
Dragon’s Dogma 2 PC Performance – What Is Going On?

Dragon’s Dogma 2 PC Performance – What Is Going On?

#Dragons #Dogma #Performance


Dragon’s Dogma 2 is now available and has received rave reviews from critics. Many consider it an early Game of the Year …



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  1. I could be wrong, however I think more than ever before, investors and stakeholders push developers to release the game as soon as possible after a certain point – to a state where the game can be patched up after updates. I can find no other logical explanation as to why unfinished games (be it bugs or performance issues) are released in a "full" state.

  2. "In the cities it goes down to 55 FPS, not bad" meanwhile the frame pacing is the worst i've ever seen in a video game. This guy doesn't know shit about technical stuff in games.

  3. Same problem as the console versiosn, except pc gamers are playing with mouse and keyboard, right next to their monitors and they care about framerates much more than console gamers. The pc version is still the best version, but there is some bottleneck in towns that just cant be brute forced.

  4. I also don't understand why this reviewer is attempting to play on 4k ultra settings on a 3080ti that's not a 4k ready GPU to begin with, terrible optimization aside. You need more VRAM for 4k. Especially with raytracing like what is this dude smoking!?

  5. I have no idea why people still buy games at launch or preorder in this day and age. Especially on PC where there's garunteed to be problems for the first few months.

  6. I have a 2070 and I really regret buying this on PC, I thought it would be fine because I hit basically all the recommended requirements but man it runs terribly everywhere, like 20 fps always and the resolution looks so blurry I just can’t fix it shoulda bought it on ps5 because then it would at least be playable

  7. Got a tip off a steam review. Go into your task manager after you start the game, go to details and right click dragonsdogma2 and set priority to high. It's worked fairly well for me on 32 gigs of RAM core i10700 and a 12-gig 3080, with about a 10 to 15 fps gain. It still crashes often though.

  8. They made a mistake just wait game just came out😂😂😂
    They forgot to fully optimize a couple things (especially cpu) so just be patient
    Play the 1st one in the time being🤣

  9. I can barely get over 30 FPS with every setting on its lowest/turned off and performance upscaling on 2k despite using a 3060.
    i read that the game is more CPU- than GPU-needy and that might be the reason why but what do i know lol im just blindly believing strangers on the internet xd

  10. triple A
    more than 60$ price
    12 years development to think about and end with the more stupid ideas never seen on a sp game
    (oh the game is runing at 60 fps in ours 4000$ test pc's, for sure we dont neet to test it in lowers pc's, green light )

    the result?

    this never deserve the goty, no matter what
    after baldurs gate 3 this game is only an insult to players that uses her money and get a unplayable game in return, with micro being SP

  11. I'm not paying 80$ for an unfinished singelplayer game… period. Developers needs to learn that a game releasing on PC, needs to be able to have 60+ frames stable on even moderate hardware. Not all PC-gamers has money to buy a desktop for 2-3000$. A PC for 1-2k should be able to run a well developed PC game at 60+ frames 1080p.
    PC-gamer are ididots when they test games. Their hardware is most likely top of the cream so ofc their testing will give high results.
    Games should be tested with all sorts of levels of hardware.

  12. Ok, now I’m wondering why this was not being emphasized on by people who got their hands on the game or the demo a lot earlier than us. All I’ve heard prior to launch was the game is a master piece, we are looking at goty, the game got them hooked. Was the performance issue not there? I’m also wondering why the devs didn’t think this was an issue. Did they not play this on consoles or anything other than high end pc?

  13. i have 3060ti rog strix and a i7 10th gen and in the city its terrible and graphics are not even that good cyberpunk look 300x time better and run way better on my 3060ti in 1080p

  14. so… they designed a whole ass blockbuster rpg and NEVER.. ONCE.. thought "maybe pauldrons and shawls should scale proportionally on larger muscular characters.. rather than bugging-out to be 5x bigger than the characters torso. maybe that isnt fine in a title that costs over $100"??

  15. Well my life philosophy is to never touch a game on release. Wait one or two years until all bugs are fixed(hopefully) and they got a GOTY edition along with some DLCs.
    Then buy it on sale and have lots of fun with it.

  16. My guess is that the performance is so bad is to have people use DLSS. Then Nvidia will push it out as an advertisement. Then after Nvidia gets their publicity, the engine will be fixed.

  17. Man, on one hand I ADORE the game and wanna play and explore like crazy and on the other hand I am disappointed af. Didn‘t know Capcom and RE Engine could be such a letdown at some point. Makes me sad, optimization is a mess rn..

  18. So unplayable, good to know. This is why I don't buy on release anymore. Definitely not Early access. Unless it's potato graphics and I have seen my specs run it in a video.

  19. Ive for a beast of a PC but decided to get this on PS5 cos I don’t use it alot, good to hear even if I did get it for PC it would be as bad. Annoying you can’t refund on ps5 tho. Have a feeling mods might fix it on pc

  20. This is a wel common practice in development, since you can’t accurately test performance issues in a controlled testing environment. You wait until you release the product and use the consumer’s as testers so you can push a patch in the first few weeks.

  21. instead of looking at FSR/DLSS as a requirement I prefer the view that games were pretty stagnant in visual improvements offering very little increase vs games a few years ago, I believe this is due to the high requirement of good visual games and also running them at at high resolutions.

    If I think back to BF4 days I remember thinking that being able play that at 1080p with 60fps average was good performance. however these days people no only want visuals that are way higher than a few years ago but also want them with 60 or 120 fps as the minimum and at 4k resolution.

    4k alone requires like 2-3x the GPU power to hit the same 60 fps average that you would get at 1080p so you can imagine the requirement to get 60 fps as a minimum. and thats without increasing the visual quality or assets inside the game, or including ray tracing which still takes a significant toll on fps.

    people seem to want their cake and eat it too, give me a game with life like visuals in an open world game with 1000s of npcs running at 100fps on 4k. but also make it run on a GPU that is $400
    its just not possible.

    prior to these upscaling methods. your TOTL GPUs (that were only getting 60-80fps average at 1080p) had a shelf life of about 1 generation unless you bought a titan or something. and so if you wanted to play the latest games and get close to 60-80fps at 1080p a new gpu would be required. nowadays it seems like you can get that performance pretty easily and also use upscaling (and frame gen now) to extend the life of your gpu,

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