“It Is By Design”: What the Elites’ “Class War” Did to

“It Is By Design”: What the Elites’ “Class War” Did to YOUR Wealth

#Design #Elites #Class #War

“Glenn Beck”

The household wealth of average Americans is disappearing while the government and top 1% elites are sucking it up like a giant …



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  1. Yes it is Good V Evil! Follow Jesus Example don’t be fooled! What happened to President Trump and the Hero who protected his family and others hurt is not just them we must all stay vigilant and turn from our sins towards God! Don’t give Satin your soul! Pray for our country and each other’s protection 🙏 Don’t follow the liars search for the real truth GODS TRUTH!

  2. Hey Beck your sponsored by Eden pure air filter . It produces o3 to filter. Are you that dumb that you didn’t know 03 is bad for your lungs ? I thought you had more brains than this to push unhealthy products . In the 80s I used 03 generators . My lungs were the WORST they even have been . They are bad for your lungs , and they Oxidize , that is destroy organic material!

  3. Don’t worry, buddy they’re doing all of this on purpose. It is all on by by design. Globally, they want everyone to have a taste for government and rich people so they can usher in their new form of “fair” artificial intelligence government that will be more fairfor everyone lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  4. Bernie fans and Trump supporters both have the same motives in their support. The difference is that Trump supporters don't hate the country and understand economics.

  5. I think the tax policies (not cutting but relying more on top payers to bear the burden) actually increases that gap between top and lower income earners.

  6. The most wild part of the calling for senile old dude to walk away is his opponent is obviously in mental decline is a convicted felon a con man convicted frauder and court found him libal for rape nobody calling for him to drop out

  7. Focus on what is actually happening:
    What should people expect next
    1. Psalm 83 war attacked from east, west, and north, but not
    the south. This war is happening now
    2. The Rapture is next to happen, then the true Church (the Bride)
    is taken away by Jesus, this is a much smaller group than most think.
    “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14
    3. A short gap, Rapture Chaos dealt with,The beginning of Ezekiel 38
    4. The war of Ezekiel 38 in Israel, destruction of Iran,Turkey,
    with their cohorts in Eze 39. God shows He still protects Israel.
    5. The confirming of the covenant with Israel which starts
    the Tribulation period 7 year timeline
    6. God starts to deal with Israel and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists
    have begun in the first half of the Tribulation 7 years period
    7. At 3 1/2 years the Lawless One goes in the newly built temple and declares
    himself God. Jews must flee to the hills. The lawless one ends the sacrifice and
    offering. The Mark and allegiance is required at the 3 1/2 year mark
    8.The second half of the Tribulation called the Great Wrath begins
    9 The Lawless One gathers the armies against God in the Valley of Armageddon,
    10. Jesus comes down with he Raptured Christians and defeats the armies.
    11. The Millennium begins
    “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’In the middle of
    the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple
    he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end
    that is decreed is poured out on him.” Daniel 9:27

  8. Let's all load up, and tour south of the border, and they'll give US 'dual citizenship'. Just kidding, that only applies to people wading across the Rio Grande into Texas, plus 'credit', that's 'USCIS Texas Service Center', and Abbott Bus Lines is currently billing Texans for the tickets, anywhere 'labor is too expensive to pay for THEIR 'laws'. Uh, look up 'liar loans', they're baaack.

  9. I gave up the comfy lifestyle to stretch my dwindling retirement. It took leaving the country. Life blossomed. I'm learning to raise goats, pigs & chickens. Still, I've a long way to go. If the $ goes bad or evaporates, i'll have milk, eggs, meat, & animals to sell or trade. In winter here it doesn't get much colder than 35°F & warms to 70++ during the day, & in summer, it's rarely above 95°F… No heat, no AC. Sometimes theres no water as we get water 3x a week, so i fill up the drums on those days. There have been times without electricity. Well, i'm in bed shortly after sundown. All my needs are in walking or cycling distance, so i don't spend money on gas nor vehicle insurance nor maintenance. I rarely use my 150CC motorcycle… only for distance travel. It's all good & appears to be getting better.

  10. prices got too high.. so by design, they are running it all into the ground so all the billionaire cronies can buy it all back for pennies on the dollar and start the process all over again.. that’s how it works in the real world..


  12. Easy to account for as more people worked for corporate entities, and corporate executives took more and more money for themselves while giving their employees "cost of living increases" that never covered the increased cost of living.

  13. I'm caged right now a just call this week the debt relief program cause all I do it's pay interest can't seem to lower it fast enough and I'm on the red of the graph you know and I'm disabled men 5his is bad

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