
How can they justify this?

How can they justify this?



I need your honest opinion! Ongoing issue with Sony product, specifically, the Sony ECM-B1M microphone. Free £50, bonuses …



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  1. The answer to this really depends how agrieved you are, how much time it will take and how you value your time. I had a similar couple quandary a couple of years ago and decided it was a matter of principle and took on a large insurance company as a litigant in person. So for merit would be go for it and stand by the principle, even if the chances of success in winning a not of merchantable quality may only be 50/50

  2. I would contact a high profile electronics expert on YouTube like Louis rossmann.. Its amazing what he can get done.. He would love to take your case on! and highlight it I bet. It's what he does. 👍👌

  3. Time is money, so I would just pay the 145 quid. The matter would be over sooner and would it take a lot less of your time and effort. It makes poor sense to insist on proving your point, than move on to something more pleasant and rewarding.

  4. If it's under 2 years old the law says it's in warranty.
    Maybe you should find some legal advise?

    (Quick Google says)
    EU Directive on Consumer Rights: The UK has implemented the EU Directive on Consumer Rights, which requires a minimum 2-year guarantee (legal guarantee) for consumer goods, including consumer electronics.
    Consumer electronics warranties in the UK are governed by a combination of statutory laws, regulations, and industry standards.

  5. If the website indicates that your product is under warranty, aren't the vendors obliged to honour that warranty in the same way shops have to homour mistaken pricing? Failing that, given your deep understanding of the process, in your place, I would sue on principle.

    However, in these sort of consumer rights situations where the case is aired publicly, vendors often settle in full to close the case down. Get back to Sony with the number of viewers and tell them the negative PR will continue if you are not satisfied.

  6. I have just had a very similar experience with Samsung. I had a 75 inch television broke and it was going to cost me £900 or more to have it repaired but the television only costs £898 now brand-new 🤯

    I ended up buying a new television and what makes things even worse is when I connected my Samsung sound bar to my new television my sound bar suddenly broke and Samsung have refused to do anything about it whatsoever because the sound bar is now out of warranty

    I don’t think I’m wrong here anyway but the warranty of the sound bar should be completely irrelevant due to the fact that I am 99% sure that the new television which should’ve been compatible actually broke the sound bar suddenly because it was working five minutes prior to connecting it to my new TV 😠 😡

    I have also noticed that Samsung are only now offering 12 months warranty same as a lot of over big manufacturing companies and I don’t think a year warranty is good enough considering how much the products are costing nowadays 🙄

    Call me paranoid, but I have a sneaky suspicion that Samsung broke my sound bar intentionally so I am forced into upgrading it. I wouldn’t mind but it cost me as much as my first television and I only bought it just over three years ago.

    Even trading standards and Citizens Advice have said that Samsung should be repairing my sound bar rep replacing it or let me have it repaired by a third-party person and they should compensate me because both devices should’ve been compatible and run together in perfect harmony which ended up not being the case 🤩

  7. This is normal for sony. I had top of the range earbuds that was bricked by a firmware update after 10 months. They would not even look at them without a charge. Even with a product recall in parts of the USA and all of India. Now I will not touch them with a bargepole.

  8. Write to customer services explain cicumstances and money spent with company on other products and demand a replacement preferably new not refurbished free of charge. Hate the way you have to fight tooth and nail with these big companies for what is a drop in the ocean to them. Best of lucknwhatever you decide and look forward to hearing your outcome.

  9. You are definitely not over-reacting. You mentioned it had a 2 year warranty and it failed within that period but also mentioned a mix up with the warranty number. Can you clarify that? It falls under the category of brown goods, for which one's Statutory Rights ordinarily cover up to 6 years.

    I had a component / module fail in my car which I paid Audi £700+ to replace. It failed right at the end of the supposed 2 year warranty period and I'm not entirely finished with them on that matter, due to the fact that the dealership had previously tried to defraud me and then conceded. It's not entirely clear whether this module is comparable to say a TV as it is a small part of a whole of car.

    The question arises, how does one's Statutory Rights (exercisable within 6 years) come into play on items of similar value to white/brown/grey goods that do not last an adequate time under reasonable or limited use, i.e. not of merchantable quality / fit for purpose? With my fridge-freezer I invoked said rights over 4 years down the line and they came out and repaired it free of charge after a little 'encouragement', let's say, on my part, knowing my rights. Such electronic items are brown goods and ought be covered by one's Statutory Rights, even though 99.9% of the populace don't realise this and never invoke them. Where should the line be drawn in this regard?

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