
iOS 17.5.1 – This Is Remarkable – Features, Apps and

iOS 17.5.1 – This Is Remarkable – Features, Apps and Follow Up

#iOS #17.5.1 #Remarkable #Features #Apps


iOS 17.5.1 – This Is Remarkable – iOS 17.5.1 Released a few weeks ago. iOS 17.5.1 is the current public release and iOS 17.6 …



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  1. I’m on 17.5.1 on 12 and one thing that happened is if I’m playing a game and someone calls me. I don’t get a notification that someone called until I stop playing a game.

  2. Hi Mr. Zollo. First of all: thank you very much for the work you are making. Very, very!!! helpful with decissions if or not to update.

    PS: is there any sign of improving battery life of the iPad Pro 2024? It is pure disaster even I have optimised all the settings I could …

  3. iOS 17.5.1 and iPadOS 17.5.1 has been very glitchy. I couldn’t copy and paste. I had to restart my device and then I could copy and paste again and lot of lag and very unstable hopefully iOS 18 will be more stable than iOS 17 or iOS 16 hopefully iOS 18 will be like iOS 12 stability update as well as some features

  4. I waited a while before downloading 17.5.1 and finally did. It’s been a few weeks now and I haven’t had any issues on my iPhone 15pro. I’m in no hurry to update any anything any time soon. Thanks for the video update.

  5. Apple hardware ⬆️ + Apple software (IOS) 🗑️ = definitely still 🗑️. Like linux computers, even if hardware is trash but the OS is good it’s still ok unlike IOS situation.

  6. iOS 17.5.1 has been ABSOLUTE. GARBAGE. for me. Phone often needs to be restarted due to not connecting to networks, random glitches and freezing, background app refresh lag and problems – not consistent, and so much more.

  7. For battery life, i was stuck on 17.4 until now and battery life has also been bad. It self discharges completely within 24 hours. May be due to full storage though.

  8. iOS 17 as a whole has been an absolute mess.

    I’ll be installing 18 on Monday, as there’s no way it can be much worse than 17 has been, pretty much the entire year.

  9. Since iOS 17.5 and with iOS 17.5.1, my iPhone 14 Pro has been quitting closed apps very soon. If I leave an app such as YouTube to go to another app, say to messages, for more than about 10/15 seconds the YouTube app gets killed. When I go back to the YT app, it shows me the main screen and I have to go to my history to keep watching the video. It is very annoying, I have already reported it with feedback assistant.

  10. So what about iOS 17.5.1 justifies the “wow!” and “remarkable!” descriptors for this video??? Overly dramatic titles to get people to click on your videos. Nothing new in this.

  11. I don’t like the idea of switching to iOS 18 Dev Beta 1. Since its first time releasing, it may be super buggy. I’ll just wait til the public beta or release. However I cant wait for Monday to see all the good features coming to iOS (hopefully), I think they’ll be great!

  12. Hey Zolo have you heard any issues regarding cameras not working? None of my rear cameras or flashlight is working. Same with the front camera and Face ID not working as well but that can be fixed by rebooting 5-6 times and not rebooting again. I’m using the 13 PM

  13. As a life long Apple user, I will not upgrade! 17.5.1 will be my last update. I have a 13 pro max 17.5.1 was a life saver for my battery life. IOS 18 will only be beneficial for Apple devices 15 pro and above, and do not want a possible degrade in battery life with IOS 18. Will wait to see if iPhone 16 is worth the upgrade.

  14. I hate the wallpaper reachability glitch where you leave an app and immediately activate reachability and the wallpaper bugs out. It’s literally been 2 years with this bug that’s actually absurd

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