
First US Bishop Stands With Bishop Strickland

First US Bishop Stands With Bishop Strickland

#Bishop #Stands #Bishop #Strickland

“Return To Tradition”

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  1. It was not hard for early Catholics to worship our Lord God the Father at their time. We can do it again.. why not avoid the protestant Catholics that has controlled Vatican. So long as we are true to our Lord Jesus Christ and even when. Our cross appears in our last trial, be happy we are bring given martrydom, it is the fastest way to show our repentance by shedding our blood in the valley of tears. We have to pray our act of contrition before we go down and it is pure repentance. It is the fastest way to ask for forgiveness. Imagine eternity,everylasting banquet , and everlasting happiness. All we see around us, our Lord Jesus Christ has created it, we don't need those things in paradise? Everything that we need will be provided to us 2hen we follow the Divine will of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we pray the rosary some people are scared to touch the rosary. I just wonder why,?!?? Any input guys about it? Do they burst into flames like whatever cartoons,, I really don't know.

  2. Bishop Strickland’s removal signals the beginning of a downfall. People thought it was the acceptance of Pachamama. When a World leader removes an obvious holy servant, it’s akin to the “first shot heard around the world.” The grace and dignity demonstrated by Bishop Strickland is an example we should all follow when wronged.

  3. Bishops have grown lukewarm denying Our Lady’s sweet request s to pray the rosary daily and to offer 5 first Saturday devotions in relations for. Laspgemoid insults against Mary. Bsp say”no need to heed “?as apparitions even those approved are not part of the deposit of Faith! Will bishops now fall inbplafe and repeat the Nuncio’s teaching the “There id no Deposit of Faith??!!!? Oh my! Will they nod choose to deny the Deposit of Faith?? BEWARE! The USCCB is journeying together w/the same ole?? Climate change? Open borders? Altering Scripture & the Catechism at will. Commandments ni longer absolute? We need the stability of Mother Church/- the same today, yesterday, forever..

  4. “We all on a journey together— to the peripheries? Yes where sin is declared good and good evil. Having encounters? Yes with those who wish to rationalize sodomy! Smelling like the sheep? We welcome the sweet aroma of God’s goodness and love.

  5. Question: If Bp. Strickland was removed unjustly, what is the moral standing of his replacement? I know that canonically, he would be valid, but what kind of man would step into this position under these circumstances?

  6. Met Bishop Strickland in person a few months ago. The way he speaks and engages with people can only be descrubed as humble and reverent. It's hard to see people say such awful things about a man who's clearly more concerned about the Church than he is about his standing with those who want to change the Church.

  7. It appears that Bishop Strickland has done nothing which would cause his expulsion while many of the other bishops really should be removed from their posts. But the faithful bishops should stand with Strickland, at least to join him in prayer. It would take some guts. I hope my bishop will support him. I guess they too are afraid of leaving their people without orthodox guidance if they anger the powers in the Vatican.

  8. Mother Miriam is in Tyler Diocese.She was invited there by Bishop Strickland. Someone donated land to them. See
    Daughters of Israel's Home to see her community. She was able to make final vows.

  9. The heretical eunuch's at the bishop's conference were pathetic as usual, and only one had the guts to say the rosary with him. That says it all. They are not worth being saved.

  10. I met Bishop Coffey. A prominent local prolifer died in a plane crash and he came into town. He led a rosary at the local moloch human sacrifice clinic. He gave a short impromptu speech to those assembled. It was very good to see a descendant of the apostles with us that morning.

  11. This is happening as our Lady of Akita's message on October 13 1973. We should pray more and prepare for the other things that is going to happen in the message. There will be a terrible punishment greater than the deluge baptism by water. This coming punishment will be baptism by fire. The survivors will envy the dead.

  12. Mr Winters is a sell out. He is not a journalist but a paid political hack.. Are all these bishops so afraid of losing their cushy job that they will turn against a brother bishop because of Francis? They should all be sacked.

  13. Bishop Coffey’s military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal with 2 gold stars, the Navy Achievement Medal with 2 gold stars, the Navy Sea Service Medal, the National Defense Medal, the War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the NATO Service Medal, 3 Battle E Ribbons.

  14. Ah yes! Sean Michael Winters, we must remember that this is the same person that wrote in July of 2018: "When the revolution comes, you are on your own, and I will be clamoring not for mercy but for a seat next to the guillotine, where I can do my knitting.” I'm sure Bishop Strickland is now on his list people that should go to the guillotine. Oh and by the way, the article is still up at the "Fishwrap" they are not even embarrassed by this screed, but remember Bishop Strickland, Dr Stine and all of you are the "haters".

  15. Anthony, could you put all of your videos on your Youtube page. Thanks. Another great bishop that Francis pushed out was our bishop here in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., Bishop Robert Finn. Francis used the case of a priest found to have child pornography on his computer. Many of us think Bishop Finn handled situation properly. Bishop Finn was so great for our diocese. In his around ten years as bishop, the diocese went from 1 or 2 seminarians to nearly 40. The case of the priest with child pornography(ordained before Bishop Finn.) had nothing to do with Bishop Finn being pushed out, it was an excuse to get rid of a strong Catholic bishop. The case is the same with Bishop Strickland. Charges were made up against him to give Francis and excuse to push out another Catholic bishop.

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