
Apple River stabbing trial: Legal analyst explains why

Apple River stabbing trial: Legal analyst explains why he’d put Miu on the stand

#Apple #River #stabbing #trial #Legal #analyst #explains

“FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul”

Legal analyst Joseph Daly spoke with FOX 9’s Paul Blume, explaining why he would put Nicolae Miu on trial in the Apple River …



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  1. Young people today are mean and disrespectful, bullies. Then when things like this happen they act innocent or faultless. It was extreme what the man did but both parties are at fault with the worst case ending. I did feel horrible for the poor mom.

  2. He wasn’t looking for little girls. Jawan stated that the water was so shallow he must be looking for small women (water depth) then that turned into, pedo and then raper …. The other group didn’t go to stop they went to engage. They thought they had an easy target to bully and were a pack of wolves !

  3. Why would he just kept stabbing people. He could have walked away, which he did after stabbing all those people. He didn’t wait around to speak to cops or claim self defense, he left like a criminal

  4. The jury's emotions can go either way. Anyone of them who may have been bullied in school in the past may identify more with Nicolai Miu and see him as the real victim of the circumstances. Those "kids" were truly feral on that video. I would be in fear for my life among them.

  5. Knowing that with a knife, you can hurt people…. and excually gonna do that is just another level. How much hate emotion is there inside that man to snap like that?

  6. They are lying about him throwing the first punch it's on video what happened,he was standing in front of the darker haired girl and he raised his arm up probably waiving for help from his group a second time,at that time is when they wailed on him saying he hit a girl,if he had punched the blonde earlier and off camera they wouldn't have waited to jump him and you would have heard the kids say he hit a girl already,but they were looking for a fight all he did was lift his arm when the 2 girls were in front of him in his face,it looked like he was waving for help a second time

  7. Such bullshit. He never said one word to calm things down. And this commentary site sounds biased again the kids on the river. I’m hearing that Miu walked away only to retu a second time. The wifie testified the her guy was very good with a knife.

  8. A stabbing is different than what he did to two of them. A stabbing is a puncture wound. The knife goes in the knife comes out. What he did, was stab the knife in and yank and saw upwards to slice them open, knowing that would kill them, and it did one of them.that was totally unnecessary so I think he's guilty of second-degree murder

  9. These punks surrounded assaulted, punched, pushed and mocked this man. Self defense not guilty. No sympathy for these punks. They messed with the wrong dude a fact of life. If they would have not acted like animals the kid would still be alive !

  10. He is a smart man, you don't mess with an engineer right? Engineers are angelic?? The kids bruised is inflated EGO and imagined position. He is a liar!!! I do wonder though, when did the police find the phone that the killer was supposedly looking for?? I feel it was at a later date and Pervo was using his goggles to look at the little butts in the tubes, The phone placed in the water later as a defense strategy. Why was he going down river to find a phone when they hadn't gotten there yet. Wouldn't you look where you already were first??? Oh but the kids were downstream right? Just saying!

  11. The Host would have more credibility if he understood the difference between his comment at the 1:54 mark that the girl 'was' punched, as against, the informed Lawyer at the 9:10 mark who states the girl was punched 'allegedly'. If the Host doesn't understand the difference and importance of getting those two comments correct then he should shut up.

  12. Have you forgotten, "LEAVE" Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave, Get the fark out of here!!! Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave??? I guess they didn't say it enough because that Murdering KILLER Did what he wanted and DID NOT LEAVE!!! Instead, he gutted many kids and killed one.

  13. Maddison a victim??? A victim by definition is someone who no fault of their own is harmed or killed through another person's actions or ill treatment. I saw the video. Maddison was an instigator and far from faultless.

  14. 'he's looking for little girls'
    Yeah like he's going to say that to antagonistic a hole teens etc.
    Just total bullshit. Most of us have been pushed by anti social tools at one time or another and the character slur outbursts are par for the course.

  15. The young people weren’t “aggressive” as his comment suggests. Miu had no business intermingling with other groups, and it appears he was making a small group so uncomfortable that they were yelling for other’s to help get this man away from them. They wanted Miu to go back to his group but he wouldn’t. Miu physically struck a female that was trying to help the small group get him away from them, which naturally resulted in one of the males stepping in and hitting him back. Miu then pulls out a knife, kills a 17 yr old kid stabbing him twice hitting his heart, stabbed a skinny girl hitting a lung and disemboweled another young man.

  16. The defense Attorney's Are Fabulous!! The Proscuters are awful.
    The Mobs of people absolutely surrounded Him!!

    Why does mui have to avoid anything? They started the bs!!




    MR. MUI DIDN'T INTEND TO MURDER ANYONE THAT DAY.. THATS A FACT… so as of now, Law will be on the Side of defense.

  17. Miu has lied so many times and got caught. He punched a Girl instead of walking away. He said they knocked his snorkel out of his mouth. and took his knife. This guy is a wakko Mui is done. He put his hands on the kids in the beginning harassing them it is right in front of your face to watch on video. These dumb lawyers Quarterbacking this trial can see the facts on video it's all right there.

  18. He had every right to be there as the kids did. If THEY felt threatened, THEY could have left. He was NOT given the opportunity to leave. He had people coming at him from the front, the back. Hands on him. He only slashed the people who put their hands on him. Even the girl HAD to have her hands up pushing him when he slashed her. I feel bad for the kids, but they started this whole thing by not minding their own business, being drunk ass fools. It's the ultimate FAFO story for teens. Mob attacks have left multiple people dead. This time, the mob attackers got the worst.

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