Vietnam officials had been keenly discussing to China for months and hope China to overtake the project.

  3. Dr. David,
    Does the coerced sale of TikTok amount to a nationalisation of a foreign company in US or an attempt to steal its technology or an act that goes directly against the democratic values snd freedom of expression guaranteed by the US Constitution?

  4. FYI: Recently the U.S just prized and cheer on about Mexico taking over China Export to the U.S. But in reality China is transferring its old out dated business or obsolete manufacture product to Mexico to replace with newer upgraded and Ai manufacturing of the future.

  5. Gosh, I hope America doesn't apply the "Rules Based Order" on other spheres like sports. Otherwise when American athletes see a potential gold medal threat, they can direct their coach to "go cripple him!"

  6. USA economy can't be saved for many simple reasons.

    🔸 Americans sure can enjoy the China made $5-10k EV and use the extra money on other things.

    🔸 It's too expensive to product so all moved overseas. When some Chineses try to build some manufacturers here, then the politicians will try to shut them down. TOUGH ON CHINA keep voting for me.😂😢😮😅

    🔸 Farmers complaining about all types of problems. When Chinese buys the same bad farm to farm, then politicians will get Americans to make some noise about it.

  7. In spite of its hawkish China policies, the US seems to really love China. First, the US sent its industry to China, leading to the latter's spectacular rise. Now the US is helping China achieve technological self-reliance by, paradoxically enough, trying to choke China's access to high-end tech. Of course, the counterintuitive actions of the US are based on its exceptionalist belief that China is inherently incapable of innovating. Let's hope US politicians never read J. Needham's classic multi-volume "Science and Civilization in China", which documents millenia of ancient Chinese innovations; otherwise, they might be disabused of their hubris. As Napoleon (author of the China as sleeping dragon quote) said: "never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake".

  8. Since World War II, American foreign policy has adhered to a clear guiding principle: "You are either with us or against us." Despite their international strategy's ethical concerns, brutality, and repulsiveness, the concept of self-defense includes the act of claiming genocide. Any nation that ignores the abhorrent and inhumane characteristics of its policy is in direct opposition to them. No nation has the authority to voice dissent or criticism. Every nation should adhere to its authority, as its power determines what is just. Their foreign policy reflects a deeply ingrained mindset of dominance and control. Their dictionary defines genocide denial as an act of self-defense.

    It is believed that even Russia and China are within reach. Both China and Russia have developed beyond the reach of the hegemons. Russia and China have attained a degree of intricacy that challenges straightforward classification within the contemporary geopolitical sphere. Unlike the past few decades, these established powers have lost interest in hegemonic tricks and deceptions and now emanate unwavering confidence as major superpowers. Norms of lies, deception, and human indignity profoundly penetrate their consciousness. These are coming to an end soon, as China and Russia have advanced to the point where dominance is no longer feasible or nearly impossible. A false show of confidence in their strength is no longer marketable for those who have emerged as significant superpowers.

    The US is the only country whose foreign policy could have as destructive an impact as a full-scale nuclear war. The United States' exaggerated belief in its military dominance, based on questionable foundations, has been exposed as a bluff by the world. A continuous and unchanged violation of obligation, spanning from Vietnam to Afghanistan and now to Ukraine. The time has come to put an end to its inhuman global reach and influence. The possibility of a terrifying nuclear war anxiously hangs ominously in the balance and tensely determines its fate and destiny.

  9. Great to see Carl on your show, David. May I suggest you check our clip? We are three long timers in China with a combined 65 years of experience.
    Check it out here!
    The 3Ms on China's Collapse – which of the several challenges will break China and when?

  10. China's planes initially won't be as good as either Boeing or AirBus, so getting better in their own market is wise!
    Eventually, like EV's China's planes will be better, then selling beyond their own market will introduce competition!

  11. As a software developer, we've always hated Apple, even as we can respect them as a hardware company!
    Apple caused prices to rise for no real reason & Apple refuses to open their system for fear of losing market share.
    While the concept of an App Store for safety is good, they use it as a way to extort developers.
    However, this behavior is unseen by end users, but the high prices is the real effect on them.

  12. 8:07 socialism for the rich, hahaha…. socialism is for my buddies is more like it… 2008 the administration JUST GAVE away almost everything to their buddies without any due processes. other buddies get bonuses so they will go along with whatever they give away…

  13. Great show. Unfortunately the West will never learn from China. It’s collective attitude is we’re superior and we know everything. This is very sad and potentially catastrophic for the world. I suggest people learn about the Thucydides Trap, a very important and crucial concept.

  14. It seems like Western and European countries are shooting on their foot lol. Why won't allow the cheap car from China, it is more disturbing how these western governments are milking it's own citizens, so glad to see what China is doing great to it citizens.

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