
Hollywood PANICS as WRITERS and ACTORS still CAN’T get



“Adam Post”

Writers and Actors Scramble to Keep Their Health Insurance. After the 2023 work stoppages and amid a larger industry …



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  1. The Royals are being eaten by the very beast they conjured up in their quest for complete power. And then they run to the plebes for salvation.

    Glorious. Absolutely Glorious.

  2. The cut backs ARE NOT going to stop. Probably 50% of them need to move on to new jobs…..oh they don't want to? Because the real economy is s….. Now you know how the people you've been mocking feel….Not sorry. Zero pity.

  3. I have absolutely no sympathy for ANY of these idiots. THIS is exactly what they pushed and voted for LOL…. I guess they didn't read the fine print.

    These idiots all followed the rich celebs who actually didn't need nor actually cared about any of this bullshit and who were just pushing the woke agenda for the ppl giving them money and now all these idiots reap what they sowed…..


    I swear there is something in the water in California making all of these people not right in the head………….

  4. California a couple of years ago, started giving FREE medical care to Illegal immigrant "children" up to age 25. Later, Gavin Hairball decreed that illegal immigrant old folks over age 65 would also get FREE medical care.
    This year, Gavin filled in the middle ages, so now ALL ILLEGALS get FREE medical care.
    But California Citizens get NOTHING. FU Gavin.

  5. What does it mean when an actress is described; "as a performer who focuses on principal acting work" that's principal, not principle which apparently makes it unrealistic for her to meet the alternative requirement of a particular number of days worked. I assume that means she doesn't consider roles which aren't 'principals'? In that case, no sympathy for her either. Not to mention being a union delegate.

  6. They keep on producing garbage like Acolyte, turn most male focused movie genre female which later own appeals to almost no one, call majority of the audience sexists and racists, tell majority of the audience to leave because the show is not for you and later on get surprised when work diminish. Hollywood studios are businesses that need to generate profits and they can't do that without large numbers of customers.

  7. I have been boycotting hollywood for the most part of 21 years. STOP giving them money, cancel your streaming services and if your internet doesn't go up in price cancel your cable.

  8. Hollywood isn’t dying because they strayed from good story telling. They are dying because the executed a culture war against their customer base. Better storytelling will help, but hundreds of thousands of us won’t forgive them for the culture war.

  9. Wonder what the SAG members think now about their illustrious leader, Fran Drescher. It's like these people are in a bubble and didn't even know about the contraction in Hollywood because their customers had been giving them the 🖕

  10. There is no free lunch. Los Angeles, California is no different from Gary, Indiana. Both are company towns where the wealth of the place is dependent on the industry that generates the wealth. But when the industry moves out, like when US Steel closed down its plants in Gary, IA, wealth moves away. That's what's going on in Los Angeles and also in the rst of California today. The SAG-AFTRA and WGA members are getting a double helping of consequence today.

  11. Theres WAY TOO MUCH content already priduced over the last 100+ years and most of that is "un-woke"….watch already made movies and shows…i get my content from torrents so i don't even jave to contribute $$ to eoke streaming services…

  12. Wait do you mean that if you treat the customer base like shit and you sign a contract that screws yourself over as hard as you possibly can it's going to be hard to find work? What a shock!

  13. Guessing that woke if you don't like it we don't need you isn't working out for anything to do with Hollywood! I'm not racist,but I have a job that makes me money! So I can spend it on what I like!

  14. Sorry, hate it, but where the hell were you Hollywood types when your brain dead President was destroying our currency and the,economy with his government spending spurred inflation? Not only did they support this crap they then began to inject their political Marxist ideologies into entertainment. Well, we ain't watching your propaganda. Welcome to unemployment!

  15. Who would have thought that years of making trash followed by strikes insisting on massive pay rises and enforced high employment levels in writing rooms etc would cause fewer projects and fewer employment opportunities.

    Actions have consequences.

    Zero sympathy.

  16. Oh well.
    You don't have a pulse on REAL PEOPLE anyway.
    Hollow-wood is rehashing old stories, ideas and STOPPED entertaining years ago.
    RELOCATE HOLLOW-WOOD and start over.

    You had ONE JOB!
    Now go away!


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