
Windows 10 Feature Updates and Extended Support

Windows 10 Feature Updates and Extended Support

#Windows #Feature #Updates #Extended #Support

“CyberCPU Tech”

Windows 10 loses support on October 14, 2025. So why is Microsoft opening up the beta channel for Windows 10 again? It turns …



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  1. I will never willingly use Windows 11 as my main OS. If Microsoft wants me to use it, they can hire me to do… Something that requires it's use. If I do use Windows 11, it's going to be Atlas OS, Ameliorated, etc, though tbh I would prefer to use an Ameliorated version of 10. I'll literally rip out the guts of the OS and use a 3rd party, freeware, cloud based antivirus before I use vanilla Windows 11. I mean, if I'm being completely honest, I use MX Linux on my main rig more often than anything else these days, and my laptop is exclusively running MX Linux, no windows in sight. I'm this close to just wiping everything Windows and installing W10 AME in a virtual machine, for the few programs that absolutely need to be on Windows.

  2. Don't care, I moved off Windows in February. Microsoft can do whatever the hell they want. And everyone can b** moan and complain about it but they won't do anything about it. They'll just sit on the platform and just complain about it. Good quote I heard the other day you'd rather sit in the dark and complain than light one small candle.

  3. Remember everyone saying that about Windows 7 and would never go to Windows 10. You just need some nostalgia with 11 and you will be saying the same thing about 11 when 12 arrives. Y’all goofy.

  4. you can still download any insider builds by connecting directly to your Microsoft account and download the iso right there then after run setup without the need to run any Microsoft account over your OS installation. It was a long one but i rather go that way instead of what's in this vid and have a chance to rip my stability or maybe i've miss somethig ?

  5. ok maybe its just me but I don't give a crap about so called features, completely useless window dressings, I run windows solely because the software I want to use requires windows, and most of it doesn't give a crap about what version or what features the OS has. The only Microsoft software i run is windows media center,, its a great and works with my TV tuner so well, I don't run any MS Office applications, sadly since they discontinued the 1 program i wanted to use, my desktop is still running windows 7.

  6. All the same ol same ol crying arguments when market share yada back then when everyone switched to 10 that broke computers buggy once 7 hit end life😂😂🎉

  7. Rich, I watched this video and didn't read the comments before proceeding. Even after reinstalling W11 I get a user Default0. I can remove it but have no idea where to find the .bak files in the registry. I have watched your registry video but was hoping you could take a look at the video as so many people have lost everything and their accounts aren't working properly. Thanks

  8. They make an OS full of bugs, and to get rid of those bugs, we need to pay them? I would understand, if everyone were able to get Windows 11, but Microsoft refuses that. So, I wonder if this practice of MS is legal, as it sounds like blackmail. 🤔

  9. Honestly. I could just go all Android or Linux. Or Smart TV's. Windows is really not that important any more for the home market. Heck… I am getting tired of the internet to be honest. Companies sell you digital copies then take them away after you paid for the digital copy. Or you buy a life time subscription of a program. Then Like 4k video down loader comes out with a 4k video down loader plus. and your license will not work with the plus version. When a update should do. you need to purchase a new program to do what the old program does . YouTube thinks it has a right to tell me what I can and can not install on MY computer. You Pay for YouTube and are told no commercials. But then all the content providers do there own sponsored videos. That is still commercials.

  10. If they didn't waste money developing a new windows and its updates which nobody wants we could have all windows 10 updates, just stop developing spyware infested tripe make 10 the permanent and last version of windows.

  11. Feature updates are the reason why windows is a nightmare today.

    This is why I'm of the opinion LTSC is better even when "activated". It only gets security patches and nothing else. I don't think there's a single LTSC computer that ever broke as this is a version meant for devices that MUST work 24/7.

    Been testing 11 LTSC and yes, even 11 is better when in LTSC version as it doesn't come with the window store, useless features and bloat or ads. It's just vanilla windows 11 with security updates only.

    Although I can't recommend it unless you know what you're doing already.

  12. I hope at least one of the incoming new "feature updates" for W10 bring a fully 100% working Dark Theme since it´s original was never fixed and remains as a half finished job, time to get back to work M$!.

