Episode 2335 CWSA 12/27/23 Themes Today: Gears Of The

Episode 2335 CWSA 12/27/23 Themes Today: Gears Of The Machine Becoming Obvious, Dad’s Coming Home

#Episode #CWSA #Themes #Today #Gears

“Real Coffee with Scott Adams”

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  1. 1:01:58 If you're so damned bored talking about what states are trying to take Trump off the ballot, then stop f-cking talking about it. Don't half ass your livestreams. That's why you got Soros wrong, Covington wrong, and a shit-tonne of other stories.

  2. About school curriculum, I just noticed that in 2023 there was a major protest by teachers against the curriculum. Something to look into, although this is a protest by probably communist teachers against a probably communist educational system.

  3. Hi Scott. I suffered with joint pains for years. It stopped immediately when I reduced wheat and dairy. Whenever I eat wheat/dairy I feel it in my joints right away. It's not all in your head.

  4. Twitter is primarly a US product. 230 million people are on it.
    Compared to Facebook, an international product with 2 billion people on it.
    If I was twitter, elon musk, "EU, this product isn't for you. So, don't care."

  5. Scott, let me know when you finish The Diplomat and if the show has a good ending. I've watched several series and only one was excellent with a perfect ending and that was Manifest on Netflix. Cheers 🥂

  6. Someone had to cook up an impressive sentence with big words to justify DEI efforts (quick before that window closes, so that somehow we can be war-ready.). Seems intended to convey urgency, before people change their minds about it.

  7. The temporary decline in alcohol sales is probably due to the boomers and millennials (largest generations) getting older. People tend to drink less the older they get.

    Don't worry though, enough people will start abusing alcohol when the economy tanks to make up for it.

  8. Scott initially stated that he was OK with killing Palestinian children since they have been weaponized. A few days later he’s saying how easily their young minds can be reprogrammed.

    The reason this bothers me is that I saw his pettiness on full display when he was shown to be wrong about Ramaswamy’s religion. That was a window into his personality, coloring everything else he says.

    I don’t know why he would make his first statement about the children if he knows to begin with that reprogramming them is easy. There is something slippery there, that I don’t like. Something slimy. My respect for him went down a notch.

    I don’t think he simply changed his mind about the children or had some new insight about it. It seems more like a technique he was using on us.

  9. Eat natural fermented bread from a local and trusted bakery, one that knows what they doing!

    I am a baker and i have no problem eating WELL FERMENTED bread. There is a lot of shite bread around there saying they sourdough when its not! Be aware and you should do just fine with wheat when well fermented.

    As long as it works for you.

    Dont trust, verify. 😉

  10. " Infringement " <– Must be an AI translation error.
    That's weird because most ALL of the EU understands the American/English language much much better than do those of US whom it's their native language!

  11. Who’s apologizing? Why are you trying to insult peoples intelligence by attempting to coach an apology? Sociopathic fans on locals ? And what’s they’re to be sorry for? Who’s supposed to be sorry ? You?

  12. Scott joins our government in not pushing immune system support. Vit D is the mental health and immune system vitamin and Scott wants to place doubts in the mind about it. Between that and his deviant lifestyle preferences he is on a mission to destroy mankind.

  13. 21:50 thank you Scott for saying that. It’s a big deal. Shelenberger explains the why. Awesome. 28:55 Many Acids are used as a preservative. Look at your packaging-it’s right there. So maybe that’s it, not the gluten. For me eating in France (bread 3x a day) made me see it. As soon as I stopped eating American breakfast. Lost 50 pounds. I’m now 197, 5’ 11” and stopped taking blood pressure meds…

  14. “I’ll still supplement Vitamin D, and my Doctor told me to do it” …

    But fuck that guy when he tells me to take Amlopidine for my heart – the fuck does he know😂😂😂

  15. NYT claims Open AI trained itself from their data. Well that makes OpenAI totally worthless. Poisoned food? Julia Childs was probably right in saying eat foods made with the smallest number of ingredients. Butter has one or two ingredients. It may even matter what the cow eat. Pasture fed or barn fed. Margarine has about twenty or more if you read within the parentheses. Vegetable oil contains zero vegetables. It's more like a chemists lab assignment. It's frightening if you read it and look up the meaning of the processing. You'd think they were making gasoline.Tricky aren't they. AI will deform into being just like people. "Trust Me! I wouldn't lie to you." If it's made by people, it will suck at everything. Is the EU the opposite of a UE? What's so special about civilians?

  16. I’m really tired of the DF’s who comment on legal matters (who’ve never practiced law) or on military matters (who’ve never served). It’s like Social Darwinism akin to those who take selfies with Bison in Yellowstone…can we just proceed to improving the gene pool?

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