
Breaking my customer’s furniture

Breaking my customer’s furniture

#Breaking #customers #furniture

“John’s Furniture Repair”

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This week in the shop Trena repairs a dining set with very brittle old chairs and a drop leaf table.

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  1. Obviously it was better for you to finish up the potential breaks and then repair them. It’s kind of like a broken bone—the area that the body heals is stronger than the surrounding bone. If your customers didn’t trust you would do your best to bring out the best in their furniture, you wouldn’t have any customers!

  2. Trena, I am surprised that you did not tint the table top to blend the colors together a bit more. I assume that this was at the customer's request. The chairs came out great. I am glad that you and your dad tag teamed this project. I am sure that it brings him great joy to work with you again. Thank you for doing this rescue work and sharing it with us.

  3. Oh dear Trena, maybe you could talk your customer into driving you over to that bridge, throw all those chairs off, then have some fun with the project of reassembling all of them 😂😂😂

    Nothing is impossible for you, and it is fun to watch you conquer everything that you choose to do. 💪💪💪

    On a side note, I have detailed cupboards as well as hardwood floors during either remodel work or else working to help sell someone’s house and I have pulled the same such bucket after bucket of black water! Nothing surprises me, even with the cleanest of houses and I can always find the dirt. No judgement from me, because I just already know people get used to things or they do not try to find extra things to clean. On the other hand, they are always impressed how much better it feels after I have detailed anything like that – so it does totally help to just start scrubbing and cleaning before worrying about what might need some repair work. It does make me think differently about my own things at home too and I can get lost in cleaning everything instead of what I set out to do, meaning I do not always get done with what I meant to do that day 😎

  4. ❤ Lovely hard work and great attitude in the midst of a "shop move " See you soon and I loved the final reveal, you're very busy..a sign of success and dedication to the job at hand. Take care Trenna and family. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  5. 🤔 "Las apariencias engañan". Nunca dejamos de aprender, siempre habrá algo que nos sorprenderá a pesar de nuestra experiencia. Personalmente creo que lo más complicado de reparar o restaurar es una silla, por todo lo que conlleva y su uso. Aparentemente parece ser sencillo de dar nueva vida a una silla, pero, en el proceso nos damos cuenta que no es así. ¿Al parecer esa mesa y sillas no fueron muy bien cuidados? ¿Te sentiste frustrada al ir descubriendo mas daños de los que supusiste? Y como siempre al final esos muebles quedaron revitalizados para durar como dices otros 150 años -si es que no lo maltratan-. Ayer domingo en esta parte de Sudamérica se celebró el Día del Padre, no sé, si ahí donde resides también lo celebraron, en todo caso un saludo muy especial por el Día del Padre a tu Papá, por mi parte celebramos el día recordando a nuestro padre (ya falleció hace algún tiempo) y con toda la familia. Dios lo bendiga y le conserve con salud. Gracias por el video y muy grato el final con una foto de tus padres contigo, una parte de tu vida de aquel entonces. Saludos y éxitos en tu nuevo taller. 🥳

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