
How to Fix Exo Suits in Helldivers 2

How to Fix Exo Suits in Helldivers 2

#Fix #Exo #Suits #Helldivers


How to fix the patriot exo suit and emancipator exo suit in helldivers 2
Ekko Vision Code: ohdo
Creator Code: ohdo (for epic games store)

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  1. Repair stations is a great idea. I get the feeling they just don't know what this game needs. The recent updates to the stratagems prove it. It would seem that they should just listen to the opinion of the community and balance the update. Although they have big problems with balance too. I didn't understand before why mechs sometimes withstand a volley of missiles, and sometimes fall from two ordinary mobs. Thanks for the enlightenment

  2. What I've always wished that they would implement is a first-person mode for the mechs when you're in them. That would be so badass to have a first-person pilot view while you're in it blasting things

  3. IDEA… we don't need more damage,armor,ammo … just remove the two mech limit and reduce the cooldown from ten minutes to four … from quality to quantity 😉

  4. I feel like exo suits and orbital lasers are supposed to do the same thing, but both fail significantly. They are supposed to help you when your team is pinned down by a gigantic horde. Exo is better at it but runs out of ammo too quick and the laser takes too long on heavies to kill. Soo they need to make those worth the limited uses and long cooldowns or they need to make it lower cooldown.

  5. Durable damage is just a different type of damage (imagine physical vs magical damage)
    Differente enemies take a different ratio of damage types.
    -An enemy can take 0% durable damage, so the AC sentry and the Emancipator will deal 300 damage;
    -They may take 50% durable, so the AC sentry will deal 300 damage and the Emancipator will deal 180 (150 normal and 30 durable);
    -They may take 100% durable (bile titans, chargers, factory striders, etc), so the AC setnry will still deal 300 damage, but the Emancipator will deal only 60;

  6. Yeah I would love a Lost planet, hook the heavy support weapons into the arm slots. My biggest complain however is the aim down and up. Like please you let me go up a hill. Let me shoot down it. And dont cap me on how may slots I can put a mech on. Like you want to say you have variety, dont tell I cant bring 4 mechs that would cost me 2 stratagem slots.

  7. I feel like they couldve fixed the rocket problem by making so they didnt have collision with the suit itself perhaps im crazy or they cant do that but that was my idea for a fix

  8. The devs really must not be playtesting their game whatsoever because there is NO WAY you’re gonna tell me the Patriot exosuit feels better now compared to before they “fixed” it

  9. You can more easily have 2 mechs by selecting one, then select the supply pack, then the other one, and you can switch out the pack for anything else afterwards

  10. Dude, you know what sucks?

    Some random hacker actually dropped this mech in game the first month of this games life (you know when it was fun) and it killed 3 bile titans back to back.

    Now it can't kill one…

  11. Dude i told my friend, because of the outdated engine, its gonna get to a point where they just cant do certain things and i believe thats happening already. Glad you pointed that out

  12. The useless reticle and terrible cooldown are serious problems, but I don't understand the complaints about the damage output of the mechs. Yes, the guns are weaker than their non-mech counterparts. But you have more of them, and you don't have to reload. the Patriot has a gatling gun AND rockets. Is the low damage output still a problem if you can aim the rockets and the cooldown doesn't suck so badly? If so, what about this compromise: the guns are as powerful as their sentry counterparts, the rocket launcher is moved to the right side, you address the terrible cooldown time, but the mech takes 2 stratagem slots. Does that resolve the problem?

  13. I just remembered a great game I used to play as a kid, it’s was called lost planet 2, and is had a ton of armored vehicles, several of them were mechs, and one thing you could do, exept for switching weapons on them was to grab on to the side as your friend drives it around, it’s was so much fun, and I want that because I can’t crouch ride the mechs no more, it’s too sad

  14. It would be incredible to be able to run a mech loadout where your armor and stratagems support your mech. Things like a booster to give you an extra call-in since you can only take 1 mech. Light armor (maybe with even less armor value than normal light armor) that boosts your mech's armor instead. Stratagems like rearm/repair for the mech. You're already seriously gimped by the fact that you can't use stratagems inside the mech so a ship module Stratagem Launcher that lets you use them from inside the mech would be amazing. There is so much design space just in this one conecpt. But all of it relies on them making the mechs actually usable. The current aiming issue is pretty bad.

