
The Past 11 Times This Has Happened, We’ve Had A

The Past 11 Times This Has Happened, We’ve Had A Recession | Michael Kantrowitz

#Times #Happened #Weve

“Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money”




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  1. This interview was all over the map. He is saying october 2022 was the low. So he's calling for no landing ? But his hope framework points to ressession. He threw out his own framework because of the household networth chart (this is always high at the peak of the market) and the 4 ressessions that showed 10 year US bond peaking as the low for these 4 ressessions. I appreciate that he is 2nd guessing his own work and the Good news is bad new is 100% the market reality right now. But this will change after rate cuts are reality. Bad news will be bad new and good news good news

  2. "We may never get to hard times." AHAHAHA!!! Thanks. I needed that laugh this morning. Sure, the 1% won't ever get to hard times. Pretty sure the general population always pays the bill at the end of dinner.

  3. Unfortunately, the data is manipulated for so many things. Unemployment doesn’t count those who didn’t find a job and ran out of benefits. Job growth doesn’t indicate net after layoffs. Stock prices are supported by stock buybacks using low- or no-interest loans, etc., so that we can’t know what’s really going on.

  4. The HOPE frame might work in a standard business cycle, but since Covid we have had anything but. Gigantic fiscal stimulous and deficit spending have distorted all the organic signals macro models (such as HOPE) used to rely on. We live in a fiscal dominance world (soon to be fiscal repression), and investment models have to adapt to recognize that.

  5. It’s true that we don’t have high energy prices to hurt people this time. But we do have huge consumer price increases. Just go buy ANYTHING right now. That increase in prices is way more damaging than an oil price spike. We don’t have an energy price spike is because demand is so low.

  6. People still talking about a recession don't get it. A recession will not be allowed. The next step of the US economy is hyperinflation until collapse. Asset hyperinflation has been happening since removal of the gold standard. Now it's going to be hyperinflation for every product as the dollar loses reserve currency. The government can't allow a recession as the US loses reserve currency status because the economy would never recover and quickly fall apart. Hyperinflation is just a delay tactic.

  7. The problem is looking back at charts, the correlation between inflation and unemployment have not failed. Every time they print butt loads of money people suffer in a later term, the problem is becoming now the "later" is turning into "sooner".

  8. Hello Adam, i have been watching these videos for about 6 months now

    i think if one has an advisor that they are working with then they don’t need to see these videos especially when they are paying someone knowledgeable to do the work of managing money for them.

    however if one doesn’t have any advisor then seeing these videos is not helpful simply because every guest has a different opinion and you end up getting thrown in different directions after listening to each interview.

    its good entertainment but this can create more harm than good if emotions are not managed correctly.

    so essentially i am questioning why am i watching these videos every week 😊

    my 2 cents

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