
Working on More Repairs to the Bantam C35 Dragline Crane

Working on More Repairs to the Bantam C35 Dragline Crane – Track Roller Removal and Disassembly

#Working #Repairs #Bantam #C35 #Dragline #Crane

“Topper Machine LLC”

The Bantam C35 Dragline Crane I bought last year is getting a lot of work done to it. Most of this work is being done by my shop apprentice. Conner has learned a lot working with me in the shop and is doing a fantastic job on these projects.

The repairs to the crane are mostly in the track…



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  1. Have to commend you Josh for taking the time & effort to teach your skills & knowledge to the next generation, with Connor.
    It’s a great investment, he seems like a willing worker and keen to learn, so deserves to do well in life.
    Giving a kid a start says a lot about a man, & I think you should be justifiably proud.
    Keep up the good work. 👍👍👍🇦🇺

  2. A good tip for in the future Josh, when you heat a nut up like you did to help get it to turn, melt a birthday candle on top on the bolt and turn the nut at the same time. The paraffin from the candle will melt and leak down into the threads and act as a lubricant.

  3. My boss is some sicko wacko dude that dresses me up with a rubber dinosaur head, and he won't even let me talk. Then he gets his jollies by posting videos of me on the internet doing hard labor… LoL LoL LoL Just kidding. –Doozer

  4. I had no idea Connor was so young.
    Much respect for him.
    Sadly many kids his age can't run a register at a fast food joint anymore.
    Not to mention be given a task and left on their own to finish it.

    I have even more respect of you Josh as a boss/ mentor after watching this video.
    The way you handled problems and mistakes was so refreshing to see.

    When I was coming up in a different industry just a little older than Connor my boss would scream bloody murder if there was any sort of problem.
    No matter if it was beyond anyone's control, it was my fault somehow if a part was out of stock or a delivery was late due to bad weather.
    The tirade of insults would begin.
    "I can't believe you messed that up. It isn't rocket science. Do I need to get my daughter to come in here and do your job?
    She is in kindergarten but I'm sure she could do a better job."

    Needless to say I left that job.

  5. In addition to learning to operate machine tools you are teaching Connor how to use hand tools. I learned a lot of that from watching my Dad but not every Dad knows mechanical or woodworking stuff. As Yoda would say"Great mentor you is hmmm."AL B.

  6. Good to see Connor working, learning, and having some fun, or at least doing his calisthenics. 🙂

    The only thing that had me a little antsy was watching Connor pushing on that wrench with his hands. Good way to create a lot of temporary pain and bleeding. Ask me how I know…

  7. Following along with the apprentice was a nice surprise for this video. This type of video could be a nice sub-category for your channel. We can learn along with Conner!

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