  15. Lost Planet 2 did mechs extremely well, or "VS"es as they were called. You could take mech perks to consume less fuel/heat to make them last almost the whole mission, and you'd find various different weapon arms in the mission to chop and change onto your VS mech, was so damn fun. I think it'd be cool as well if they added an abandoned Mech garage as a side objective like SEAF or Radar towers. You defend and unlock it for a free Mech or two, or maybe a free Mech and a rearm/repair workshop for anyone using one already. Maybe have an armour set with a Mech Pilot perk that cuts your weapons ammo supply in half but allows you one full Mech re-arm, to reward prolonged Mech play.

  16. @OnDough There is a small buff I would like to see along with the leg armor, and that is a buff to the Mech's melee capabilities. [Note: This accidently spiraled into a massive and in depth tangent-thing god help me. I like my tin can too much to let it go, you did this.]

    In armored machines with limited ammo, at least in the case where they have armored legs, I would like to be able to have the choice to take small damage in melee from small/medium bugs and the small bots (limited amount of use against berzerkers due to tankier nature)
    Or, failing this there are two ideas: Make leg damage matter, a burning, half broken leg could maybe have light armor. This can itself encourage adaptation from the player and give the mechs a larger skill ceiling. Hide the bum leg partly behind a rock to help protect it. Or to turn your side with the good leg towards your enemy so it can block most fire, or possibly all if you choose to shuffle sideways as as an escape.
    Changing armor from medium to light when it is already weakened might sound odd, but I am thinking of it in a similar manner to a factory strider. Give the mech "armor plating" that has to be removed, lowering it's armor score in that area while also being the requirement for a mech to take damage in that location. This could very easily, depending on how you handle it, do anything from double to sextoupple it's survivability, rendering it's ammo issue mostly null so long as it is able to perform above the current very sub par status in melee. It doesn't need to dominate, but it should distract and tank.
    Before I explain my personal armor idea, my only way I could imagine the stomp being fixed would be to either make a new animation altogether such as a swift kick whether sweeping or straight forward. Or you reduce the current one's end lag and replicate the 'sweeping' idea by adding the "explosive" tag to the attack.
    The animation is quick to start, but slow to both finish and give control back to the player, making you start moving just as slow as if you'd just started the mech, hardly able to move or turn. The animation is almost a full 2 seconds, starting to move again is the third, and a fourth or fifth second could pass before you can pivot and attempt to land it again, if you live that long.
    The Explosive tag can give this big, hefty, powerful beast the mech is meant to be a small AoE around the foot of the mech (and probably where the body lurches forward), able to immediately stomp out any Medium enemy minus Brood commanders and heavy devs if you hit the shield, granted you land the actual foot. This again rewards piloting skill and learning how to aim this clunky foot when you're never able to see where it actually hits the ground. Explosive allows it to as well stagger what it doesn't kill (probably not heavies), damage enemies through their armor, allows it to be able to be better break armor (if it even can right now) and as well do more damage to exposed weakspots like charger legs due to their weakness to explosive once armor stripped.
    The entire radius would not have damage drop due it it's relative small size and melee's design as self defense and the risk of using it more offensively. Killing all small enemies (unless armored like MG raiders or smth), staggering all Mediums to varying degrees, and always doing some damage regardless of how armored it's target due to "explosive", making even a last ditch effort not entirely worthless.

    On to the armor system I brainstormed suddenly after hitting a fat chuff.
    Front square face plate: Tier 5 Heavy armor.
    The 'cheeks' beside it: Tier 4 Medium armor; each side has it's own health pool, made slightly easier to break than others due to smaller size and higher armor value than rear and sides. (Will be made clear)

    [Keep in mind from now on, all mentions of tier 3 medium are made with the assumption that the exosuits do currently have tier 3 armor]
    Lower side and Rear: Tier 3 Medium armor; Low side has high hp threshold due to large hitbox that stoops beneath mech weapon(s). Could vary due to soon to be explained things.
    Rear armor though? I am unsure on whether or not the pannel we enter the mech from should be given it's own health and armor, again seperating the two sides around it, this would keep it consistent. But personally I think the rear and 'most lightly armored' side of the mech should share one hitbox and armor pool to give it the necessary vulnerability to require either pilot awareness or your team keeping bullets off your back, encouraging the teamplay that devs wish to drive for and I also want to play around with.
    Guns and underneath: Guns should probably stay as is? Maybe give them tier 4 medium armor if it's currently tier 3, or slightly more health perhaps? When destroyed, the rest of the side hitbox not covered in Lower-Side is now exposed and able to be shot. Maybe given like, a one hundred fifty hp (im meaning 150 defense healthpool on foot, roughly). T3 or T2 armor to provide that just a tiny bit more survivability with damage reduction. Just to protect you long enough to realize you're going to be royally boned if you dont turn right now.

