
A Huge Leak Just Hit Nintendo And A Major PS5 Update

A Huge Leak Just Hit Nintendo And A Major PS5 Update Goes Live | News Wave

#Huge #Leak #Hit #Nintendo #Major #PS5 #Update

“Spawn Wave”

The Switch continues to have big game leaks ahead of release with another title now finding its way online early. Sony just started …



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  1. The welcome hub sounds great. I always hate when interfaces and systems are set in stone and show a bunch of crap you don’t care about and miss stuff you wish was there. And the PlayStation plus section is a mess that needs some redesign too I think or maybe some customization. Way too many pages and subcategories in there.

  2. I salute Annapurna for walking out like that. It (sadly) takes a lot for employees to come together and rise up against a big company like that. Wouldn’t of been easy either given I’m assuming they are all out of a job right now

  3. Danger: If a woman becomes prime minister of Japan, all moe illustrations of Russian, Belarusian, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian and Armenian girls and their national flags may be subject to self-censorship.

  4. THPS 1+2 is literally so damn close to being false advertising it's not even funny… It may has well been labeled THPS 2 with skate parks from 1… Because nothing about it feels like the original.. And the original is the one I value the most… Made it a trash game for me, my brother bought it unaware with the same hype as me in mind… And it literally was such a disappointment.. 2's mechanics make all of your actions feel like they have less weight and value to them… Pulling off combo's and chains was far more rewarding in the original… That being said I also liked the creative mechanics with proving ground… They're the only two Tony Hawk games I'd actually want to play… That being said, I have no hope for anything even remotely hinted at after that botched job… They should have left the "1" out of their remake as nothing but the parks were there, but the soul of the game wasn't there… It's not like you were getting an awesome pack of having both games there separately for fans of both to enjoy… It was just a cheese move that would only satisfy the fans of the sequels but not the original..

  5. The only way Sony has managed to make a game this gen worth a damn was to rip off Mario, what does that tell us? It’s no one’s fault but Sonys that they don’t have mascots. Microsoft has had opportunity as well and fumbled just as hard.

  6. Why do we have all these sony updates for ps5 but Microsoft has had maybe 1 or 2 in the past 4 years? Microsoft still uses the xbox one controller. Least sony trys to change things even if there's issue with some games. Sony is trying to change things up.

    I still ha e the original flappy bird. Made it to level 200 like 6yrs ago lol😊

  7. Something funny is going on with the switch in Japan. The software sales don’t match hardware sales. How could they sell 70,000 switches and there is barely 70,000 pieces of software sold in the top 10? They are exporting them to other countries and people are getting games in other regions. Unless everyone is just upgrading their switch and not buying new software but that would be so odd for the numbers to be so out of sync.

  8. Nintendo got hit by more than a leak, one of their major manufacturing plants for switch 2 is in a flooded area in vietnam and possibly destroyed after a large typhoon hit the country. This will likely have drastic effect on its release window. Our thoughts and well wishes go out to all of Vietnam. ❤

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