
Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying

Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!

#Giant #FAQ #European #Initiative #Stop #Destroying

“Accursed Farms”

Here is a giant Video FAQ on all the biggest questions I’ve seen on the European Citizens’ Initiative, part of the push behind the Stop Killing Games campaign. I tried to go over almost everything. This is long and kind of dry and is just meant for people who want more information on what it’s…



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  1. If we actually had functional consumer protection law for gaming, the industry would never got this bad where we need to do such thing. we fight for gaming today, so our kids don't need to fight.

  2. In regard to subscription games, they should be affected, to an extent. Subscription games are made out of a tangible good and a service.

    The software, and whatever workload takes place on your computer is the finished good. Everything offloaded to the server is a service. No idea how to legislate for that, but the only situation where you can argue that a sub game is 100% a service is if you play it in the browser or the cloud, like Stadia. Then it has minimal contact with your hardware and you can't really read or modify the code, even if you have the knowhow.

  3. The main thing for me would be a lower limit. This should be designed to target mid-size and upwards developers. Anything that would be 'Indie' would be exempt, to prevent Indie developers from having to commit unpaid hours to comply with a law on a creative process. It doesn't need to be defined, just to prevent the law from chasing down small indie guys who cannot afford to comply (dependant on what compromises are made). This should be to stop viable developers making big chunks of money from removing ownership rights.

    I will never be able to listen to you without hearing Freemans voice. I just keep expecting you to say something psychotic about horse tranquiliser. Genuinely, it makes me more invested, it's such a convincing sound. You could tell me just about anything and I'd definitely consider it lmao.

    8:53 having the proper pronunciation on that is insane, I've never heard that before.

  4. "Won't lots of games turn subscription-only if this passes?"

    You seem to brush that important question away with "well, they are doing that anyway" and "it is only a handful of games that do that anyway".

    Your initiative would unintentionally promote games as a service further. If offering games as a service in EU gives a free pass to publishers, then more and more will do exactly that: they release the games only on streaming game services and/or their own subscription services in EU, while elsewhere you can buy them normally with a fixed price.

    Let's say Valve would release their own Steam-Stream service where you pay monthly to play a certain number of games, and in EU that would be the only way to play new games on Steam, as games as a service. Just because that is the only way most AA and AAA game publishers are willing to sell their games in EU, if the other option was to come with complex "EOL exit plans" for their games just for EU zone?

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I want more DRM-free games and less games-as-a-service, hence I am not signing this initiative. I vote with my wallet by buying 95& of my games DRM-free.

  5. Poland crossed the Threshold! That makes 3/7 required! Germany, Denmark and Netherlands well on their way to reach their thresholds too sometime in the coming month's (I hope). Ireland or Belgium? Who's gonna be number 7 (unless the initiative manage to get a sudden explosion of support down south)?

  6. You got my support, recently signed.
    My biggest worry, though, the shady devs will try to find a way around, even if this initiative passes (which I hope it will) and will try harder to produce cancerous "live service" games.
    Good luck!

  7. You insist on saying this is the last chance to what like what the hell man why so sure about it that is so weird. And only because you got some ppl not agreeing with the way you are aproaching the situation now you are accusing us for being against all solutions. You are not making any sense. I still believe you dont have the right aproach. You are fighting for videoganes preservation? really? Oh no waait but in reality you are fighting against… bad market practice… you trying to save society? You are all over the place man get real

  8. I sign it and I also sign my dad. I hope it passes. I bought Spiderman Shattered Dimensions as new from steam but after activition lost their license the game was unavaible for download. I also put quite some money in Hearthstone, MTG Arena and Yu Gi OH master Duel and I wonder what will happen with my purchases in a couple of years when the games will not be sustained anymore.

  9. it's disappointing this isn't getting any traction with the viewcount. youtubers making news videos haven't even seen this video, and trying to bring this up to thor just results in his orbiters attacking me for no good reason

  10. 28:12 this right here is an example of how salt of the earth Ross is. He won’t even insult an argument, let alone the person making it. He explains why it doesn’t make sense to him and assumes the possibility he might be missing something.

    Inspiring. Truly, as someone who use to be a smug, argumentative jerk, I’m trying to work on being better. It’s so perfect to nicely explain why something doesn’t make sense and then ask if misunderstanding. If right, you still explain yourself as best you can, and if wrong being corrected in a civil way is easier. Though I still think more likely people don’t end up seeing eye to eye, still a more pleasant experience.

  11. Hi, just two more questions that I felt weren't answered here (unless I managed to completely miss it, in which case please do correct me):
    You said in your previous video, "Europeans can save gaming!", that "Politicians like easy wins" and that "Politicians mostly don't care about video games". Why do you think that it's an easy win, and why do you think that politicians (mostly) don't care about video games?

    I personally think that calling it an "easy win" is severely underestimating the scale of the games industry, as well as the opposition you might get from the biggest companies like Ubisoft, EA, Take Two, etc… Just look at the numbers: According to Statista, video game industry revenue in 2022 was 347bn USD (although 248bn of which was from mobile gaming), while film industry revenue in 2022 was 74bn USD. Even non-mobile gaming alone is bigger than the film industry. As such, I don't think politicians will let through something that could impact such a big industry so easily. I really don't think that they "don't care about video games". That's not to say you should give up, but I just want to make sure you have the right expectations. Maybe you're thinking of something that I'm not thinking of, though.

  12. The initiative already has nearly 25% of the required signatures just 2 weeks in (And 2 countries have met the threshold so far, and few others are closing in).
    But I had 2 questions about filling the form, which weren't answered in this video:
    1) If someone is from a country with different alphabet, must they use their official alphabet when filling their name, must they use latin letters only, or can they choose which one to use?
    2) Where is one supposed to put their middle name? In "First names" or in "Last names"? Or can it be omitted altogether?
    In my country, the middle name is closer to "last names", but at least when I asked ChatGPT about it, it said it belongs to first names, so that's where I put it.

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