
Framework 16 Teardown: Fully Modular Laptop With

Framework 16 Teardown: Fully Modular Laptop With Upgradeable GPU!

#Framework #Teardown #Fully #Modular #Laptop

“Adam Savage’s Tested”

We take a look at and inside the new Framework Laptop 16, the new fully configurable laptop with fully replaceable and …



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  1. You seem to point to the modularity as not being very useful in the sense you don't swap stuff all the time. I think you're missing the point here, I can simply order the exact machine I want, it's not fixed… that's the point. 🙂 And if in the future I get a new monitor without hdmi, I can swap that port. That trick with the LED's is also a very old solution, seen on many computers from back in the day, love it.

  2. It's a hoax and will not last past one gen (if that). If it wasn't the case we would have had them long time ago but these days people don't learn from past events. Short attention span.
    Also by the time you are in need to upgrade any pc you might as well buy the new one due to parts compatibility and overall performance.

  3. The modularity is super cool if you do wanna swap things around but I agree that won't be the primary use-case. Easy affordable upgrades and a massive reduction in e-waste is definitely the big draw. Additionally the stated ethos of the company combined with easy service by the end user will aid in pushing other manufactures towards "right to repair".

    As for the cost, I think you nailed it with the value proposition thing. Hopefully as framework grows (right now they are still pretty small as far as staff and manufacturing output) and other manufactures move into to the space (particularly with designs being open source) the price will come down to be more in line with comparable offerings from other companies.

  4. You mentioned multi-year upgradability, but overlooked the ability for self-repair. As a parent of four children, I think their next round of laptop upgrades will all be frameworks… so if they trash a keyboard I can replace just the keyboard instead of the entire laptop (needless to say, kids damage laptops in ways that are never covered under any warranty). I can only imagine the savings in a real 'fleet' situation.

  5. i thought on this pc some time, but you can find same spec in cpu & gpu power for 1000$ -1500$ (the 4060M RTX is 5% slower) , and for real you can find onces for cheap, also, getting 16 inch last gen intel, that going for 1500-1800 with 3080 will give you better performance.

    at the price of 1 framework, i can buy 2 laptops with same power. or 1 that is much stronger. i am for real dont get why they getting so much love, fixing PC for 200-300$ is nice, but when you paying double market cost, you kind of paying yourself on the parts.

  6. I really like the swappable IO because my USB slots tend to wear out. I have a penchant for unplugging things quite frequently. The fact that I can simply replace bad IO ports is always a plus for me. Of course, this won't fix the weak USB on my mouse, or microphone, but it is one less point of failure.

  7. I could see this as being quite useful for my field. Sure, hot-swapping USB, display, SD refers, etc. doesn’t sound useful for the average person, but I work in an electrical test lab where we often need to connect to old equipment. Finding a laptop with an RS-232 can be a pain sometimes, or once in a while you gotta grab an extra monitor but all you have is an antiquated DVI or VGA model available. And then, the keyboard… being able to take out a standard number pad and replacing it with a second trackpad to control a remote resistive touch screen, I can think of so many times when a keyboard isn’t quite right. I really hope this does continue, because it is a mil-aero test technician’s dream come true.

    Big question though: can the monitor be changed out as easily? If it is damaged, or say you need something that can accommodate a thicker keyboard, or higher capacity battery… I already need to carry around the old Dell Precisions occasionally so I don’t care if it ends up being three inches thick and ten pounds.

  8. I feel crazy but I'm thinking about getting a framework for running OBS. should I get the graphics upgrade? Should I get the clear keyboard? Will it be powerful enough to take in 4-6 NDI streams? Definitely getting the macro pad I feel like that could work really cool for selecting scenes and having a color indicate which one's active.

  9. I always used to say how my next phone might be the highly repairable Fairphone. It turned out to be that way. I guess it is inevitable now then that my next laptop will be from Framework. It's so cool to see their progress!

  10. This modular laptop design is SUCH a great idea! I'll be keeping this thing in mind for when the price comes down enough that I can save up to buy it!

    Reminds me of the 3D animated "Robots" movie with Bigweld and the Robin Williams character, where there's a board meeting and someone says – "Why would anyone buy upgrades when parts are so much cheaper?" "Because as of today we are no longer MAKING spare parts!"

    And this is like the reverse of that, really putting the power back in the hands of the end-user, so we don't have to just accept the pre-built configurations anymore! Desktops have always been part-swap-friendly (sort of), but laptops, not so much!

  11. I don't think the swappable pieces are meant as a daily re-config option, more so that in the LONG run you are not locked into the choices you made at the time of purchase, you can swap things to meet your needs in the future.

  12. I actually love the simplicity of their industrial design, but then I find most fruit-based products quite tacky and garish, and the industrial design most gaming laptops gives me migraines. I tend to prefer products that don't jump around waving their hands shouting "look how cool and useful I am!"
    Yep, now these are properly available in the UK at a competitive price, I think this will be my next laptop.

  13. The Framework 16 would look better, aesthetically, with a larger trackpad and a single piece of metal across the entire palm rest. If the palm rest was one piece the palm area would be stiffer too. Could be an option later.

  14. I honestly hope this company makes it. There’s no reason other companies couldn’t do this except money and they don’t care about the user vs their profit. This company does and does it right. Will definitely be my next laptop!

  15. I just wanted to add there the laptop supports 2 M.2 drives not 1, the second one goes underneath the first one and it only supports up to 2230 (the minimum size in the standard but hey there are available in up to 2TB and PCIe 4.0 speeds and availability is great thanks to the Steam Deck) that’s why there is a hole in the board next to the M.2

    Besides that, great video, I enjoyed it

  16. It's such a shame the speakers are pretty poor. Going to need to replace my laptop in the next 12 months and other than speakers it's ideal. Upgradability and repairability is high on the list seeing as I like keeping them as long as possible. Old laptop is almost 6 years old and still works fine, but is showing its age speed wise. Can't even upgrade ram on it 🙁

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