    And finally, what happens when armor is broken. Somewhat like a factory strider, it blows open that specific armor pannel and lowers the armor value of that area by one, while all damage taken to those areas from there on is given to the mechs ACTUAL healthpool
    Front goes down to Medium 4. Cheek, Low-side, and Rear to 3.
    Gun goes from 4 to 3, then 3 to 2 (light armor) when the under-armor I proposed is broken, making it a horrible weakpoint that maybe enemy AI can try to target 'conciously' once double-exposed.
    Legs, which I refused to mention until now, deserve a tier 3 medium armor no matter what. This of course means when damaged and slowing your lovely machine, it too is a tier 2 light armored target, likely to be targeted by any ranged enemy that is close to the mech (like how bot commisars treat it), and made more vulnerable to enemy melee units.

    With these changes, with this much BEEF and CHONK, it almost feels like it would be more in line even in lore for the soldiers it's made for.
    It's lack of ammunition and speed would make sense if it were this bulky behemoth made for the two extremes of a slow paced, drawn out operation with sparing ammo use and acting as walking cover and a distraction for teammates. Or to go in on the hardest missions against 6 bile spewers, a bile titan, 3 chargers, and 80 other bugs; and still living long enough to expend that ammunition and perhaps stomp out a few extra before it succumbs to a battle it wasn't designed to win.
    And that's the point of the Helldivers, but it's the point done really well I think. You're expendable and not meant to live, but if you die, you go down chucking shells, stomping out fools, screaming for liberty as the unwashed horde of monsters has to drag you down with every ounce of their strength. Dying like a badass and a hero.

    (You and your content helped spur on this whole THING. Thank you for the content Dough ❤, people need to learn that criticism comes from passion)
    [And one more thing, that buffed stomp I was talking about? Doesn't just help you save some bullets, but helps you make use of the mech even after it's ran out in combination with the armor, still dealing damage and definitely drawing the attention of everything, if only for about 8 seconds even with the armor changes I thought up]

  17. The way I see it, the short term the buffs to mechs, along/after the new mechs with different arm weapons. For customisation down the line, a slot for "camo that applies while in mech", cosmetic only. Boosters available maybe too as mentioned in the video.
    For me it's the limited amount, same with the laser cannon or such where its like "but why"

  18. I hate what they did to the aiming. The Patriot was SO FUN when it came out. Then they nerfed and ""fixed"" it for some unfathomable reason and now it's just sad to play.

    Buffs would be nice but they're secondary to me. I'm not touching these things until they shoot straight + can aim down again.

  19. I think the only think to deal with the mech are hulks tanks gunships and factory striders on automaton bugs should be chargers nursing spewers and bile titans plus we should be able to reload them

  20. Engine is definite huge issue for a lot of current and past bugs in the game. Autodesk abandoned the engine mid-development for helldivers 2. Arrowhead is basically responsible for bug fixing and maintaining a game but also a game engine. I don't envy their position.

  21. I'm into just letting us customize the mechs, let us choose what we put where. Extra armor? Cool. Gatling gun and auto cannon? Cool. Flame thrower and rocket? Awesome. Mix and match man

  22. i will say i got demm agree on this overall i will say rockets in helldiver 2 need to be that armor killers ( 1 shot armor on armored units and elite well 2 or so ) and damage raw power vs big things should be 2-4 shots ( 2 vs armored or so elite 4 ) ( rocket sentry , mech ) for sure to make them fit in there role in way i see them

    edit but like factory striders well there should take maybe more sense they are factory fortress so yeah 6-8 for raw killing but armor should 5 shots maybe or so idk just some idea but for sure

    rockets should do something special per say ( for rocket sentry and mech both of them higher pen and damage or so ( old mech was well balanced fun all i can say

  23. To be honest, I feel like the Jar-5 Dominator and Breaker Incendiary deserve a massive nerf. These weapons are clearly fun/skill issue/crutch, so this is a problem. I'm telling this to Alexus right now.

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