Episode 2327 CWSA 12/19/23 News You Can’t Use, And Some

Episode 2327 CWSA 12/19/23 News You Can’t Use, And Some You Can, Fun Stuff And Coffee

#Episode #CWSA #News

“Real Coffee with Scott Adams”

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  1. Scott is correct that President Trump never suggested that anyone try injecting bleach to cure COVID — Trump merely asked his medical advisor whether there was any doctor-supervised procedure whereby bleach could be injected into the lungs to cure COVID. I've never understood how asking someone a question equates to "Hey, everybody! Try this thing I'm asking about!"

  2. Ok if the gifted people are in the same class as everyone else, they will still be smart, so now all the non gifted people will have to compete with them one on one. But this will lower stress?

  3. The multiple GOP, Maga and cyber ninja audits and recounts found zero fraud in the election. The Maga cult don't care about facts. They believe there was fraud simply because tRump told them to believe there was fraud.

  4. Great news!

    Donald Trump is disqualified from being president under the 14th Amendment, the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled for its state, removing Trump from the Colorado 2024 GOP primary ballot.

  5. States like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania openly violated their election laws. Everyone knows it and the politicians all agree, but apparently there is no actual prison penalty for violating our elections. Otherwise a number of people would be in prison now, including the state's Secretary of State or whoever runs their elections.

  6. 2:35 I think there are a couple of POTENTIALLY legitimate reasons Chicago wants to eliminate GATE programs. 1) Most of what students learn in school is completely useless, if not outright false in the real world. Such programs don’t predict future success as much as we give them credit for. 2) As with SAT scores, kids with well off parents tend to do better on placement tests. They’re not necessarily smarter than their disadvantaged classmates.

  7. This was ridiculous. There are 3 obvious spots just with 30 aeconds of thought. Turn off signature verification so you can count false ballots. Related, count mail in ballots that "arrive" after closing of voting and you can submit ballots for people who didn't vote. The machines can manipulate the counts. In theory, all fixable or auditable. But they dont want to. Why? Chances are the Republicans cheat must as much. Welcome to the uniparty.

  8. so when the Great 2023 Insert Erection was
    taking place, where was AOC hiding?
    I heard pounding, and screaming, I panicked
    and ran for cover…i hid behind jackets in
    the closet and tried to use my phone to
    call for help…but i forgot to charge my phone,
    i suffered for hours until help came…

  9. maybe the electronic voting machines are mystery boxes that no one understands (beyond a few people working for the manufacturer.) We could understand a count of physical, paper ballots. But what happens inside the black box? Do you know?

  10. I live in Japan. If you’re thinking of visiting and stealing an iPhone please know the police have a 99% success rate of solving crime here. There is also a thing we call ‘hostage justice’ here. You will be arrested and held in prison for 23 days before anything is done for you.

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