
Front Mission 2: Remake on Nintendo Switch | A Remade

Front Mission 2: Remake on Nintendo Switch | A Remade Square Classic TRPG!

#Front #Mission #Remake #Nintendo #Switch #Remade


Huge props to Forever Entertainment for sponsoring this deep dive in to the Front Mission 2 Remake on Nintendo Switch. Check it …



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  1. I'm loving these remakes since I never got to experience the original games and tactical RPGs are my favorite genre. That said I'd love a compilation of the original games as well, including the side-scrolling action RPG they released on the SNES. I know I could play them through emulation and there are fan translations out there, but I'd much rather pay for an official release that I can play on my Switch.

  2. I was really looking forward to this but it's bad. At least the first remake kept my attention, this one has too many problems. It's a very souless remake with zero enhancements to gameplay and presentation. Tons of grammatical errors and the story is so dry and unenjoyable. You have a 8 character limit to name your mech so there goes cool names. Only good thing is that mechs feel nice and heavy like Front Mission 4 and graphically look nice. I have no faith that FM3 remake will be good, at least not in current Dev's hands. Really wished Square Enix personally takes over and does them in house.

  3. I'm a sucker for mechs and combat. I never played the original Front Mission games. This looks really fun despite a few flaws. It's a good thing to actually see a company take its time with a remaster and not just throw out anything for a quick nostalgic cash grab.

  4. Played the original Front Mission 3 on the PSX back when it came out, loved the game!! Been waiting for this to come out so I can try and pick up both of the remakes together!! Wanzer's forever!!!!!

  5. Are you getting any bugs? The menu will freeze during a wanzer setup sometime, and when I reset, I end up losing all my money. I'd have to reload a prior save from the previous battle, and do that stage over again. Even during an arena team battle, the match will still continue despite having defeated all enemies. I hope there's a patch coming soon, or hopefully the physical media is bug free. It's hard to enjoy this game with the bugs.

  6. The translation from japanese to english is possibly the worst I've seen from Square in any game (and that's saying something). Considering how great Square have become at localisation in the last 25 years, it's surprising. It appears to have been machine translated by somebody with no command of english and sometimes it's very hard to understand the meaning of what's being said. And there's some pretty bad spelling errors, even in the menus! A major patch to fix this is required.

  7. I'll be getting a physical copy. But this time I'll wait and see if Amazon and local retailers are gonna stock it before ordering from Forever Entertainment. Because of the high shipping cost and no discount from pre-ordering it I paid like 20 more Euros than if I had bought from Amazon.

    It pissed me off a bit because the way they announced the physical they made it look like it was going to be exclusive to their Store. And I actually received it way later than my friend received his Amazon copy, and that version was even cooler in my opinion, with the holographic sleeve.

  8. Oh wow! I haven't played Front Mission in a long while. I've played the SNES FM1 original, then the PSOne FM3 and finally the FM1 remake on Nintendo DS. I'm quite happy to learn that the first two FM games have been remade for the Switch. I guess I'll have to check out for myself how the classics (to me, anyway) stood the test of time. 🙂

  9. I love when remake gives an option to get back to original settings and art/music style, which I can see Forever Entertainment included in here. As a mech fan, this game looks like a must-to-play. Especially with surprisingly well written storyline. Thank you for the great review!

  10. Its awesome to See that tactical Games also got a big Remake in Nintendo Switch. For a Genre that takes a moderate time for each Mission its nice to have the Option to go into sleepmode with the Nintendo Switch. Now you can play even If you dont have that much time. Like Patents, or If you have alot of Work.
    So the revival ist a big plessure

  11. I'm in mech-mood right now after I randomly decided to load up a PS2 emulator to play Armored Core 2, and found myself completely hooked! What I thought would be a little retro diversion, ended up unravelling into a full 25 hour playthrough.

    I somehow got snared by a From Software deepcut from the year 2000 that doesn't even use the PS2's analogue sticks 😅

    Real talk though, my experience with AC2 made me realise why the Mech genre has such loyal fans. Combine an intriguing, dystopian story with a compelling upgrade system, and you have a game that's hard to put down.

  12. I played FM3 back in 99' or 2000. Loved it. I still play it and FF Tactics sometimes just for the nostalgia. I will be grabbing a physical copy of this game when it comes out.

  13. I want this game… I want to take advantage of the 1st Front Mission sale and the subsequent sale on the 2nd… just waiting to get paid and hope the sale doesn't end prior! Lol

    It is funny, the 2nd one apparently never got a Western release due to dialogue and situations that would be considered faux pas in North America. I'm curious what they were…

    I miss this era of gaming. The sense of wonder at everything.

    I also like the new music in this remake! (Thanks for coming to my random thoughts TED talk)

  14. Honestly this game be a nice break from playing armored core 6. Just happy to see more mech games to play and would love to win a copy for even more mech games.

    The game looks amazing and just be great to get into. The review has me sold for sure.

  15. I've been a mecha fan since I was a child amd the FM series to me was the only good mecha RPG in a long time that was worth it. Mecha fans really didn't have much to go on as the only crumbs we got were japanese gundam games and shooters all throughout the psone era libary. Once I got to play front mission and then front mission:gunhazard I was hooked. Then 3 came out for the psone and I got that one 1st day. After that FM fell off. The ps2 games weren't that great , then combat evolved was an action game killed the series. Then they brought it back as a back drop with left alive which was super disappointing. I'm glad these remakes are being made in the same time slot as Armored core which is another mech series I like even though I suck at fromsoft games.

  16. Haven’t played the game but would love a chance to win it! Many years ago I played Front Mission 4 on the PS2. I don’t think I played any TRPGs prior to that but from what I did play I really enjoyed, but since then I never touched the series again 😮

  17. Front Mission on ds was, after Chrono Trigger, my most played cart. Loved the gameplay, loved the story. I really hope someday “they” remake Front Mission: Gun Hazard. That game is awesome. Can’t wait to play this one though, backlog allowing….

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