  13. You said the development and support for windows 10 costs them money but they will have to support windows 10 until 2031 anyways because of the LTSC version. So they might as well make some money out of it. And i pretty recently (begin 2024) switched to windows 11 on my main rig and i have adjusted the interface in many ways. But if this AI foolishness get's the upper hand in windows 11 i might consider switching back to windows 10. I really don't want that AI crap recall or whatever they want to call it.

  14. Everyone know windows 11. You loss your pc.

    Windows 10 is so universal ……

    A new ai software where that can use a 11 on a ten base.
    11 is a fail.
    No thank you
    Mick Australia 🇦🇺

  15. ChomeOS is supported on two of my Chromebooks till 2029 and 2030. Might be a better option for a lot of people. I've been using Linux on my main PCs for years, I simply do not require anything that needs to run directly on Microsoft OS and it's FREE.

  16. Final! Not a fear mongering video! For me personally, I'm going to pay for a Windows 365 monthly subscription for the first month only and I can cancel it and still receive Extended Security Updates. Problem solved! Also, your programs on Win 10 still receive updates after 14th October 2025 in a lifecycle of 3-6 years. Plenty of time! I will never upgrade to Windows 11 cause it's a garbled mess and some things are overcomplicated and features I liked are deprecated for no reason. It hogs more memory and more CPU. It's like Windows Vista, but with more spyware, ads and telemetry.
    So, there's still hope to keep using Windows 10 people for another 3 years. I prefer with the Win 365 monthly subscription, just so as I can cancel the subscription (the chepest one at £29, since I'm based in the UK) and Microsoft no longer takes money out of my account. Only for the 1st month and that's it! I can get ESUs for free that way and even if I cancel the subscription or put an expiry date, I can still get the ESUs for free. Simple as that!

  17. or microsuck can just get rid of secure boot/tpm requirements and stop being you know whats and blocking us from making windows 11 look/feel like windows 10 plus disable all the bs they put in windows 11 plus get rid of forcing us to use a MS account too
    enough said

  18. I had to switch to Winders 11 Pro, as Windows 10 would not install on my new System board. The NIC driver would not work, I could not install the one from ASUS and there are no slots for cards. Now I would settle for Microcrap just telling me how I can get games to work on Windows 11. Like Skyrim, worked fine on 10, can't get it to work on 11.

  19. Security updates are pretty much good enough. I mean… I don't know what new features I'd even want. Not that Win 10 is perfect.

    What I kind of hope is that Microsoft hears out why people don't want 11. Not that I'm naive, but still.

  20. If 10 is so popular compared to 11, hopefully 12 will be more like 10 in UX at least. It seems 11 is better in some ways that end users don't have to care about. I've forgotten most comparisons, but one I can't forget is that it required more clicks to do the same stuff.
    If I'm doing something thousands of times a day, I don't want to double it. If I click 1000 times, just one more menu deep is 2000 times for the same thing.
    Nothing should be buried deeper than they have to be. I don't even use the desktop, they should make it easy, or even possible, to make shortcuts to settings.
    Maybe even that shortcut folder that I found on the laptop, but also for pages in the Settings app. Any installed program had a shortcut, or most did, that you could just copy to the desktop. If there are 100 pages in the Settings app, that would be 100 shortcuts on the desktop. I wouldn't mind, I don't use the desktop anyway. I do use the folder inside Explorer, but any folder could do and I just decided to use the Desktop one. The one that I see when all programs are minimised, that version I don't use.
    Also make start menu layout easily exportable..I never bothered finding out how to export and import. It also read as if you can't modify the start menu if you import from the export. Maybe that's outdated now. Maybe they wrote it incorrectly or I read it incorrectly.

  21. I found Garuda Linux (Arch fork) that so far has been fantastic.

    I have set up Virt / Qemu to run Windows 10. But considering running Win10 and virtualize Linux for when I need security for banking and such.

  22. Jummm. Just like cellphones when they start acting up when Christmas and tax time is around after an update…. what they want is to slow down your pc ect so that then they could get you to buy a ne pc with the spying chip built in. My conspiracy theory

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