Doom Console Ports Comparison – Part 2

Doom Console Ports Comparison – Part 2

#Doom #Console #Ports #Comparison #Part


With my new found free time, I’ve branched out from just playing Doom on the computer all the time and have been playing Doom on various other formats instead! Here’s a look at how the game was translated on to the various home consoles at the dawn of the 32-bit era.




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  1. ps1 music is terrible. not a fan at all. but the rest of the game is pretty awesome. I picked up Final Doom a while back, but havent played the 1st PS1 Doom in a while.

  2. Dude! I had Doom on PSX (and PC but the doom port was my favorite way to play) and I would listen to that techno song on the CD sometimes and I had no idea there was a secret level that used that music haha I thought the song was just on the CD to fill out the disk 🤣

  3. I'm glad that Doom ports started to grow up once the Playstation era hit but god it still felt like they were too scared to leave the Jaguar comfort zone, the fuckin' cowards. Still, we got some gold out of it:

    PSX: This one felt like it was inspired by yet acted in DEFIANCE of the Jaguar port. It basically shows just how shit the Jaguar ultimately was in the end. Yes Atari we DID do the math and you and your fucking toilet wasn't anywhere NEAR up to snuff. Sure PSX Doom had its maps but unlike the Jaguar version and its miserably Carmack-friendly lazy POS nephew the GBA port of Doom 1, it at least tried to insert as much as it could in there because PSX discs were beefy and spacious as fuck. We got the Cyberdemon AND the Spider-mind AND almost all of Doom 2's monsters and levels! Eat shit, GBA. Although we didn't get the Arch-Vile. But some would say that's an acceptable loss because fuck that guy. Fitting most of Doom 2's maps and even Thy Flesh Consumed's stuff was impressive and a good showcase of the Playstation's abilities. The coloured lighting was a bonus. Although I feel like some of the Aubrey Hodges music starts to blur together after a point even if it makes Doom spoojy. I'll just take Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson ripping off Cannibal Corpse, thanks.

    3DO: This one's on that dumbass Randy Scott's pie-in-the-sky dreams and his refusal to do some fucking research on consoles. Which sadly means he was simply acting as expected of a video game big wig and he'd thus fit in today. Bless Becky, she tried her best, its just Randy turned an uphill struggle into "Fuck you and climb the Burj Khalifa with your bare hands and you better fly like Superman up there". What is it with people named Randy being such fucking dipshits?

    Saturn: And this one I'm blaming on hyperintelligence who can see 50,000 lightyears into the future John Carmack. See, the devs of this port did the brilliant Saturn reinterpretation of PowerSlave that turned it into an FPS Metroidvania before Metroid Prime. Its the one the Exhumed remaster is based on. But Carmack seemed to fling his toys out of the pram because their engine had texture warping issues that weren't even a big deal. So we ended up with a version of PSX Doom crammed onto a console Sega kinda fucked over. People keep saying the Japanese version is smoother but that's been disproven heavily. Really I'd TAKE the texture warping if it meant that port was playable. At least Carmack apologized for it. But uhhh if he also was the reason the GBA port was the disappointing child of the family, can he apologize for that too?

  4. Neat, didn't know how good the Playstation port was. I knew it had more levels and put some Doom 2 enemies in earlier levels, but seeing how close it was to the PC version is nice. I still think the Jaguar port had the best layout, the controller was pretty clunky but at least its number pad allowed for all the weapons to be an easy press instead of having to toggle.

    The Doom II port to GBA is often overlooked. It has its own issues but is otherwise extremely solid, with no cuts to levels. The biggest change is it technically has 33 levels, as Industrial Zone is split into two maps.

  5. Loved this video (and the previous one), so I look so much forward to part 3! I'm kinda surprised how good the PlayStation port looks, because I recall trying that, way back in the 90's, after having already fallen madly in love with the DOS game, and being very disappointed.

    I suppose that cliffhanger at the end was referring to Doom 64, which I'm REALLY excited to hear you talk about as it's just SO different from all the other ports 😃

  6. If I recall correctly, the reason the Saturn port would have initially struggled with rendering Doom is because it uses quadrilaterals with textures painted/distorted onto each one to render 3D models instead of triangles. This can be best seen on the Saturn port of Tomb Raider, where if the "distortion" is turned off, all of the textures from the environment just appear as squares moving around a black void.
    Or at least, I know that that's a thing it does (combined with my own admittedly hazy memory), whether that actually is the reason Saturn Doom it the way it is… I'm not a programmer.

  7. It's neat to see a cool segment on the ps1 version of doom. It was my first doom, and i never played the pc version at all until 2021

    For me, it's the pc version that feels weird to me.

  8. Unless the other members of Randy Scott's band were as twisted and gross as him, I'd love to know more about how those guys re-recorded the Bobby Prince Doom compositions. There is some professionalism in the performance and mastering.

  9. On the issue of music between PSX and Saturn versions – I know PSX version doesn't stream in the audio, but rather generates it through essentially a tracker in real time. It's possible that the Saturn hardware just wasn't capable of that on the same scale.

  10. These videos are fun. We spent DOOM's 30th anniversary last December playing the game across 12 different versions (9 official, 3 fan-made) on stream and hearing others thoughts on all these versions we recently checked out is a blast.

  11. I should check out the PS1 TC mod. I always loved Aubrey Hodges dark ambient music in Doom 64, so I want to hear it applied to the original Doom 1 and 2 levels to see how much it changes the atmosphere.

    I watched an interview with Rebecca once and hearing the story of the 3DO port’s development was wild. At first I was content to just view Randy Scott as “an incompetent boss who still had surprising musical talent,” but upon hearing WHY he was eventually arrested I went “oh dang, now I feel even more sorry for Rebecca for having to put up with that guy.”

  12. There is another and probably the best total conversion of Playstation Doom which is PSX Doom CE. (Which I assume stands for Complete Edition) And there is Doom 64 CE which is by far the best version of Doom 64.

  13. Saturn port certainly got very unlucky as John Carmack managed to ruin it. But that's graphics and FPS. There is more problems that the SEGA Saturn port has like button mapping to which I don't know whether it's Saturn being like that or some incompetence from the dev or a little bit of both.

    Shame the N64 port wasn't part of this video though I could tell it's more of a new Doom game for N64 rather than just N64 port. And Doom 64 was a good game. That's another score for NintenDO that SEGA don't.

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