Intro to #nanotubes & #nanotechnology | Part 02 | Rice

Intro to #nanotubes & #nanotechnology | Part 02 | Rice University w/ Dr James Tour #nasa #graphene

#Intro #nanotubes #nanotechnology #Part #Rice

“Dr. James Tour”

PART 02: Introduction to Nanotubes NASA’s Microwave Gun Technology: NASA developed a microwave gun to cure shuttle tiles …



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  1. This man has the Light in he, It's like look to one of The apostles, not because The autority, but because the Light of Christ, The Mark, The Holy Spirit inside him. Doctor, advance in enemy's terrotory, because God It's using you to preach ressurected Christ to The nations.

  2. India had Nano Technology since long time( thousands of years before). It has been used for health purposes. All Bhasmas are in Nano Form. The technology is still prevalent in Ayurveda

  3. Graphene could easily be treated like a gold rush where millions of small scale producers & entrepreneurs was able to meet the demand in a flourishing way .
    How do we get form & shape to meet the needs and demands of Americans way to of life that drives down cost & drives up longevity and quality?
    The inability to scale resources that's in high demand used to exist when we had gold rushes so it's definitely more about economics but it also has to be the driver in thinking that getting something to a point to turn a buck forces us to reduce & change supply chains to the point cost jumps back up only leaving us a yr 7 -10 window of efficiency.
    Settlement of perfection like in farming is pinched by all other quests.

  4. Your name announced your mission, James. You are one of the new first string crop of James apostles of the promised Messiah. You are the tour leader of godly present time science, just as James Tabor will be your equivalent in the exploration of the past. One wonders what James will be selected to be the real James T Kirk of the coming Star Trek reality show? Or maybe Bill Shatner will graduate from his current William mission to fill the role more completely in his next incarnation? Isn't the game of souls fun?

  5. Do you think we'll ever convince the designers and programmers of quantum computers that it helps to clear your conscience with confession and pray before they start their creations up? 😉🤫😇

  6. As you shrink technology to levels where quantum consciousness – the active interaction between observers and the observed – becomes more evident, you'll discover more and more about the real mind of the first creator and the patterns that drive the simulation multiverse that is the game of souls.

  7. Duck duck go search engine. Write 200+ flat earth Bible verses. Flat earth doctrine. Start with Genesis chapter 1. After that go to Genesis 6. Do read book of Jasher too. Also find chapter in the KJV Bible where Satan is loosed from the abyss (hint: last 3 chapters of the last book in the Bible – Revelation). God bless in Jesus name! Amen.

  8. Why does Jim refuse to say Dave’s name? It’s not like we don’t know he’s talking about Dave when he mentions “that YouTube guy” because he makes it incredibly obvious he’s referring to Dave.

  9. In a tutorial about the Hunsdiecker reaction, Dave Farina talked about a 2012 JACS paper called “Silver-catalyzed decarboxylative chlorination of aliphatic carboxylic acids”; some Chinese organic chemists did a modification of the Hunsdiecker reaction with a silver catalyst rather than a silver reagent and tBuOCl instead of elemental chlorine.
    If you have no problem with the contents of the paper, does that prove Dave DOES know chemistry AND can read papers?

  10. 6-7 years ago, Dave Farina made a video called “Origin of Life on Earth” where he basically said life came about via abiogenesis.
    If Jim is as passionate about origin of life research as he claims to be, why didn’t he make a video then? Why wait until Dave made fun of him specifically? Why is Jim OK with people saying life came about via abiogenesis, but the second Jim gets made fun of, it’s not OK?

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