
What Did Your School Waste Money On That Nobody Liked?

What Did Your School Waste Money On That Nobody Liked?

#School #Waste #Money

“Untold Tales”

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  1. a high school in new zealand I worked called rhs brought 20 air purifiers that costed them 560 dollars each because they a class they had was doing and experiment to try and fight air pollution

  2. During junior year of high school, they spent $10,000 on a giant metal fence that surrounded the courtyard because they believed it would prevent students from sneaking out of class & leaving as well as stopping potential school shooters & whatnot. All it did was make students later for class & miss their bus due to the gate being very small & would often be left unattended. The worst part is that there is a back road you could take to get to the back of the school, which leads right to the courtyard, meaning if a school shooter went down that road & attacked us, we'd be trapped in the courtyard because of the fence. Parents & students complained about it, but the school thinks they know what they're doing & won't remove it.

    I drove by the school a few days ago & it's still up, though the gate was being held open by a brick, likely placed by a student.

  3. dafuq, story 18 sounds illegal, followed by illegal, followed by illegal.
    remove all security to make it easy to steal form the students.
    destroy your phone, or let us take it. you hide your phone in your bag? lets ban bags in class, and remove lockers, so they have to sit open in the halls while you sit in class…

  4. imagine you're in my school. My school has floor tiles that are cracked or gone, parts of classroom roofs sunken or giant holes from water damage, radiators on the top of the roof of classrooms, a hall way with 2 different coloured vinyl & carpet & ipads that Bearley run half the time, what do you think the school spends money on? Chickens. You heard me. Chickens, with a little Chicken hut, water & a cage. & unless you'er either A. Special needs or B. In a specific teachers class, nobody can go see them. My school makes a bunch of stupid decisions like that -_-

  5. My old school had a climbing wall and a trampoline (olympic size) neither of which we could use because they were “dangerous” when I asked if can’t use it why not sell it I was told “Oh no we can’t do that it was expensive “.

  6. So my school spent a lot of money on Rosetta Stone, for Spanish. My buddy and I were always quick studies on things that interested us, and typically by the first ten minutes we'd have around 4-5 modules done, or be taking the test for the unit. Our Spanish teacher gives us an ultimatum, either do a maximum of 4 Modules a day, or be given detention 'for making the other students need to work harder'. My buddy and I end up getting those done in the first fifteen minutes, and so we'd have the remaining 40 minutes left in class 'free to do with as we like' but first time we did such we got yelled at for wasting class time… The school also new Anti Virus and Site Protection, which blocked Google, YOutube, all the sites we needed for our classes, facebook, and anything remotely 'adult' including sites about the various wars, the bloody bits of history, and things like how to make Lemonade…. Long story short the school bought rosetta stone, got made when students proved to be quick learners, and had a protection program that made the students only able to get half their work done, because the IT department needed to KEEP allowing Google, Youtube, the online Courses websites, and the Schools Grading Report Program… I think they spent around 30K on the Site Protection, and then it basically locked the students out of what they needed to d their school work, then got made we knew it existed when it kept repeatedly blocking our ability to work on the schoolwork…

  7. Bro I don’t eat food at school because of how awful the school has been ran, there are these old lady running the food and always fat shame me, for example I was minding my business and rushed fast so I wouldn’t have to wait, they told me to calm down so I tried and because I was with my friend I was a lil chaotic and when they got my food I was dissatisfied with it, it was the special “uncrustables” and they were frozen as always so I never ate them, slowly all the food got cold and even more frozen, the bread tasted like it had been out for multiple decades and so I don’t eat breakfast or lunch because of this reason.

  8. A fence.

    My school was built in 1939, and the A building was so fucking old that my English teacher still had a typewriter underneath her desk. One day, we got a million dollars from the school district and the school president vouched to upgrade our wired fence with a barred one. Everyone voted no, but since she voted yes: then the fence it was. Like, what is anyone going to steal? And as for security reasons; well some dude managed to climb over the school wall from the nearby highway during a police chase, and another police chase that ended with a shootout on the other side of the fence across from an ongoing football game also took place in the same day. And the next day, an abandoned luggage was found within the premises and a three hour lock down ensued. Granted, the luggage was filled with textbooks – but it could have easily been a bomb. So I guess the fence didn’t do shit anyways.

  9. idk if anybody disliked them but the school bought these snow shoes sure they're neat but they aren't used much and i only remember using them once in one gym class

  10. My school bought macbooks sounds great right? You can only do school things on it can't even change wallpaper anymore or anything $1000 computers just wasted I mean it's personal macbooks is cool but I can't even personalize my personal computer I'm grateful for it but so many kids were doing stuff that we can't even email anymore that's how bad it got.

  11. I despise fake "Christians" like that. They purposely lie multiple times, set up an unnecessary space that the literal Good Book says do not do this, lock it away from student access and then proceed to parade and show sheer pride about lying about how they got that garden there.

  12. When I was in grade 8, we got a new principal and instead of using the school’s money for school supplies like textbooks and snacks (which we needed), he decides to replace the clocks, phones, PA system, and bells, which were WAY WORSE than their older counterparts. The phones didn’t work, the PA system was glitchy and barely audible, the bell sounded like a preschool show them song, and the clocks were actually fine but they didn’t remove the old ones and they put one upside down for some reason. We got use to it over time and the phones and PA system got fixed, but they could’ve used this money for other, and more important stuff. The snack budget got cut in the second term

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