
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is Mostly Negative?! What Is

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is Mostly Negative?! What Is Happening??

#Dragons #Dogma #Negative

“Arekkz Gaming”

Fans of Dragon’s Dogma were buzzing with excitement when the sequel was announced, but recent reviews and discussions …



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  1. Glad i decided not to pre-order, yet why does this single player game have no new game, 1 save data, so many bugs, and no modding? I usually can tell when a game's going to be overhyped just by the creators and it's hilarious Dragon Dogma 2 is worse than games from almost a decade ago.

  2. Are the performance issues are only on Steam? Ive had no noticeable issues on PS5

    I dont really care about the stuff they sell in the PS store. As you mentioned, its all stuff you can get in the game. Theyre also all only available to purchase once & some of these items came bundled with the Digital Deluxe. Theyre pretty cheap as an alternate option if you dont wanna take the time to obtain them ingame

    None of these are game changers & its a single player game anyway, we arent competing with other players. Im gonna continue enjoying the heck outtta this game

  3. Dodged a bullet by not pre-ordering this game. 😬 Sounds like there are a lot of issues that aren't even being addressed by the devs and even with a top-notch gaming PC you are going to suffer from shitty performance.

  4. 0:29 It sounds like it’s stated that reviewers “weren’t made aware”/“had no prior knowledge” when it comes to the MTXs.

    But even people who were sent For Review details have said they had read it in the given material, and only didn’t mention it because Capcom always have useless boosters.

    It was just assumed that most who buy into Capcom games already knew this and were going to do as always… not use them.

  5. Ok after hearing all this its just plain predatory. For average person they're not gonna care but those that cant help themselves will unfortunately pay up. Its just grimy.

  6. Well, I'm enjoying the game immensely, but I knew what I was getting into before I started. That being said, it's wildly annoying to have to fight every ten feet across one of the largest maps I've ever seen. The cash shop is largely irrelevant, nothing there you can't easily acquire in game no issues at all. The population density is my only issue, it's not immersive to be fighting a group if bandits with another group of bandits literally watching and waiting for me to reach them.

  7. Let me be very clear here, whenever people say "It's not a big deal" or "Just don't buy them" or "These items are easy to find", for Crapcom it's the same as DEFENDING IT, consumers defending anti-consumer practices.

    Crapcom: "See, they don't mind it at all, better yet, they embrace it!"

    "But all their games had it, why now it is an issue?"
    Because it is the tipping point, the people complaining today are the same people that always complained about it, and for every time they did, there was always someone to say "Just don't buy them", "it's not a big deal", "these items are easy to find/are not necessary to buy".

    Today, these items are easy to find and only cost 1 or 2 bucks, tomorrow they'll be rare, essential to gameplay and cost 5 or 10 bucks each, just keep patting Crapcom in the back and you'll see.

  8. So let me get this straight: the negative reviews are namely coming from those that need bonus RC to hire stronger pawns and/or need additional wakestones for a continue? So the ones bitching are the ones innately bad at the game and haven’t put the time in to learn it.

  9. Iv played a little and it’s fun, but there are still a lot of problems. First and foremost dumping down the skills from 6 to 4 this is absolutely awful, since it really limits your combat options, mainly as the magic classes. Next not being able to change your skills on the fly. It never made sense in the first game, and I was hoping they would of fixed that crap. If there was fast travel than this would not be a problem, but the fast travel is spread out. It’s like these developments think only kids play these games, when there are adults who play video games. Adults have other responsibilities that they need to do. Anybody agree.

  10. Enjoyed reading the Forbes article saying that YouTubers and reviewers knew about the micro before they dropped there reviews 👊👍🥳🥳 GG keeping that relationship with capcom tight.

  11. Been Looking into getting this game as i have heard nothing but hype and love for the First one but sadly things have been a bit tight lately so have held off on it. Shame its running a bit poorly as ive a bit of an old pc and hope they fix it soon. The micro-transactions seem a tad pointless if the stuff is not that hard to obtain in game themselves, I mean I can spend £1.70 for a character editor or pay £0.90 to buy 50 crystals to buy it in from an in-game merchant?…. the fuck?

  12. Ive gone over in my head every way they could have implemented some extra content for this game and they really cant win, these people review bombing will find some angle every time, and occasionally it starts a social stir and the game gets review bombed, im personally fine with the micros in this game, far from terrible and reasonably cheap, the games great but I doubt we'll see another from this franchise after thos childish bullshit, this kind of discourse usually fades pretty quick but mostly negative is hard to come back from tbh

  13. If anyone who's playing this one ever played the first one I'm willing to bet they're not complaining and grinding their ass off to get what they want out of the game. Kind of feels like it's a bunch of players who are trying this for the first time whinning

  14. I just hope the performance is updated, I saw the Steam Deck Gaming video that says when playing the game does not fully utilize the cpu and gpu so there is something very wrong about their performance. I just hope they can optimize it so much so that it can be played 30fps on a steam deck…

  15. The game has a pretty bad start, just like the original. The love of this game comes from the combat and exploration, but it takes time to get used to how things work.

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