A gift from their world to ours

A gift from their world to ours

#gift #world

“Dan Willis”

Last year in 2023, I had the incredible honor of a lifetime to present at the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection GSIC 2023 for the first time on our planet, crystal technology from another world.

This was developed by relaying communications from a Pleiadian terraforming scientist, Jen…



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  1. Thank you Dan Willis, your efforts towards disclosure are much appreciated. It is however a shame you should choose to collaborate with Dani Henderson. She is not an individual who I trust or respect. I consider her a superficial individual infatuated with her own ego, motivated by financial gain, and cruel hearted towards those who disagree with her. Regardless, keep up the good fight. 💪

  2. Dan, I couldn't agree with you more. The disclosure project should be a gift to all of humanity. There has been way too much emphasis on military aspects.
    Some of the physics went over my head but as a homeopath and and long term practitioner of chi qong, I understand how to move energy to heal.
    Would you say phyrll is akin to "chi," vital force or universal energy?

  3. Great presentation here. Looking forward to the “optimised” Phryll generator version coming out soon. Guessing the copper/silver wires at 90 degrees and spaced just right is a little challenging to create this. Hoping the optimized version helps cure people.💜🐬

  4. This information is beyond my wildest dreams. Such a very special presentation. Thank you so much. I hope to see this available for home use soon. I am amazed that only 423 people have viewed this incredible information so far.

  5. So excited to see this presentation. I was one of those that participated in the " Creating a Positive Timeline with Crystals" . Since then I have acquired my own Vogel crystal along with 2 of my friends and we are practicing the breath techniques shown in that presentation. Seeing the generator makes my heart sing.

  6. Beautiful presentation! I'm a long time follower of Elena Danaan's career and work.

    What's to prevent a corporate interest from sweeping in and confiscating the crystal tech you have just unveiled, making it their own property and making megabucks for themselves?

  7. Absolutely brilliant, thank you so much for your presentation and thanks to all involved. We are all very blessed.Will share this information with a scientist and I hope he will be open enough to listen to this and will hopefully get in touch, love to all of us Petra❤️💕❤️🌈

  8. 23:02 I keep thinking of Arizona Wilder’s testimony when I see Rodriguez. How does child sex trafficking and pedophile rings relate with SSP and how do we differentiate the bad guys from the good guys? How does one go from being a government sanctioned abuse case to fighting the bad guys on mars?

  9. ain't that usually spelled VRIL?

    is there a censorship issue requiring something like nomenclature diversification?
    does the v-spelling have a bad reputation?

    it is interesting that the artist "Pharrel" was chosen by CERN for their HAPPY video advertisement, where they display how they do magic tricks that include manufacturing the "M.andela E.ffect"…

  10. Absolutely mind blowing information and knowledge from Dan Willis and Jen Han Eredyon, Thanks a ton , Dan Willis and everyone who worked on bringing this out ❤❤❤

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