
Hamster: The Story of Richard Hammond

Hamster: The Story of Richard Hammond

#Hamster #Story #Richard #Hammond

“Gearknob Official”

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  1. These videos are really fucking good man. I love that perspective of someone who's been in the forums and been such a hardcore fan for such a long time telling the story of someone so important and integral to Top Gear. I'm currently working on a Robot Wars retrospective so I appreciate it the robot wars mention too hahahaha!

    These videos are extremely important and your POV within the fandom is probably the best place to be telling such a story. Can't wait to see more dude.

  2. I started watching Top Gear after series 9 premiered. I was familiar with the show on BBC world, but knew nothing about the individual personalities. Friends told me about hammondโ€™s crash, and I wanted to check it out.
    I never wouldโ€™ve thought Hammondโ€™s crash was such an inflection point in the showโ€™s history.
    Great video- love the deep dives!

  3. I was looking for a way to give a couple of dollars in appreciation for the work done here and in the hope that you'll do the same (even if not with the same justice shown here) on the other two. Alas, there was no way to add a couple of dollars along with this comment. Surely the thought doesn't count all the same.

  4. that last epilogue part is real oldfriend flexing. More of these Online communities need the OGs to actually document their stuff in documentaries like theese.

  5. That was truly excellent, thank you. On a side note, you said several times that Hammond was/is unpopular. One would certainly get that impression from looking online, but as the story about the marketing and level of actual success of the movie โ€œSnakes on a Planeโ€ shows, there is often a big difference between the online world and the real one. Companies like YouGov and whatever company does the W ratings take quarterly surveys with a large enough sample size from the general population to be statistically and scientifically accurate (and itโ€™s very important that the samples are taken from the general population, not just a subset of โ€œpeople who visit car related websitesโ€ or โ€œpeople who comment on internet videos and articles), where they ask people if they have a positive, negative or neutral view of a particular celebrity (which is apparently used in the industry to decide who to hire to present a show or endorse a product) and for the last 4 or 5 years that Iโ€™ve known about it, Hammond consistently comes out as more popular than the other two, with a couple exceptions, such as in the aftermath of Clarksonโ€™s unfortunate comments about Meghan Markle, which saw him shoot up past the other two. Personally, I like Hammond better than Clarkson, but I also think that Clarkson is much funnier and more interesting to listen to, and his solo shows on average are better than Hammondโ€™s, but since Iโ€™m not funny or hugely talented either, that doesnโ€™t detract from my liking of Hammond. I think the fact that there are more of us Hammond fans than the other two, viewed in light of the abundance of nasty comments about Hammond from self described fans of the other two, and a near total lack of comments in the reverse, speaks very well of us and Hammond himself.

  6. I had to stop around 1/5 of the run to comment (and grab some munchies!):
    a) this is a very long video
    b) correction: this is a delightfully very long video. Out of curiosity: why not deliver it in chapters? (not a complain, honestly, this length for me is a gift, as I am honestly hooked by now)
    c) it has been several years since I put a video in "Favourites". This is in that list now. It really is.

    I just wanted to say this now before pressins play again.

    The amount of work invested here shows and is very much appreciated. Thank you.

  7. Awesome video! I absolutely love the Hamster, Slow, and the Arangatan best show ever. Also appreciated the Strokes song All The Time in the video one of my absolute favorites. Old Top Gear and GT are my favorite shows of all time just an amazing run everything they did was gold. I'm sad that their time together is coming to an end and I hope they'll be back together in one form or another after GT ends. If not their legacy will forever remain close to my heart and I will always be rewatching old Top Gear and GT episodes

  8. Great video, though the music during the Grenada segment is quite irritating. It's too busy and loud in my opinion, but that might be only me.

  9. Regarding the vampire episode. Top gear is still being broadcast on German station DMAX and I am almost certain that the vampire crash is still being broadcast on there even now as I remember seeing it in 2013

  10. Richard is overwhelming but the last two Grand Tour specials there has been a much different Richard Hammond, a way more relaxed and insanely hilarious person. I was laughing so hard during Eurocrash from the stuff he was doing

  11. I sometimes wonder if Hammond is the least popular of the trio, or at least the one people donโ€™t remember as much. Clarkson is the outspoken, and May is the โ€˜boringโ€™ one who drops the final bombshell of a punchline, and Hammond is just โ€˜the small oneโ€™. I think Hammond is cool: heโ€™s survived a lot of deadly accidents, he loves his cars (especially Oliver), and during Top Gear he said many of the best lines and made many hilarious jokes.

  12. Great episode! And made me truly respect Hammond more than I already did. As a Mexican, I and many of my family members loved his Mexican joke. I think people were offended just for the sake of being offended and they could use it as a means to prop their show up. It's how YouTube thumbnails work; they got to use his face as a means to increase numbers.

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