Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson promoted EXTREME RIGHT WING

Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson promoted EXTREME RIGHT WING WW2 STUFF

#Elon #Musk #Tucker #Carlson #promoted #EXTREME #WING

“The Serf Times”

Content warning for this one, this stuff is getting so out of hand that I can’t even put in the description of title the degree of apologia they’re trying to normalize.
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  1. Lance this is such a horrific video because there are so many ghouls who are Hitler apologists like these two chuckleheads. However I absolutely can't get enough of your Churchill impression.

  2. Churchill also horse traded Poland to the Soviets, he's not innocent or someone to be admired for everything he did. He's imperfect like most politicians but certainly many degrees below H*tler in terms of his evils.

  3. Was Churchill a villain? Of course he was. Was he more of a villain than Hitler? Of course not! Churchill sucked so damn much, but he sucked less than Hitler. That isn't a very hard statement to make.

  4. How long did it take Tucker Carlson to draw a parallel between this historian claiming Churchill exacerbated Hitler's invasion of Poland into World War II and Putin's invasion of Ukraine?

  5. Anyone who's surprised by Tucker being a Nohtzee apologist hasn't been paying attention for past several decades. He's always been notorious for spouting just-an-inch-away-from-saying-racist-slurs garbage on live TV, and reportedly stating some of the most vile and racist shit in private life. Now that he's no longer beholden to a broadcast network that somewhat tries to maintain it's public image, he's far more open about his racist, pro-Nohtzee views. And as time goes on he'll take off the mask completely.

  6. I feel like we need to be able to look at the bigger picture of WW2 and admit that Hitler was not unique within the context of European Colonial history, but that doesn't mean that we should be creating tier lists of world leaders during that time to see who was the most evil.

    I'd argue that Hitler's crime in the eyes of the Allies was committing colonialism within Europe, where it was visible to the citizens within the imperial core and threatened to encroach on the borders of those colonial states.

    At a time where communism was becoming increasingly mainstream it would be incredibly dangerous from an optics standpoint to have a live example of the type atrocities being committed simultaneously in the Americas and the global south right on their doorstep.

    That doesn't make Hitler a victim, even though the motivations behind the war were arguably to ensure the continuation of crimes against humanity that were comparable to the crimes of his regime and those of the other Axis powers.

    That makes them all terrible and the takeaway should be that we should oppose imperialism of all kinds, as well as no longer lionising the very cruel and bigoted men who perpertuated the violence from the comfort of lavish conference rooms and dining halls – eating feasts whilst the public were dying on an industrial scale and the women, children and disabled adults at home were working gruelling hours and struggling to afford a decent meal.

  7. If Hitler hadn't explicitly said that he has his sights on England and the British empire, he and Churchill would 100% have been allies and friends bonded over a shared extreme racism

  8. All these years of centrists telling everyone that there aren't real nazis out there and that we're overreacting bla bla bla…
    The world's richest man and the owner of what was once the biggest social media platform on planet earth is reposting nazi shit…

    "No nazis! You're overreacting!!"

    Fuck you, softies. Turning a blind eye to this DID NOT PAY OFF. Being soft on the right DID NOT PAY OFF.
    If you're a centrist, stop talking about this as if you know something. Ask people who were right all along how this could grow and grow and no one stopped it.. They'll tell you it's partly the "when they go low, we pretend it's not really that big of a deal and we deal with it like we're in kindergarten. Smile it away!"

    Nazis.. Being boosted by the biggest mouths on the right.. And the right is like "nice, I KNEW hitler wasn't so bad! He killed all the jews, how could he be bad? If Churchill wasn't so evil, Hitler would just have fed the Jews and everything would be good!" Chuds nod in unison

    Centrists: Don't overreact! There are no nazis!
    The right: "There's no such thing as right wing extremism!"
    Normal humans: You normalized it to the point where you no longer see nazis as that extreme…. You're nazi sympathisers and bigoted swine…
    Centrists: When they go low, we go high! High up on our horse where we pretend we're above all that, and that humans are good at the core!
    The right: HAHA they almost killed Pelosi's husband!
    Centrists: Well this is outrageous… No nazis though, everyone is good at the core!

    Centrists need to look at the world through some new glasses. Going soft on the right while the right went hard right was SO GOD DAMN DUMB.

  9. The funny thing about WWII is Mussolini tried to court France and Lebrun followed Chamberlain as a sock pupoet and Stalin tried to curtail Hitler.
    In other word the only two oeople of men that tried didnt trust each other to be competent.

  10. On the topic of Holocaust revisionism, I once heard that "actually, there weren't death camps, just work camps. And once the Nazis started losing the war and resources became scarce, naturally supplies going to work camps dried up faster." So there wasn't a targeted extermination policy, but rather one of those "oopsies" of war. Now, I'm sure that strained resources late in the war did cause mass deaths in both work and death camps outside of planned exterminationist policies – but that's not really an "oopsie of war" when there were still extermination camps, and known, deliberate exterminationist policies. 🤦‍♂️

    And like, let's not forget that even if the Holocaust "wasn't as bad as they say" (it definitely was as bad, just to be clear), the Nazis have like 8 other genocides in addition to the Holocaust. Roma, Poles, Russians, and Ukrainians for sure. LGBT+ targeting isn't "genocide" per se, but it's still exterminationist. Don't forget about the mass mass murder of political opponents and dissidents.

    So, is the "strained resources" excuse any kind of mitigating factor? Obviously it's not.

    Edit: shit, lol. I just got to the part where Lance read this dude's Tweet describing something similar. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  11. Churchill was definitely a villain. But is anyone an actual good guy in WWII? If either side of bad guys lost, I'm glad it was the Nazis, but that doesn't make anyone the good guy.

    But by that same logic, Churchill being an absolute shitstain doesn't mean Hitler was "not so bad". No no, he really was. 🤦‍♂️

  12. The scorn and utter contempt I have for Trump supporters is not reserved for the dregs of society who attend Trump rallies. I have plenty for all the lo-info Republican voters, especially college educated white dudes.
    There's nothing to understand about Republican voters. GOP has been MAGA for more than 45 years now, driven by one conservative principle, hatred, irrational hatred fed by all Republican politicians.

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