
GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy VII:

GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

#GAME #SINS #Wrong #Final #Fantasy #VII


If it takes this much effort to save Aerith consider me on team Sephiroth. Final Fantasy VII: …



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  1. "Rhetorical questions meant to point out flaws are worthless when the answers can't even be speculated on."

    Well, that's half the questions you asked. I wonder why you even bother when you know that we're not going to get the answers to any of those questions for another 34 months at minimum, at least as of the posting of this comment.

  2. The real way to revive Aerith:
    1. make the original game successful and profitable.
    2. demand a remake.
    3. create a culture where consequences are bad and stockholders demand the game appeal to everyone.
    4. profit?

  3. 1. Aeris hadn't discovered the Master Sword yet.
    2. Kaeli's strongest weapon is the Axe.
    3. You get like 4 i-frames during a dodge roll.
    4. You don't even need the 4MB booster pack to play this game.
    5. Quick turn your Playstation console off, so he can't read your mind!

  4. Cloud: Why is he laughing?

    Aerith: Because he knows, this isn't over yet.

    Me: Well…this is actually over for me with Rebirth, because I have completely lost my sanity there. F*ck it. Hand over those pills, Yuffie.

  5. Y'know I felt the urge to play Prototype 2 again, then after that I decided to bust out my ol' PS3 and play both inFamous 1 & 2 back to back. Not as "flawless" as I remembered but damn do they still hold up. It truly is something to go back and take a look at what a GOOD Playstation Exclusive actually looks like, especially seeing how far down the shitter the very Playstation brand has fallen as of late. Speaking of which let's get this shit show over with…..

    4:22 – Ah yes the Lion King Dead Space Remake approach to "fixing" the story i.e. not actually fixing anything and instead just adding new problems that make the story even worse.

    6:19"Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-but block pushing puzzle though! It's not a true video game without block pushing puzzles!"

    8:50 – And I thought Kingdom Hearts 2 through 3 were toothless in their depictions of "death"….

    10:25 – They forgot they gave Aerith the goddamn script to the whole trilogy in the last game just for the sake of a stupid unfunny gag. Never thought I'd be missing the Josh Whedon cut of Justice League but here we are.

    12:12 – Oh great more Triple Triad, riveting >:/

    14:58 & 17:00"Cause dammit we were stupid enough to sink billions of profits and years on this ill advised sequel trilogy meant to help our pimp Sony sell more crappy consoles and you're gonna sit there and enjoy every last GB of it! We gotta appease our boss Sony man!"

    17:48 – First rule of being a ninja, DON'T GET CAUGHT! Second rule of being a ninja, DON'T TELL PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE!

    18:34 – Third rule of being a ninja, DON'T GIVE AWAY PLANS OR SECRETS! Seriously I don't even think the JAPANESE people who made this game even know what a real ninja is anymore XDXDXDXDXDXDXD

    27:48 – Well the fucking retards that wrote this trilogy can't write women to save their own asses I'm not the least bit surprised they can't write men right either. Wow using the r word to put down the people who made this game? For shame Terry. Square expects you to buy a PS6 for the final 70 dollar part of this 200 dollar or so trilogy that butchers the original FF7 for the sake of fan service, I'm done being nice.

    29:20 – We've pretty much established that Yuffie is an idiot, continuing to ask why she didn't stop acting like an idiot is just hitting a brick wall.

  6. Dart's monotone voice conveys more feeling than Sephiroth's, daaamn.

    Also, as possibly one of three people who don't really like the OG FFVII…. What the actual fuck is Nomura pulling out of his shithole?

  7. Ugh you're insufferable. Why did I even click on this? You just are a dork who wants to dislike things. Like the Cinema Sins guy. You come off as pretentious and depressed, which makes sense

  8. So basically the Gi were:

    Gi: Please let us use the black materia to destroy ourselves and this planet.
    Cetra: What? No! We live here!
    Thousands of Years later

    Gi: Please let us use the black materia to destroy ourselves and this planet.
    Seto: No! But I'll keep your secrets and let you turn me to stone.
    Gi: VILLAIN! …. but fine

    50 Years later

    Gi: Please let us use the black materia to destroy ourselves and this planet.
    Cloud: Sure
    Gi: FINALLY!
    Cloud: fingers crossed behind back

    Here's something to consider. Wouldn't the Gi find their "oblivion" if their Red Lifestream was processed like how Shinra uses the planet's Green Lifestream?

  9. I think the deal with the alternate universes is the more non-canon events that make them up, the more unstable and likely they are to collapse in on each other. The timeline where you play as Zach is a collapsing one, as noted by the sky rift, and is a mess made up of a timeline where Zach survived his last stand, a timeline where Cloud teamed up with Sephiroth at the end of Remake (that's why he's missing at the start), and one where Biggs survived for some reason. So by that logic, even if there is a timeline where Aerith didn't die, it's probably not permanent.

    Dart is totally justified hating Sephiroth's ambiguous new goals. Aside from making Wutai a more active military force, events have largely played out the same. Even when he sees Cloud with a restored White Materia, he's not bothered. The only moment he could possibly start changing things is when Cloud gives his body the Black Materia (Really worried Part 3 is going to be a rush job). I could understand him being aware of his future failures would make him change his plans, but him somehow becoming aware of the multiverse and whatever the "true" Black Materia was is too out of nowhere . Especially when his new goal is to make people "feel bad" for eternity. Sephiroth's malice was originally born from him inheriting Jenova's blind desire for destruction, so it's weird how his goal is so much more psychological.

  10. 29:00 That was totally Hojo's game when he convinced Lucretia have Sephiroth with him.
    Never played Dirge of Cerberus, but something tells me she was an optimist to the point she'd believe in anything if she thought it could make the world a better place.

  11. Just…just ignore the story and enjoy the combat and characters.

    I gave up with Square and final fantasy a long time ago, but my love for FF 7 keep me coming back but the story is no longer a feature worth mentioning to play the game rather if you enjoy remake/rebirth combat then the game will be fun but my god the story has been butchered and Modern Sephiroth is a shallow imitation of who he once was, which is very sad, he used to be one of the most iconic villains with some writing errors here and there but now everything about him is an error.

    Makes Kuja, Kefka look even better than they were in particular kefka.

  12. You referred to Jenova as a dead alien. By far the biggest problem that the main characters, Shinra, and the planet itself in this game has is the fact that Jenova is not dead.

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