
Film Theory: Star Wars is DEAD… Here’s How to Fix It!

Film Theory: Star Wars is DEAD… Here’s How to Fix It! (The Acolyte)

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“The Film Theorists”

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Ugh, loyal Theorists, is the galaxy far, far away losing its luster? The Star Wars fan community has been quite… argumentative… to say the least since The Force…



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  1. Listen i like this channel but organization is not the problem with star wars its the writing like for example the book of boba Fett was a show that was supposed to be about boba but turned into a mando show for its last episodes instead of being about THE LITERALLY MAIN CHARACTER.

  2. The odd coincidence that the day this video drops, I just happened to find to still new copies of the Clones Wars Season 1 volumes 2 and 3, which, since I'd gotten volume 1 2 weeks ago, means I've now 1-3… is quite the odd coincidence indeed

  3. It's way too late. But if they needed to use the old actors …. new star wars should have been about the new Republic struggling to hold onto power in a post imperial galaxy. There would be a lot of drama to flesh out… Leia in a political position of power, han living the high life a hero feeling displaced and useless yearning for his old ways and adventure, Luke the now stoic hero of the Republic on a mission to reestablish the strength of the Jedi order. … They could also explore the old Republic era with lower risk of damaging the lore.

  4. Well the biggest problem is that the studios have to stop shoving politics into entertainment

    Unless they (at the least) dial it down to make it less noticeable Star Wars will join the other franchises in the grave

  5. I think it’s the writing the number problem for Star Wars, the second is people placing their ideals to a franchise their grandparents, parents, and themselves grew up to know and love and now, they have to deal with the changes like “we want it to relate and support the LGBTQ+ community”… why complicate things? Knowing most don’t have or support the same ideology why make it difficult to those who grew up with the franchise and those that are beginning to explore the universe George Lucas created???

  6. I was thinking during this video about how EU material in Star Wars and Star Trek is released (or was released for Wars, before the Disney purchase), and this seems to also be similar for Doctor Who, and it does feel a little like how the current Star Wars slate is doing things (possibly even Trek right now, too, really). The problem is that an expanded universe is supposed to just be an expansion, not necessary for understanding the whole, and they also ultimately have a tenuously canon aspect to them, anyways, potentially being negated by a development in a movie.

    But ultimately, what I'm thinking of is how Wars books would bounce between eras at will, where you have the Old Republic, the prequel era, the interregnum, the original trilogy, the New Republic, and the far future. Elements were brought into the movies from the books (Coruscant and Thrawn being big ones), but other aspects were sidestepped completely (Splinter of the Mind's Eye being one completely non-canon story).

    Trek's bouncing between timelines at least was better delineated, because it would better indicate an era by showing what show it was a part of, though of course there were the series that weren't following a particular show but still were supposed to fit overall in the timeline (Hidden Frontier being a quite popular series). But unlike Wars, no Trek expanded universe material has been declared as canon by the people making the main product.

    And of course Doctor Who also has the novels and the like, but its big draw is the Big Finish audio dramas, which just seem to pinball to whatever version of the Doctor they want, with no real structure, I would think. But like Trek, nobody has sat down and said that certain bits are canon–in fact, it's widely considered to be non-canon, as far as I know, just that most of the stories may as well be true to the show because neither one contradicts anything in the latter (though I'm sure there is media in that EU which has been negated).

    Basically, if you want to bounce between timelines in your narrative, it seems best to do so in a format where the consumer doesn't feel obligated, with the media openly dubious in its canon. I mean, Wars is a movie series, so maybe the shows aren't canon?

    Still, there's another option: the regular movies are stylized as serials essentially, right? And the Clone Wars is structured as wartime propaganda (as far as I've heard–never watched it), with Rogue One being more of a classic war movie. So, lean in to that and portray this as often different stories from history told in various ways. You can have the more sanitized approach, the gritty and in-depth one, and all that, but overall start showing these as basically shows on the Star Wars galaxy's version of a history channel. Do a fake documentary, create a film with a fractured narrative due to conflicting accounts, etc. Our historical shows and movies don't follow a strict timeline, so in this instance things could veer into interesting areas. Of course, that could lead to an interesting aspect if you go all-in and think of, since our own educational channels went the way they did, trying to imagine what the Star Wars universe's version of Ancient Aliens or the like would be like.

  7. I'm pretty sure that after all that Accolyte backlash, Disney is going to handwave it away in some future project by making it a story that some youngling made up in the Jedi academy to tell and entertain other younglings and maybe even some younglings will call that storyteller kid out by having inconsistencies like Ki Adi Mundi there.

  8. One of those fans has already checked out on this IP. It happened after episode 9. I haven't watched anything Star Ears since, with the exception of one episode of the Mandolorian. But it's been pretty much for the reasons you listed. Disney only cares about the money grab, essentially.

  9. You cant get rid of cholerra in your water well by topping it up with new clean water. You have to shock it to wipe out everything.

    Disney is done and the only thing to save it going forward is to burn every bridge and have everything since 2016 be some weird vision or something.

  10. Disorganisation? That's the biggest problem? Ever since episode 7 we fans have been spat on and our favorite franchise has been torn apart. We were told that we were unwanted, that we were the problem, that Star Wars was defunct, that we do no represent Star Wars, that Luke wasn't a hero, that Han was washed up and that any female character was in truth a mary-sue. Disorganisation has a part, but the truth lies elsewhere.

  11. I feel like Theorist Inc. is often a great model for how to do things right. It's weird to think that a company as massive as Disney, with a property as massive as Star Wars, couldn't be bothered to do what you guys did. I realize it's a bigger undertaking…but they also have way more resources.

  12. Why should I care about any of this when there are starving children in Africa – RLM, whose job is literally them talking and caring about these things.

  13. Look, I am old, I watched the Empire Strikes Back on cinemas when I was 5. I grew up on SW and loved it. The prequels where… mmm.. not so good, but they completely lost me (and most of my friends) with The Force Awakens, So maybe I think you guys are just old enough to realize this was dead a long time ago

  14. You're trying to save franchise that had a themed DLC for The Sims 4 where ANYONE could:
    A) just buy themself a lightsaber and beat canonical characters a$$es after a few hours training with a drone
    B) have multiple crystals and multiple lightsaber hilts, and change color of their lightsaber just by manually swapping them any time
    C) fly Millenium Falcon and do the thread-the-needle maneuver on their first time at the helm
    D) get instant buddies with rebels or empire with no background check whatsoever
    E) the whole addon is built on the model of "Eh, lore? Forget about it, it's all water under the bridge now!", like lightsabers being common and available to everyone is just waved away due to "technological progress", flying MF right of the bat is also waved away by saying Lando "knows better now", Force being nowhere or not even mentioned is just waved away, etc.
    Do you really think Disney is even trying to fix this mess? No. Disney tries to milk it for whatever worth there still remains.

  15. I love how the issues Star wars is having fits right in with the original messaging of StarWars Pre-Disney:

    The inherent corruption of an aging poorly structured democracy allows a company's actions to lead to the creation of an empire under a dictator and a rebellion is needed to reset it back to democracy and freedom.

    So the answer is clear, so much fan creations need to go public that it bankrupts Disney trying to fight it all, freeing Starwars and all the rest! VIVA LA REVOLUCION!

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