
I Got Screwed On A Collision Repair! 😡😡😡. EXTREME FAIL

I Got Screwed On A Collision Repair! 😡😡😡. EXTREME FAIL

#Screwed #Collision #Repair #EXTREME #FAIL


I Got Screwed On A Collision Repair! . EXTREME FAIL #car #diy #howto We start out with a My Friend Pete video vlog …



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  1. Those 98% good cops cover for the 2% bad cops. Those 98% good priests cover for the 2% pedophiles.
    Only 2% of the 98% will stand up and do the right thing and suffer retaliation. We don’t reward people doing the right thing.
    Pete, I love your videos. A lot of people think the same as you, but don’t put it on a YouTube video.

  2. The world is fd up pete what year did it go away no one now's how to fix anything anymore example all the radiator shops have shut down in Wenatchee so i have to go out of town 100 plus miles to get shit done

  3. I told my wife exactly what you said about the deadbeats filming Police and its only to try and provoke a reaction. If YT would ban them videos it would stop. Im all for our Constitutional rights but these guys/girls take it too far.

  4. big pete the DRAMA QUEEN!!!! too bad his show didn't workout, hes been playing the part his whole life LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. South African guy I know educated me on "Parts" – the customer buys them. Iron clad rule. He buys zero parts for customers vehicles. He tells them what he wants & they buy it. Cuts out a lot of crap. "We make margin on parts!!" people say – yeah, and you lose your trousers when they don't pay… You aint getting your vehicle back till its paid for either – any time I break that rule, I struggle like a fool to get paid. It drives out unpaid for – you probably ain't getting paid.. Rare that I do, but now and then..

    On the mental health front – the prisons are jammed with people who ought be in a care facility. They dump them in jail instead. It's cheaper & keeps things nice & neat – it's also depraved. They need medical help, not jail.

    Also – painting is for the birds – I despise it, it's always a loser. Other guy here does the painting – I wouldn't swap with him for diamonds. I weld shit, others make it pretty. Making it pretty seldom pays. Welding does. I get the immigrant guys in looking for work done – everyone knows they don't spend on jack – they spend when their vehicles bust. That's how you know you're alright – when the stingiest of the stingy bring you pieces of work & gladly pay you. Shit, the Russians & the Nigerians come to me to do work – that makes me a Unicorn, a literal Unicorn. They never go outside their own communities for anything. They play the games – "You're too dear!" – I tell 'em go fcuk off & get someone else so – they ain't here for my charm & good looks. They leave their vehicles with me & they pay – because fcuking Unicorn.

  6. Example At first after tge guy hit me man I was Nas caring in the median I wasn't worried about him just then after I eas like wtf then was like oh well hes stopped and ok . Most days, man, I try to stay outta the crap posting get ya friends or enimys.
    It's a type of survival attrition.

  7. I have a crashed 2010 Ford truck too any takers. See its like 👍 oh well if well all laff more and fight less you want a club of grumpy butts prices have changed conflicts abroad man billions crazy I'm usually working with allot less zros

  8. I like that color , anyway. Pete people, bad shit happens. laff at it makes it mad, I guess. Most things are mail order or locally sourced. What to do about my car I'm sure they'll laff at 2006 but paid for maybe I'll just buy a taillight

  9. Because people are toooo stupid to realize they are buying water, it's a lazy world anymore Pete and it's scary as hell and yeah all these liberals expect hard working people to pay for these lazy assholes

  10. If the job is written and supplemented correctly the parts price shouldn't be an issue. The insurance covers parts plus even a small amount of profit for your shop.

    Your money comes from parts markup, material mark up but most of the profit comes from labor. If the jobs tons of parts or a high percent of the dollar amount there should be a smaller portion of labor.

    Of that's a 33 hour job based on 2k at 60/hr.

    Should have been done in less than a week. That's if your lean efficient and profitable.

    Body tech should be turning 140-160%. Paint department 175-190%.

    Trick is getting paid for all the stuff they leave off. Supplementing the stuff they leave off not just hidden stuff. The operations they leave off that aren't included in book time. Use the sheets included and not included operations for the repair guide. Every vehicle worked on should end up with a supplement.

    If parts are more than estimate. Supplement.

    If work that you can do and should do to do the proper repair like blend or take clear down roof rail. Supplement. Glass or molding clips broken or one time use. Supplement. Photo and document anything. Door skin. Bet the inside door paint isn't there. If it is it has no clear time. Bet that shell needs a hour or more repair. Supplement. Not written to backtape glass supplement.

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