Deep Dive into the Pleiadian Contacts with One of the

Deep Dive into the Pleiadian Contacts with One of the First Investigators

#Deep #Dive #Pleiadian #Contacts

“Whitley Strieber”

Britt Elders was in business in London when she heard about the astonishing case of a Swiss farmer who was taking vivid color pictures of UFOs. She and her husband Lee ended up researching the case exhaustively, spending many months with Billy Meier. She goes deep to show why she thinks the case…



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  1. I was so looking forward to this as I had recently listened to a couple of Whitley's talks on youtube that were given at different conferences, and he was fabulous. However, in this interview, it seems he never established the basic story around Billy Meier, and never really got to the topic of the Pleiadian's for the deep dive. There is so much experience and knowledge out there between Whitley and his guests, a little more organization in the interview could greatly enhance the value of these talks.

  2. There is clear and obvious hoaxing in the meier case. The trash can lid ufo models. The photos of dinosaurs taken from books. Photos of space and aliens that merely were taken from old tv programs. The ufo model hanging off the side of a fake tree. The claims he is the only prophet. The only ufo contactee. The only this, the only that. The many bizarre excuses from the meier cult are as ridiculous as the claims. They have a crazy excuse for every aspect of this fraud. I am so glad I only wasted only a year on meier. Some have wasted decades if not their entire adult lives. Also, the homophobic and racist teachings that of course now the cult claims were changed by mistranslation or that were changed by men in black. Now, they claim all the real photos were then replaced by hoaxed images by men in black. It’s a sickening tale. And one I am disappointed have a voice here on Whitleys program. Spare yourself the billy meier ufo lies, it is an utter travesty and an insult to ufo research and also to your own intelligence. Meier is old now and his death approaches, he will have to face his lies and fraud on the other side. And his cult will live their lives in a muddy puddle of excuses and delusions and lies.

  3. I JUST SUBSCRIBED WHITLEY,,,PLEASE DONT STOP! Reason I subscribe now is because YT cancelled me 3years and 8 months ago, and I just figured out how to get back on!

  4. They are Plejarans not Pleiadians, and this is according to Billy. And why is Brit not mentioning Wendelle Stevens, who brought Brit and Lee Elders into the Billy Meier case.

  5. Billy Meier was George Adamski on steroids. Whereas Adamski produced a few books conveying the wisdom of the space visitors, Meier composed volumes. Whereas Adamski had a handful of photos of alien spaceships, Meier had hundreds. Adamski's space brothers came from another planet, Meier's came from another star system.
    Fraud in both cases.

  6. I have a huge amount of respect and love for anybody and everybody who has the courage to share whichever part of the truth they happen to have found with the rest of the world. We are all looking at reality through the narrow lenses of our own individuated existences, and until we learn to transcend the limits of the ego/body/mind viewpoint and become aware of things from the heights of expanded consciousness, we cannot hope to know more than a fragment or two of the truth. Therefore, those who share their breadcrumbs of insight and experience with others are doing the work of the angels.
    Thank you, Mr. Stieber and Ms. Elders, for having the courage and perseverance to learn all that you have, and for having the further courage, and the generosity, to share it with the rest of us. These matters truly are of gravest importance to humanity, yet so few of us seem willing or able even to make a serious effort to understand what is happening.
    On a completely different tangent, I must ask: Is there anybody out there who can explain to me why we continually here people referring to beings as "Pleiadians"? The Pleiades are a star cluster, or constellation, as I understand it, not a planet, or even a single solar system. There are untold distances between each of the stars that make up the area of the universe that we Earth people call the "Pleiades". Saying that somebody is from the Pleiades is like saying that somebody is from the Andromeda galaxy… it isn't a point in space, it is a huge, vast, incredibly wide space. My point is that it always strikes me as a far too vague way of describing somebody's point of origin. Like asking somebody where they're from and they say "Oh, somewhere north of the Milky Way." Does anybody else find this vagueness annoying?
    Thank you, if anybody answers my question, and love and best wishes to everybody out there.
    Sincerely, N.

  7. Thank you, Whitley. Britt Elders revealed helpful info about Billy Meiers — someone I've identified with in my experiences while I for so long believed his story to be fake, because I was told to. My Pleadian "friends" had the same view of the Grays that your Pleadian did.
    I still suffer doubts 37:12 about how anything like that could happen. My bachground is in science research; I was a USAF dental officer for 9 years, and practiced for another 30. I used to take the most advanced courses…that was a beautiful world for me…but not nearly as beautiful as my Pleadian experiences.
    Bless you.

  8. Urantia is always going to be a quartined planet bc its a waring planet…..all we can do as individuals is to raise our Vibration!!! The Urantia Book was a wonderful help to me in understanding our local Universe and Humanities place in it…
    Blessings to you all ❤

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