Google’s Challenges & Uncertain Future – Gemini

Google’s Challenges & Uncertain Future – Gemini Mistakes, Assistant layoffs: Part 3

#Googles #Challenges #Uncertain #Future #Gemini

“SVIC Podcast”

Join us for Part 3 of our series on the rise, fall, and potential resurgence of Google. Delving into the dynamics of large tech companies and the future of AI, with seasoned tech veterans Joe, a VP of Engineering with experience at Carta, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Jordan, an M&A…



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  1. @23:30 The shed is actually a nice touch. Makes it all feel more relatable. This idea that you need a studio and premium mics is kinda outdated. People are here for the conversation. Joe Rogan's pod to this day is basically in his basement on some decent mics but it's pretty minimal.

  2. Re: scaling companies and hiring talent.
    I strongly suspect that the first 150 or so staff in the firm who produce the very first product or service are very different to those who follow.
    There may be amazing talents in both the early hires and later hires .. but that first group are special.
    They know the founders and their families personally.
    Even the most junior staff use the CEO's first name.
    They may have all worked on broken tables at the founder's house in the early days.
    They have worked as an intense team for huge numbers of hours, 7 days a week for months and possibly for little income.
    You can tell who these staff are : even when the firm gets huge, 95% of the staff etc who get invited to the CEO's birthday party come from this group, irrespective of seniority .. you won't seen many later hires, even if very senior, at these private events.
    Subsequent hires haven't been through this baptism of fire, with its high risk of failure.
    Later staff often want fancy job titles, high salaries etc … even 'tho they might have no passion or loyalty for the firm or its products.
    Extend this out for several years and you are bound to end up with a clumsy inefficient bureaucracy.
    (The concept of 'Dunbar's Number' may apply here too : a group of staff which exceeds around 150 loses its cohesion, efficiency and integrity – this effect may amplify the cohesion of the first 100 or so initial staff)

  3. RE: AI in medical consultations.
    When I had my private practice I would allocate three hours for the first consultation with a patient.
    Why so long? Well, patients often don't want to tell the truth, or express their real concerns in the first 10 minutes.
    Some don't even realise that they can provide key information, especially if the incident etc happened decades ago.
    It can take a long while of chatting to elicit key medical clues.
    This is tiring and sometimes annoying for both sides – but IMHO is essential.
    The use of a patient facing AI which simply chatted to the patient for as long as needed – even for hours, spread over several sessions – could improve outcomes .. and it would allow the practitioner to see many more patients each week.

  4. I would like to clarify for all the shed haters, and this may seem like it's pointed at Joe, but I promise it's not!

    A long time ago I commented that the shed should go, but I want to clarify it's not because I am not a fan of the shed.

    It's because a lot of people judge your character with their eyes rather than their ears. And I hate that that's the reality that we live.

    The reason why I said that, and others may have said that, is because they also think a lot of people, new viewers, may not be sticking around just because they don't have any "eye candy" to judge the quality of the podcast off of. A lot of people are just too lazy to listen and consider the words. And a nice background might help them avoid getting 'distracted' long enough for them to stick around and find the value in your words.

    Has nothing to do with how I actually feel about the shed, I for one love it, but I also think it could be a huge return on investment to upgrade even just a little bit, we really dont want y'all to go full fancy! 😅

  5. Sooooo, dump all our GOOG stock then? Dismal outlook from what you are saying. Search is gonna take a huge hit when GPT is more convenient for ~50% of search use cases. I dunno where anyone is going to be when the dust settles but Google does seem I'll prepared and bloated.

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