
Creepy TikToks That Might Wake My People Up & Prepare 4

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Creepy TikToks That Might Wake My People Up & Prepare 4 What’s Next | DRE_OG Live
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  1. 01:31:00
    Disappointing bruv, it seems like you're lapping up every word this false teacher is speaking about, he is completely maligning the Bible, and co-opting the tale of creation and Gods firmament by saying that it was created by some supreme black race.

    What a load of nonsense, who made THEM then?

    Come to jesus.

  2. The dude that was trying to tell us how to heal our bodies, no disrespect, but WTF, with the way he was wildly moving his camera, and is he blind and could he not see, that we couldn't read that shit, if we tried because it was too close, out of focus, and he wasn't including the whole page with his copious notes, and if you're going to present shit, make sure it's legible, in every way, but especially on camera! The one thing that I think is really wrong, and this information is that God never said, for us to eat the flesh of an animal, and if people read the gospel of the holy 12 and another book about the Essenes, you will see the dietary restrictions, and the diet to follow was to only ever eat raw, live food as in fruits, nuts, and vegetables, not rotting or dead flesh of an animal, so I'm sorry, but I question that info, and then it's not lost on me the irony of drinking the milk, when we know, a goat is always associated with evil, unfortunately, these bastards villainized a beautiful creature, but as Dre says, do your own research! I would've liked to have seen everything he had to say, especially about the parasitic epidemic that people don't realize IV's going on, and these asshole ill-informed doctors think these diseases are caused by anything but parasites, nor would they ever suspect that because they don't know what the heck to look for when it comes to parasites; I mean they couldn't find their assholes with Google maps, a pointer, and a tour guide! I've done my research on parasites, and it is a silent epidemic, and I know nearly 30 people and 15 animals, right now, that are infested, said no one ever, except in these dark times, and I am one of those unfortunate people infested with parasites that will cause total dysfunction of every organ system in your body, including your heart, nervous system, not to mention, severe brain malfunction, and finally, you will meet a very miserable death, all while suffering in the most miserable and debilitating pain, and you will have no ambition or motivation, either, before the severe and debilitating pain sets in! Oh, and I forgot to mention that he will suffer with anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock, first time you experience, this horror can kill you, but each episode gets exponentially worse! Everybody do a parasitic cleanse, multiple times a year, wash your vegetables and fruits, with pool grade, diatomaceous earth, by sprinkling it on, while it's dry, and letting it sit, then, adding water, or you can use baking powder, which will cause a great chemical reaction, but whatever you use, put it on dry it, first, then add water, and let it soak, and do it again, you will not believe the shit that's in these foods! Now onto the water, for all you think bottled water is safe, I've gone through a dozen famous brands that are riddled with parasites and other contaminants that we cannot see, but if you pour that shit out in a bowl, and let it sit, for even five minutes, it will look like white cat hair, or some sort of dust contaminant, but then put on your cell phone flash, and take a picture, and be prepared to lose your mind, but then do the same thing, when you pee, and let it sit in the toilet, and go photograph it, and you will see that they are in your body and urogenital system, I don't think that these parasites don't get into your excrement because they do! They will infest your whole body, so while you're showering in the polluted water, they also have access to your body! The workers of iniquity have pretty much covered it all, to fuck us with our food, water, air, clothes, and the list is endless, but this is spiritual warfare, which isn't it event, it's an all day every day, assaults, upon humanity, and all of God sentient creatures, but they prevailed, not, and I can't wait till judgment comes on their asses, and now, I understand why hell it's such a miserable place because that's exactly what they fucking deserve for eternity! I almost forgot, the motherfuckers are putting out parasites through chemtrailing, & where is a medical journal called Chemtrails & the parasites that follow, there is a book called cancer and the parasite connection!💖🙏🕊️🥰 I hope this info, blesses everybody and spares them the misery that my family and beautiful pets are suffering with, thanks to these motherfucking parasites, from the motherfucking workers of iniquity.

