
TLoZ 2nd Quest – 15 – the blue crescent, traded for some

TLoZ 2nd Quest – 15 – the blue crescent, traded for some meat

#TLoZ #2nd #Quest #blue #crescent #traded


after the session, I did the la-mulana special and looked around a map of the world, and I think I have some ideas to try ?



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  1. I find it interesting how both the first and second quest have a strangely easy dungeon found underneath a fairy's fountain. Maybe the designers treated the "fairy's fountain dungeon" as more of a freebie because of how fairies are linked to good fortune in this game's philosophy.

  2. I wonder if that "pick up a heart while dying" glitch does anything else?

    The dungeon shapes form a pattern. I'm guessing the others will be D and Z. D is a hidden level 0, so it spells DEALZ.

  3. So you're just supposed to find all the dungeons randomly? I'm not against that personally but I could not see that flying in the west, especially after how people dogged Milon's Secret Castle for doing literally the same thing.

  4. Death count: 23 [52] (4 today, though 12:43 is shenanigans for sure)
    Flawless victory count: 4 [13] (1 today: Three Dodongos at 2:50)
    (0:50) New version of an old enemy: Flashing Ropes. They're the same as Ropes from the first quest, but have 4 HP instead of 1. Their behavior and attack power are the same, though.
    (1:34) ' L
    (1:44) Picked up a fairy that you REALLY need!
    (2:00) Ack! Got destroyed anyway. First death today.
    (2:50) Alright, it's boss time, vs. three Dodongos!
    (3:09) Flawless victory! Max ❤ 6 → 7! Yes, this dungeon is unique in that its boss that guards the Heart Container is not directly before the Triforce room.
    (3:20) Whoa, you nearly got handed back to the start of the dungeon there. Although, that wouldn't have been much of a setback in this case.
    (3:47) Yeah, level 3… exists.
    (4:13) You did it! You beat level 3!
    (4:16) Funny how you're investigating the walls of the Triforce room here.
    (5:16) Nope, their only functional difference is that they have more HP. I'm actually a bit surprised they don't deal more damage as well.
    (5:39) If you want to farm for money, take the path directly east from the starting point on the overworld, which has blue Tektites and red Leevers that tend to give lots of cash. Then, take the shortcut stairs on the first blue Tektite screen, choose the center stairs to warp to the spot closest to the graveyard, and then farm cash money off the ghosts.
    (6:02) Caution, it's the skeleton crew, who love to toss their swords at you.
    (6:18) Grumble, Grumble… "Me hungry!" Heh, good thing you bought that meat! Make sure to buy more to fill that slot in your inventory again later and satisfy our OCDs. 😛
    (6:42) Magical 🪃 get! And with that, level 3 is now 100% done!
    (7:20) "Fire… hot!"
    (7:55) BARF!
    (8:00) This isn't the best place to farm cash money, but whatever.
    (8:58) The Armos statue rupee secrets in this area are the same as in the first quest.
    (9:46) …
    (10:30) PROTIP: Don't wander in front of a Lynel that's not moving if you didn't stun it with the Boomerang.
    (10:34) Stab. Dead.
    (12:43) Whoa, what?! Well then! I have never seen that happen before! So, apparently if you grab a dropped heart on the same frame you take lethal damage, the game will get confused, start playing the "item get" theme, show Link holding the heart over his head for 1 frame… and then die, despite having a non-zero amount of health. Obviously, I do call shenanigans on that one, but that's quite the interesting discovery!
    (13:08) 250 rupees reached!
    (13:22) Blue Ring purchased! Maybe the second quest won't kill you quite as often now.
    (13:26) No, you need at least 10 rupees in order to attempt the money making game.
    (13:52) Hmm…
    (14:27) Ooh, found a secret. Unfortunately, it's the kind of secret that dissuades you from looking for secrets…
    (14:32) "Pay me!"
    (14:52) Congratulations, you've discovered another Starbucks!
    (15:04) And, here's a gambling hall that you can't afford.
    (15:32) BINGO!!! Yeah, the Power Bracelet has uses besides the four shortcut stairs in the second quest! And, now you have reason to try pushing rocks like these on other screens that you haven't already found an entrance on.
    (15:36) Still need 12 hearts, but it's nice to know where to get this.
    (16:02) Nope, Ganon has relocated to another location.
    (16:35) Yep, this potion seller did not change.
    (17:20) Another potion seller, and this one could be convenient much later on.
    (17:40) Nice find!
    (17:49) Welcome to level 9! Too bad you're not authorized to enter yet.
    (17:56) Yoda, is that you? 😛
    (18:24) IMPORTANT NOTE: The rocks that can be moved with the Power Bracelet can ONLY be moved vertically. Pushing at them from the left or right will not work.
    (19:02) WHEW!!! I was worried you'd miss this one due to trying to push the rocks from the sides, but you fortunately found it anyway.
    (19:06) Letter get!
    (20:04) Peahats drop hearts and fairies more often, and don't naturally drop bombs.
    (20:33) Found another cheap Magical Shield shop… which you don't really need here.
    Since you ended this episode near the graveyard, you could farm some cash off the ghosts next time.

  5. Let's show the Second Quest that we won't hold any Ls!

    Ah yes, the stronger snake enemy known as Rope—a version that ate a bunch of neon lights~ I think they just have more HP.

    Outside of the Blue Goriya + fireball statue room, this is a really nothing level.

    12:43 Well, that's special. Dying and picking up a heart at the same time, the game playing the sound for getting an item when you grab the heart on top of it doing the animation, and the specialness of having a heart left as you Game Over.

    Level 9 just being on a random screen with a staircase is a decision.

  6. the blue ring doubles your health but since you take double damage in 2nd quest it evens out and basically just makes it feel normal again. congrats on finding the letter!!!

  7. I know this isn't a big deal but the tune from the recorder has also killed whatever few leaves the trees had.
    12:44 Also apparently Link was holding a Heart like it was a treasure for one frame there. The game probably interpreted it that way because you died and picked up a heart on the same frame.

  8. Today we gained…
    More knowledge of the world.
    Another life-giving organ into our ribcage.
    A shiny triangle that somehow changes shape and becomes part of a bigger shiny triangle.
    A funny boomerang.
    A ring that changes your clothes for some reason.
    More FREE MONEY!
    A piece of paper.

    And a noticeable increase to the vocal abuse to the elderly.

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