How Accenture and Tech Companies Conduct Infiltration

How Accenture and Tech Companies Conduct Infiltration Using 3 E Strategy For #Scientology and Beyond

#Accenture #Tech #Companies #Conduct #Infiltration

“Enri Marini”

The 3 E strategy, known by its full name as “Embrace, Extend, Extinguish”, is originally credited to be coined by Microsoft.



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  1. Thanks for tuning in. LinkedIn bricked my live stream and won't allow me to upload the slide deck there. So, I have uploaded it instead to my GitHub account :). LinkedIn can go screw. Link to slide deck below or just find my GitHub account on my LinkTree and look for the Accenture repository and you will see the PDF file there.

  2. Enri thank you I learn something every time I watch your streams, I watch mostly on replay crew & if I make it on live and chat I see allot I saw a lot of the encampment videos and something fishy is differently going on there was a lot of monkey business that made me have questions there is claim there is a Real and fake GOP86 .who knows if there is two of them but one of them is doing bad saw it in different chats & videos

  3. I think you are barking up the wrong tree here. Infiltration and hijacking movements is a real danger that the protesters are facing, but trying to use Embrace, Extend, Extinguish as an example is a real stretch and I don't think it is helpful. I think that looking like cases such as Mark Kennedy, Bob Lambert and the wider UK undercover policing scandal would be a better example. These guys managed to gain the trust of the groups they infiltrated that they even had children with some of the protestors. There are also good write-ups on how the FBI does things (Methods of Social Movement Suppression form Oregon University is good), but the UK one shows really clearly the lengths that they will go to and the tactics they employ to gain trust.

    You also claim there is a link between Accenture and Scientology, but you never provide any details or proof of what that link is. I get that Accenture treated you badly in the past, but trying to shoe-horn them into this situation doesn't make sense.

  4. Thank you for this presentation, Enri. Well done. Companies don't want people who ask questions about their questionable activities it seems. You only have to look at the censorship in the last few years throughout all platforms.

    A lot of trolls in the chat.

  5. This was really cool to listen to. You have a way of explaining stuff like this in a completely logical way without coming off as condescending, truly a gift. Did you happen to notice the new, out of no where, love bombing benefactor that recently spawned? I'm probably just paranoid but they're behaving just like 86 did in the beginning & just started a channel in March. When was it Zach first questioned 86? Probably a coincidence but keep an eye out.

  6. IMO:
    Calling Danny a soldier means 86 GOP is what the general 🤷🏼‍♀️

    The name alone, 86 GOP, is influencing🤷🏼‍♀️

    But what I observed is that it wasn’t equal across the board. If ya were a “good soldier” you received bigger denominations, even several a night. Do what I like mentality, to control. Why not on a Friday night there’s 10 streamers donate $100 to each, builds cohesiveness within the streamers and up lifts everyone. Makes chat feel good for everyone too. Instead he divided and left ppl out or gave small amounts to some and large amounts to others…very calculating and manipulative!

  7. Enri, when is the last time you heard of a "philanthropist" spending literally every day in direct communication with multiple people at any level of a movement or project, adding constant commentary as events unfold?
    Wouldn't that type of person be classified more appropriately as an influencer than a philanthropist? Jus' sayin.

  8. TriStar Risk management got its start defending doctors against malpractice… what better way to upcycle a list of shitty medical doctors then offer workcomp coverage where hippa doesn't apply to injured plaintiff's. This is BLEEDING social security and putting a workforce on pain medication for life. Profits over people. 😮

  9. Scientology thrived in the dark and will fall in the light that you and others are shining on it. God or Xenu bless you for making this information digestible for the public! So important to be vigilant in such a nasty covert fight.

  10. Scottie who is afraid of the repercussions for his CRIMINAL actions is using you to put out this narrative to paint a picture beneficial to himself and probable pending charges. You are complicit in this absurdity and I expected no less after following you and also Kelly recently. Actions Scottie made with full knowledge that he was committing a crime. He knows it's a two-party state for recording in California, as he stated so. If that had been me, no matter how innocuous, I would sue his life away BECAUSE HE KNEW it was illegal at the very least, and immoral at best. SHAME on all who support this bullshit. Be clear about what 86 is seeking justice over, and you were not! This is one big grift for many using SPTV to hook their wagons too. And Enri, you have done the same. Y'all talking shit about Aaron yet you are where you are because of SPTV. MORE SHAME

  11. Enri you’re such an intelligent, dedicated,passionateand honorable man and I want to thank you for protesting Scientology because you’re already making a huge impact. The things you are knowledgeable about blow my mind. I definitely think something is off about 86 GOP and he allegedly started acting really nervous when Zach (the only real investigative journalist) 🤣said he was investigating him and his donations. Then he showed up at the encampment and gave the $ for Mindy to hand out which was also suspect. I personally think that Ribguy was sent by 86 GOP to spy on the protesters that’s why he was never really protesting and why 86 GOP used Ribguy’s platform for his aka goodbye speech.He also knew what he was doing when he talked about not physically harming D.O.A. That sounded like a threat and a alleged call to action. He’s allegedly bad news and anyone still receiving donations from him needs to think twice. If he’s not already being investigated yet I’m sure he will be and hopefully he’s legit🤬

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