  3. My friends, there are many dimensions, not just 2, & it is said that the astral realm is where these gin reside! There's an awesome channel or maybe you can reference it online, mapping out the different dimensions, and there are multiple dimensions within the Earth realm, but then there are dimensions, outside of the realm of earth, as I understand it, and the Godhead is obviously, the highest! It occurred to me that all of this disgusting Satanic ritual abuse is because these people doing the rituals, are so low vibrational, as are the gin or demons, they serve, and the reason a sacrifice to the demons, is to further empower them, and give them energy, though it is also said that they create fear and disharmony, because that's what they live off of, but I also think that these sacrifices give them more energy to elevate to our dimension and beyond, to empower them, and I've been searching for this answer, for a long time, because I knew there was something more behind these disgusting rituals, other than pissing off God, and exacting, hate and torture on us, and I believe that is one of the many reasons they do it, as I enumerated above! If anyone has any more info, please hit me up!

  4. Wait, Dre, it sounds like you believe the bullshit about climate change? There is no climate change only climate manipulation, but they are trying to bullshit us into thinking it's naturally occurring, and that we are at fault, when they are using advanced technology to push this narrative, and they will be crop failure, because Gates is buying out all the farmland, and taking it over by force and taking over the cattle ranchers, or they'll burn the motherfucking shit down, if the people refused to submit, and I watched videos, before Covid, and during, where farmers and cattle ranchers were being interviewed about how the government came in and told them that they either submit to their plan, or their shit will be destroyed, so there ain't no climate change that's the deception they are selling, so they could get away with the evil shit they're doing in the guise of climate change, so the outward narrative is accurate, but the cause is the workers of iniquity, I just wanted to clarify that because it sounded like he were believing in their bullshit, so forgive me, if I'm wrong, but if I'm not, now, you know better! It's like all of these "natural disasters" that aren't natural at all, but done by DARPA weapons of war, like HAARP and directed energy, weapons, and once they start the fires, take notice of how they're letting them burn and playing like they can't put the shit out! They also have the capability to cause earthquakes and tsunami's, and are they doing every bit of this, but ignorant people will believe it's natural disasters when there ain't nothing natural about them! 💖🙏✨🥰

  5. Thanks Dre 💖🥰🌟🎁! U're awesome, & your presence is beautiful & light hearted, with this heavy content, your beautiful personality & presence is a gift, but you do make me laugh, and I appreciate it! I've watched other channels that came before you, and after you, but they don't have your divine spark, but remember, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and there's room for everybody, but my heart is with this channel!! God bless you and yours, and everyone who is truly like minded, trying to spread truth, so we can serve the mighty kingdom of God! Thanks again for your hard work & sharing your beautiful light & sense of humor! 🥰🙏💖🎁🌟🕊️✨💫 PS, I do share your videos, but I want you to know I'm not getting your notifications, so I go looking for you! 🥰🌟💖🙏🕊️

  6. How do u know it was the hottest summer ever ? I'd like to know ! Has anyone been here throughout all summers. And what about man made climate change ? Does that man made the weather change ? Or man controllers the weather? Words have many meanings. It's not us it's them controlling the weather. ! Wake up ! 777

  7. Y'all don't get it yet? The New Testament is just like the Simpsons. It's all a planned narrative and they mask it by saying it's prophecy. It's not difficult to understand

  8. Medical doctors are trained to take care of Caucasians. We don't have the same metaphysical makeup. Just something really simplistic would be your weight. They will say black women would be overweight via BMI but we are structured differently. Black women have larger breasts than white women, black women have thicker thighs, calves, buttocks, even our hair carries weight, those appendages carry weight😂. Let's be clear, whyt people have been studying us since they were manufactured. Break down the word Khemistry or the word changed Chemistry.

  9. She mentioned indoctrination, but they refuse to acknowledge that they have been worshipping a black family, they reuse to acknowledge that black people are the chosen of the Almighty, they refuse to acknowledge that we are not the same, and their karma is at hand, as the refuse to acknowledge that they did and are still doing to us

  10. Dude the other day i was reading an article on how to summon Abaddon and i was keen on doing it… i didnt know about the cern connection though 😮 Abaddon is real people his the real Angel of the abyss and I think I wanna summon him

  11. BooShoo Dre, keep rocking da haus!!! I'll rest a couple of my pearls, with U – Hurricane Bob Dylan & I believe in you Don Williams, I'll be back 4 them, metaphorically speaking, just saying…
    Chi Miigwetch, Dove that flies thru Thunder Storms aka janis

  12. So……the Eclipse is over… And, we're all still here, safe & sound. There's a lot of talk about the world basically coming to some sort of end… 3 suns, catastrophic earth events but nothing today. Wtf happened!?

  13. as long as you keep god first whether something happens or not be ready always in the lesson to learn…history allow repeats itself when you dont learn

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