HELP Committee Hearing: The Retirement Crisis in America

HELP Committee Hearing: The Retirement Crisis in America

#Committee #Hearing #Retirement #Crisis #America

“Senator Bernie Sanders”

Today, nearly half of Americans 55 and older have no retirement savings. Join me LIVE as the HELP Committee discusses what we must do to solve the retirement crisis facing working class Americans.



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  1. @Senator Bernie Sanders

    Give hell …. Take care of America before everyone takes care of everyone else in other countries. Im not saying we shouldn't help countries that need our help however what about our own people and country? Loved you voted for you every time Norway Loves you and when I live there as an American they only liked Sanders Denmark all of Scandinavia loves you Sir. God help us if Trump or Biden Im out of our own country again No disrespect however how can a man lose every court case yet win at polls? I smell another sneaky fools helping him and Now Russia is threatening us saying if Trump wins all hell is going to break loose? Kennedy and Sanders Please Sir You be the VP please… We are the laughing stock of the world oh shush fools saying everything is alright for the elderly disabled and so on … I am sick of lies after lie… AHHHHHHHH Im screaming now. Love you Mr. Sanders

  2. 45 years in politics and you have failed. You suck. You and the DNC lost us abortion,, living wage,, school lunches,, clean air and water,, but you did get insider trading protection. I hope the chat sees through your pandering U BENT THE KNEE. U taught AOC how to fail. But you are old and going to live longer than those in Gaza,,,,,,,,,asshole

  3. At 1:06:40

    Now tell my "father" that I do not care who he "voted" for — he can go collect his own "retirement" benefits.

    If he is disappointed with the "package" then that is his own fault.

    This matter should have been resolved by May of 2021…

    They had no "rite" to "loan it out" to another foreign head of state who had already defaulted on her ten-year-bid to cover up what the Supreme Court was trying to get away with.

    I support women in leadership in Nicaragua and all countries — starting with my own.

    Tell Senator Sanders he needs to "decommission" the Department of State "submarine retirement" scheme and apologize to Simone publicly.

    10:36 am CST
    Feb. 29, 2024
    Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse

  4. Comment 122 at 10:50 am CST:

    What is the above?

    How young does one start paying into a pension fund?

    How long do you have to have a open "pension account" before you can loan against it?

    How many OTHER people "loan" against the pension accounts of people not old enough to collect on their pensions.

    I need the keys to LBJ's ranch turned over to me immediately.

    I also need you to heed the order from 12:30 am CST on Feb. 29, 2024.

    24 hours and 36 hours from 12:30 am CST on Feb. 29, 2024.

    9:39 am CST
    Feb. 29, 2024
    Co-President Charity Colleen "Lovejoy" Crouse

  5. Thank you for making the effort every morning and sharing your advice with us. You have changed my entire life and I continue to preach your name. Now I can say that thanks to Ms. Clara Burn I am improving my understanding of this whole world and making new big profits every week.

  6. These Republicans up there are talking about how there's taxes on social security as if it wasn't the Republican party under Reagan that implemented those taxes after they gave huge tax cuts to the wealthy. And then they cry these huge tears about the debt as if they didn't blow up that debt with all the tax cuts to the rich. Bunch of hypocrites that serve the rich oligarchs at the expense of their constituents lives.

  7. This is another reason why people are against the genocide. People are already scared to death and now they are scared to death of also the democrats. Faith in humanity is dropping and with it hope for the future.

  8. How about some catch-up:
    Toss THIS puppy around!

    02/29/24 Bernie stands by his commitment. He doesn’t fool easily, and he never has. He was no kid when he STARTED in government!!

    NEWS: Sanders Statement on Voting ‘NO’ on Foreign Aid Supplemental Bill
February 7, 2024
    WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement on his opposition to the foreign aid supplemental bill under consideration in the Senate: 

I will be voting NO on the motion to proceed on the supplemental appropriations bill that the Senate will be voting on today.

Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas’s terrorism, but it does not have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people. Since this war began over 27,000 Palestinians have been killed and 67,000 wounded – two-thirds of whom are women and children. Over 1.7 million people have been driven from their homes and have no idea as to where they will be in the future. Almost 70% of the housing units in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged. And today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are literally starving to death because Netanyahu’s right-wing government is preventing desperately needed food and water from getting into Gaza. And, to make this unspeakable situation even worse, this bill even prohibits funding for UNRWA, the major humanitarian aid provider in Gaza.

This bill provides $10 billion dollars more in U.S. military aid for the Netanyahu government to continue its horrific war against the Palestinian people. That is unconscionable. That is why I will be voting NO.
    MEDIA ADVISORY: HELP Committee to Hold Hearing on Outrageous Cost of Prescription Drugs, CEOs to Testify

    NEWS: Sanders, “I will vote NO on any bill containing offensive military aid to Netanyahu”

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  9. Here’s how it works in our fine “Democracy”, aa we bomb the hell out of the world.

    Ruin air, land, sea, and water, with a full weather spasmodic stampede…

    The convention gathered delegates of the Democratic Party, the majority of them elected through a preceding series of primaries and caucuses, to nominate a candidate for president and vice president in the 2016 United States presidential election. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was chosen as the party's nominee for president by a 54% majority of delegates present at the convention roll call securing it over primary rival Senator Bernie Sanders, who received 46% of votes from delegates, and becoming the first female candidate to be formally nominated for president by a major political party in the United States. Her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia, was confirmed by delegates as the party's nominee for vice president by acclamation.




    Call Bernie Sanders and ask him to run!

    He’s the only one who cares about the unions.

    He’s the only one who cares about anyone else’s life.

    Remember: There’s not a woman who is interested in living up to anything they pretended to support in 2016 for themselves, so they’d attract Senate votes, raises, upgrades to title and stud.

    Then they screwed him.

    He needs to know we want him to run.

    We wsnt him to know ehy.

    We need to tell/remind everyone what went down and the damage it did.

    One more slick-assed excuse for President, and we’re toast.

    Unequivocally burnt old white – particularly women – have got to quit voting by gender!

    Get over yourselves and protest the Biden nightmare while encouraging the stable, decent, head on straighter than most others half his age, BERNIE SANDERS!

    Look at his videos over the last 40 years!

    One in England recently. Two towns.

    They- – even in England – are pushing him to enter the race!

    He’s on your side!!!

  10. social banking, social healthcare, social education for all. to say privatizing saves money is the most stupid thing that persists. explain to me how the billions in profits do not increase prices for services and goods. it is the government's very purpose to safeguard its citizens. it is very clear that when the few have too much money, most will have to go without. money is a finite resource. inflation is caused by overabundance of money. it is not the majority who have that money, it is the very few on top. this is why it was not a little covid money that went out to people that caused our inflation but the over decade of economic easing and decades of tax breaks for the richest in our society. this is why the problem started when we lowered the top taxes decade after decade. am i going crazy? no one seems to talk about this!

  11. before this succeeds, we have to make the loophole rich people have to get away from having any income! we have to pay property tax for our real-estate but the rich do not have to pay for owning billions in stocks. that is a property and it is very real. as long as rich people can "borrow" money to live on while holding billions in stocks and company ownership, your plan will not actually work. and by the way there should be no cap on the tax either. moving the cap from $100k to $200k just makes a bad idea a little less bad. the billionaires still are getting away with not paying their fair share.

  12. I worked 40 years as a helicopter field mechanic. Very low wages. Raised 2 kids. Now on Social Security reaped from trickle down. 90% pays for housing. 401k put kids through college and gone. I am one of those seniors Bernie is talking about. I am seriously considering leaving USA to stay out of poverty. GOP MAGA party would literally rather have some kind of Warsaw like ghettos for us.

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