
Gundam Breaker 4 (Switch) Review

Gundam Breaker 4 (Switch) Review

#Gundam #Breaker #Switch #Review

“Nintendo World Report TV”

#gundambreaker4 #nintendoswitchreview #nintendo

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  1. I’m glad you covered the movement Dodge and jump feature because other reviewers have not in this can be a huge turn off to some people especially me. I don’t like that you gotta stand still to jump. It just makes things real confusing so I guess I’ll pass on this game

  2. I'm sure you meant in the "Gundam breaker series" and not in the "Gundam series" when you said it was the first for a Nintendo system? Reason I ask is because it's been a huge series of games if you count the whole Gundam series with many, many on Nintendo consoles dating as far back as to the original Famicom.

  3. Custom Colour Head is only one tone or can be few part ? (horn /mouth) can i build a Optimus Prime or spiderman gundam (Blue helmet white mouth , thanks

  4. I adore that Samus build.
    What parts did you use?(I apologize if the question is a tad dumb i can barely focus rn cause its like two in the morning for me. The only parts i could immediately recognize even with max blur for my eye sight was Aerial's legs, a Leo's arms and a Zaku 2's backpack.)

  5. Glad to see the game is just as repetitive as GB3 and there’s no significant improvements to the combat or animations. 🙄

    God forbid they add mission objectives, level variety and some weight behind the combat animations and impacts.

    We need to start demanding more from these devs. Everyone reviewing it is giving it 8s and 9s, which is ridiculous, this series has always been a 6 at best. As far as I’m concerned, this is a low effort cash grab. They’ll still get my money, but I am not happy about it and no one else should either.

  6. Guys, Only trust game reviewer's if they have at least 500 to 1000 Hour's of actual game play at the least, minimum, other wise they are nothing more then uneducated reaching content zombies, just trying to eat as many review counts for their channel and have no idea what good games are. Don't trust this review. the games a 9/10 guys, 100% worth the buy.

    Don't trust this guys review, he clearly didn't play the game at all, or only put in 50 hours at best with the review copy he got, not trust worthy guys. The games a solid 9/10 thanks for Armored Core they took a lot of inspiration from that for the custom building and better control lay out, plus thanks to Mecha break, which is a PVP gundam anime mech game that made mecha even more popular after Armored Core, this Gundam Breaker 4 game gives everything people wanted in that game and more. It's just a better game. But it's Not a 7, it's a 9 or higher.

  8. In recent days I've been on a Mecha craze – Armored Core 6, Mech Warrior 5, Megaton Musashi, Daemon X Machina, but man… This one is failing to excite me. Despite it looking very similar to Megaton Musashi, it just seems low effort.

  9. Hmmmm. I was excited for this. But the repetitive mission types and lack of any kind of exploration is kinda…lame. fyi. I don't think saying"well thats how these games are!" Is a fair defense. Nothing is going to change my mind.

  10. Gundam Breaker 4 on my Nintendo switch is going be fun i always play on PlayStation but doing on the switch is the first time I ever done but it going fun i am planning getting this for my nephew i got him hook up on his first Gundam Breaker and he love it. For all Gundam fans we got 2 days left for the release i am excited for it Wooooo‼️

  11. I had gundam break 3 on vita. That game was addicting. all the weapons, the parts, upgrading parts, and the endless builds. It was 100's of hrs of fun without a need to grind.

  12. the custom robo take is so true, personally i think they should just mash Breaker and Fighter series, why not being set in the Build divers game and be able to fight with or against Riku, Hiroto, Sei and Sekai?

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