Elites Loosing Control: Gold Skyrockets & Ukraine

Elites Loosing Control: Gold Skyrockets & Ukraine Readies To Surrender ….. Entertainment . Mount1

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“William Mount”

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  1. Military Mobilizes Behind President Trump
    By Michael Baxter
    April 13, 2024

    A single social media post appears to have been the catalyst for a military mobilization in which four OV-22 Ospreys packed with heavily armed Marines departed Camp Pendleton to the east and, on the opposite side of the country, Special Forces detachments left Fort Liberty with orders to “reach rally point Alpha.
    The unexpected White Hat assemblage coincided precisely with President Donald J. Trump’s post to Truth Social yesterday morning: “72 hours until all hell breaks loose!” ostensibly referencing April 15, the day the Deep State’s illegal “hush money” trial against him is expected to commence in New York City.
    Moments after Trump’s post hit Truth Social, Real Raw News received a message from a Camp Pendleton source saying, “General Smith stands ready to defend the Constitution and POTUS. We’re going airborne.”
    That source then went dark and did not respond to requests for elaboration.
    His sudden silence prompted us to make umpteen calls to gain clarification. A second Pendleton source confirmed that “loaded” Ospreys had taken off but spoke nebulously when asked about the mission and the planes’ ultimate destination.
    “The tide’s changing soon,” he said. “I’m not predisposed to divulge operational details at this time.”
    Another source, this one at Fort Liberty–formerly called Fort Bragg and renamed after the now-deceased Lloyd Austin falsely claimed that the eponymous Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg was a racist—told RRN that Special Forces went “Oscar Mike,” military slang for “on the move,” at the same time the Ospreys took to the air. Like the previous source, he was reticent about sharing logistics and would neither qualify the mission nor quantify the number of troops involved in the operation, and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, say how Special Forces were traveling from Liberty to their target—presumably NYC.
    The sources’ cageyness is peculiar. In the past, White Hats have shared candidly specifics on missions to protect President Trump. For example, in June 2023, after Trump ignored Gen. Smith’s advice to avoid answering the Deep State’s federal documents indictment in Miami, RRN was told in advance that 500 White Hats would be there to shield him against Deep State deception.
    Although RRN lacks sufficient info to decide whether the mobilization is an offensive move against the Deep State or merely a protective detail, the alacrity of the deployment, in tandem with Trump’s Truth Social post, suggests the op centers on POTUS and is not a training exercise or an unrelated assignment.
    Variables dictate how Armed Forces units transition to battle-ready status; typically, elite forces can mobilize within 2-4 hours of receiving marching orders. Yesterday, it took minutes, suggesting Liberty and Pendleton had foreknowledge of Trump’s post and had placed soldiers and Marines on alert status, ready to roll, locked and loaded, on a moment’s notice. 🇺🇸

  2. So after wiping out the Ukrainians, does that mean the bolchevics get the land? That "homeland bullshit" again? Just who did they take the land from in the first place? CAUSE THEY'RE NOT HUMAN!!! GET THAT!!! -》 HOMO CAPENSIS! Google images! Scroll down! See who they REALLY ARE TODAY! 👾🌠🔚

  3. Nuland Hanged at GITMO, Ahead of Schedule
    By Michael Baxter
    April 12, 2024

    Victoria Nuland was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Thursday afternoon after telling a fellow detainee that Admiral Crandall was a “cowardly wimp” who lacked the “balls” to execute or order the execution of someone of her distinction and prominence. She also boasted, through deceit or delusion, she had surrendered to JAG voluntarily because “President Obama” wanted her on the inside to gather intelligence on GITMO activities. “I can leave anytime I want, today even, and there’s nothing anyone here can do to stop me,” Nuland boasted.

    Detainees at Camp Delta’s “death row” typically spend their last days in isolation and have no contact with even their nearest neighbors. They have no amenities or privileges and leave their cells under heavy guard twice weekly to shower. However, overcrowding and JAG’s reluctance to methodize same-day executions—hang them immediately upon conviction—have led to inmates mingling in corridors, passing notes, and speaking to one another through air vents discreetly.

    Nuland didn’t know the meaning of “discretion” and wanted the inhabitants to understand that her freedom, unlike theirs, was only a phone call away. “One call, one call to Biden or Obama, that’s all it takes and I’m out of here. You can’t go home, but I can. I can leave this place whenever I want, today even,” Nuland told an inmate.

    A guard overheard Nuland’s bragging and reported her to the watch commander, who reportedly informed Admiral Crandall that Nuland’s behavior had become intolerable and disruptive.

    Admiral Crandall honored her with a personal visit.

    “So, word on the street is you can leave GITMO today, detainee Nuland. I’ve thought about this and decided you’re right: you leave today.”

    The color drained from Nuland’s face. “No, no, you said the sixteenth. You promised. Today’s only the eleventh,” Nuland said.

    “I promised you nothing, detainee Nuland. I said ‘tentatively’ the sixteenth, and tentative means whatever I say it means. And it means now,” the admiral said.

    Two hours later, Nuland stood atop the gallows quaking in fear with a rope around her neck and terror in her eyes. She did not answer when the admiral asked if she had final words, as if fear had sucked the breath from her mouth.

    “Last chance,” the admiral said.

    Nuland seemed to muster a bit of courage. She straightened her body and took a deep breath.

    “I pledge allegiance to Obama—”

    “Hell of a lot of good he did for you,” the admiral quipped, nodding his head as he watched Nuland’s soon-to-be lifeless body dangling from the rope and gasping for air.

    At the utterance of Obama’s name, he had ordered the hangman to open the door underneath Nuland’s feet.

    She was pronounced dead three minutes later.

  4. People don't understand that the prices of things are never going back down. This inflation is deeper than we think. Those buying groceries are well aware that the real inflation is much over 10%. The increments don't match our income, yet certain investors still earn over $365,000 in stocks and assets. Wish I could accomplish that.

  5. Back to basic skills, trades, patriotism and common sense, like as in reading, writing, and arithmetic being taught in schools? Forsooth, hold thine silly tongue! Really? You promise? I'm gonna hold you to it!

  6. And I’m sure you’re aware that on a quantum subatomic particle level which they say there are no quantum subatomic particle levels but nonetheless I’m sure you’re aware that collectively we create reality because like when you observe the small particle it changes a small particle so just by thinking I thought a change is reality so if we start speaking some faith and some some positivity into this blackness and I’m not saying that it isn’t bleak but out of the bleakness we will have some life and laughter and love and hope because they can’t take God out of the hearts and minds of the people and that’s where true joy lies so I know every day for you to even stand up there in and be so cheerful and graceful and intelligent and honest you have to have a big belief in God so anyway that’s enough for me I love you love you both 😅👍💜🍇🚚🌈☀️🤩🌴

  7. ❤😊🙏 Thank you wonderful William Mont wow keep the faith believe in miracles keep fighting thank you for being part of the front line with news…THE TRUTH IS POWERFUL. The good news is the oracle says the white hats are in control the black hats had a leg up a while back but not anymore and the quite hats have control of the media and they are running the country and they have the control of the supreme court so while it looks like a total debacle behind the scenes a miracle is happening love you ❤️

  8. I worked hard my whole life was in New York before during and after 9/11. My whole family is military two relatives buried in Arlington I want to see all the veterans that have passed away come up out of their graves and seek vengeance

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