
Could they really cancel the big plan with SpaceX and

Could they really cancel the big plan with SpaceX and Commercial Space?

#cancel #big #plan #SpaceX

“Marcus House”

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  1. SLS is a failure and I don’t care what that cuck says on twitter. Spacex is the best option we have. NASA just wasted money on resources to keep senators happy and needs a culture change that doesn’t rely on Boeing.

  2. Never expected anything else from the democrat party. They're very anti-space and anti-everything that is not giving money to the people they perceive as "victims".

  3. Here we go again… use of imperial units at about 17:50.. Does NASA really spec their inflatable habitat modules in psi? What happens if ESA make some? Do ESA have to start adopting imperial units? Or is it that NASA use metric internally for that spec, but then remove the references for the public? In that case why don't NASA want people to see metric measurements? Why don't they want to communicate to the other 95% of the planet? Even as a Brit although I can use PSI as an abstract value for tyre pressure it doesn't mean much to me vs habitable pressure (which is usually in bars, 100kPa), which is also 14.503774 psi. So the pressure is: 5.3 bars. Wow, now that's something!

  4. Is the space station exceeding safety requirements by a large margin really a good thing? Maybe you can reduce weight and save launch costs and still meet the safety requirements. Though I guess they could keep the same design and know that they can lengthen the module later on if needed.

  5. Eliets told ELON Musk he not leaving for Mars it's over or his life is over as he is to keep the roll-out of AI and Robots while they kill off as many humans as they can towards the UN 2030 agenda and their perfect world with as few humans as possible. DON'T THINK SO? Then who is the fool here?

  6. These NASA administrators are just polliticians who often have very little understanding of space, the technology used to get there, or any vision for the future. NASA has always been reliant on commercial partners, with the Apollo and Shuttle rockets being no different. What a plonker.

  7. Griffin wasted 8 years and 15 billion dollars of taxpayer money and cost thousands of people their careers.
    Nobody should listen to him and he should probably be in jail for fraud. The fact that he's still around is a travesty.

  8. If a person can’t keep up with technology, it’s time to move on. Fresh minds and new technology will keep Space progressing forward. How can scrapping everything that has propelled the freshest and brightest minds keep the USA in the lead.
    Racehorses that can’t keep up are usually put out to pasture to enjoy their competitive years from the past and allow the faster horses to take their place. No disrespect, but really????
    I doubt the leader of our country, whomever it may be will see it his way.
    There’s a reason why Congress was silent after his comments.

  9. The government can do what ever they want and probably get away with not paying the cancellation fees with the current AG in the Washington D.C., Merrick Garland is the most corrupt ideologue who has ever held the office of the AG in the history of the United States of America!

  10. I think what that p*litician wanted to say was "let's scrap all that's done and start over, I didn't steal and embezzle enough!"

    Good thing SpaceX can do it all by themselves, with or without their help.

  11. @MarcusHouse concrete CANNOT take heat like that. At all. Period.
    It loses its strength and will disintegrate into literal dust. Has nothing to do with debris or shockwaves. The heat alone, is enough to bring that tower down if they don't protect it.

  12. NASA is only doing this because they would lose their budget if they had SpaceX and Blue Origin do everthing. They will still keep spacex and blue origin in there back pocket working away actually getting serious technological advances going while nasa will be keeping there budget, if not increasing it by saying Spacex nd blue origin are not safe enough. Truth be told i think it's just blue origin who needs to prove that because its clear that spacex has that in the bag.

  13. I'm sorry, but perhaps NASA should keep their mouths shut regarding other people "comprising crew safety". This guy is clearly pissed that SpaceX is outdoing anything NASA has accomplished in rockery.

  14. NASA couldn’t organize a one-car parade these days. The old-timers must be weeping at what has become of the agency they once worked for while creating miracles of technology. After the shuttle and Sky Lab things have been in the dumper, leaving Musk (no fan) and SpaceX to carry the ball. The speed with which they design, build and then re-design when needed is breathtaking. NASA today stands for: No Attempt to Succeed at Anything.

  15. As these videos start to become ever more delusional, I wish to refer anyone watching here to a YT channel called The Common Sense Skeptic. I would also like to refer you back to your own eyes and ears. Is it possible that your former nasa director doesn't so much hate the "commercial partnerships" as much as he hates orbital operations patched together with random steel plates, tacked-on beams from the scrap pile, and or pulling dents out of a terribly located and obviously compromised liquid tank with a harbor freight come-a-long?

  16. The Democrats hate Elon .😂
    Taxpayers can pay 10 X who cares?
    As long as Elon gets screwed it’s all good.😂😂
    They already did that with rural internet ( 5 x the cost + 3 year delay)

  17. Why not use the torch on the liquid oxygen tank? I don't see why that would be a concern. The torch might burn a bit hotter if there was a leak, but I fail to see a significant safety concern.

  18. .

    SpaceX is one great big farce!

    If Chandrayaan can make it and SpaceX is still aiming its laser gun at the earth’s gravity code to try and start a nuclear chain reaction, then that says a lot about the future of Tesla and all the EV’s in the world as hydrogen fuel cell will be the ultimate fuel.

    SpaceX my opinion is all about Ronald Reagan’s star wars and Star Wars is but in the initial R&D stages…

    Bottom line: NASA will still be the leader of the pack.


  19. "The commercial plan is unsustainable, inefficient, and won't produce lasting results. Instead, let's use SLS" is one of the more insane things I've heard in a bit

  20. It’s because the criminal Biden family is in China and Russian pockets and he will keep pulling us down because they are stuffing his pockets with millions in cash. So they can establish a permanent presence on the Moon before we do.

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