
Daggerheart Pre-Order Update with Matthew Mercer and

Daggerheart Pre-Order Update with Matthew Mercer and Spenser Starke | Livestream

#Daggerheart #PreOrder #Update #Matthew #Mercer

“Critical Role”

Join Matthew Mercer and Spenser Starke for a LIVE Q&A as they discuss a few of the updates from all your amazing playtest …



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  1. I'm curious/concerned how they're gonna handle things that just took actions before in combat without the action tracker. Like drinking a potion, or other buffs that use to say "as an action". As adding tokens to the action tracker discouraged someone just taking 3 potions back to back with no consequences. Whatever they do, it will require redoing so many abilities and rewording so much text.

  2. I need more then a deck of cards and a book for a collectors edition. Starfinder and Pathfinder have set a standard in the community.
    Standees, maps, three books. Character sheets, folders a screen. And that's the starter set.
    Paying double the amount for a book should get us more then a fancy cover I'm sorry.

  3. I hope eventually there will be a feature in Demiplane to add homebrew so it’s not just on pen and paper. My campaign has an artificer, Stars Druid, and a twilight cleric (also a swashbuckler rouge but that’s easy with current tools) without homebrew these options aren’t the easiest to reflect with current DH options. Homebrew? Easy but the app currently doesn’t support homebrew like dndbeyond. Would love to add say a “Spellwright” (artificer 😉) to the classes in app.

  4. Thinking about the changes to armor and thresholds, which definitely has a lot of repercussions of how abilities, leveling up, and so many more things need to be balanced, kinda destroyed my excitement to keep experimenting with 1.5 on demiplane and such. Why keep learning the game and finding builds I love when I'd just be hyping myself up for a system that might not work like that at all upon release. It's just kind of sad, and I didn't expect it to have this excitment deflating effect on me…

    I'm still really excited and happy for all that their doing, and I hope it's balanced well and feels great on release. It just feels weird right now…

  5. I'm very surprised, and It makes me very nervous, to hear about such big changes that we don't get to get our hands on before buying it. The Armor and Threshold changes require rebalancing an absurd amount of things, from damage to immensely affecting the level up options and so much more. It is just very unexpected, after having a large amount of their future player base get used to a significantly different version of this system.
    Also, just personally, the choices of using different amounts of armor to choose how much damage to negate was one of my favorite things about this system. It was one of the most fun unique things daggerheart had going for it…

    Also removing the action tracker makes me very curious how they will balance so many abilities now. Because in combat, the fact that lots of buff spells and abilities gave an action point to the dm for enemy activation helped keep them balanced. But if that's not a thing anymore, I'm very curious what will keep people from just doing every buff they can with no chance of an enemy attacking.

    Completely unrelated, but I'm so surprised they're releasing it with only the 9 community cards. Only 9 background options seems really strange, and I always hoped they'd try to increase it to match the 18 ancestry. I know that seems like a lot, but it just feels like the community cards could start feeling really repetative, when a lot of systems have such a wealth of background options that many players are likely used to.

  6. I like the system but for third option not as my main ttrpg so please tell me that the 4th campaing would be with new 5e not with Daggerheart and you will play Daggerheart like Candela Obscura in short shots.

  7. It's really fun seeing Spenser in this video compared to the first about Daggerheart. From seemingly nervous but excited to share, to now just joyfully sharing with no jitters (at least no visible jitters). My headcanon is he got swarmed by critter love for both his work and his person 🙂

  8. I knew this would be good but this is more and more sounding to be absolutely perfect. This is gonna change the game industry because DnD really set the tone for math heavy games leading the industry but hopefully this will set the trend for more narrative focus games being the head.
    Don't need complex math to have a lot of mechanics as shown by the amount of cards this game has.

  9. D&D has errata, Pathfinder has errata, it's just a thing tabletop games do – nobody can account for every tiny detail that may come to light, even with playtesting out the wazoo. I'm, personally, looking forward to this system coming! Having playtested and hearing the changes coming, it really feels like an interesting intermingling of a bit of crunch and a narrative focus, sort of Blades in the Dark meets a D&D-like. Campaign frames sound dope, really liking what I'm hearing about the Hope and Fear changes, and the Armor thresholds. Little crunch, more than 5e (good imo), less than PF (though I love that, too). Looking forward to the game coming live!

  10. My group is loving this system but I really hope we get some more solid info on what digital tools will be available. It’s a big deal from an accessibility standpoint, for online campaigns, DM coordination, and general ease of play so we spend more time exploring worlds than managing a paper sheet haha. Can’t wait but hoping something like what you have on demiplane now comes to us somehow with the full release.

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