
Is AI an existential threat to human jobs? | BBC News

Is AI an existential threat to human jobs? | BBC News

#existential #threat #human #jobs #BBC #News

“BBC News”

As new roles are created and existing jobs are displaced, artificial intelligence (AI) is altering the job market, presenting opportunities and challenges.

AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum’s employment report. However, the…



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  1. Let’s just have us pay like £3 grand for some subsidised humanoid AI, and that can basically be our digi double that works on our behalf while we finally finish our novels and open bakery’s like in a Ghibli movie

  2. AI is part of the process of automation of work. Society must embrace this and redistribute the profits of AI activity in order for humans to benefit. If we do not redistribute the profits of AI to humans, we humans will have to compete with AI.

  3. Unions are probably almost irrelevant to this issue since unions represent employees which is fine, but anyone who is replaced with an A.I. will no longer be considered an employee and therefore not covered by a union by default.

  4. Why can't you just use Generative A.I. to develop their own hands and other limbs rather then having humans struggle to figure it out? I mean not just the limbs but also of course the programming necessary to operate them effectively.

  5. Judging by the low amount of views, the public is clearly bored and quite disappointed with mainstream media telling them about the Terminator coming and going the last year without seeing anything resembling an apocalypse and massive job loss. Maybe have ChatGPT generate a more realistic title

  6. Many fear change some changes can be good and other negative. Eventually jobs will change as we know them today that has been a fact all through history. Perhaps one day we will reach a technological level that going to work would be absurd to most at the moment that seems impossible but I know that is one day how its going to be unless we like go full nuclear war and blast ourselfs into the stoneage

  7. Really telling that her answer to "Are employees going to get time off for contributing to the boom in production or are you going to make them work harder?" Was "Instead of the few minutes employees take to think about the issue, look it up, and wind down, we'll now have them working on harder more impactful things"

    Wtf 🙃

  8. Yeah, AI makes a huge opportunity spending time and queueing at Jobcentre for unemployment benefits and watching posts of IT billionaires on Instagram while are on super yachts! Excellent future for people. Congratulations!

  9. if the economy is based on mass consumption and those masses will no longer be able to consume because they have no employment therefore money….well…. the fact that you ask the question strongly indicates humanity is an existential threat to itself

  10. In the short term AI will replace some jobs but will create other jobs we will need more people to make the AI train the models and run the AI tell it what to do. AI will not be autonomous for a very long time.. So yes some jobs will disappear but other jobs will be created.

  11. 25% jobs that are getting affected are high skill jobs. When skilled people don't have enough jobs then who will buy goods and services.

    Our future will messed up big time, only large technology companies will survive leaving us food and clothes

    Here i thought movies like movies like Robocop and Terminator are just science fiction.

  12. Today's (19/7/24) situation with IT systems being down should wake up governments to the obvious fact that if you rely too much on technology you put essential systems at risk when they stop working.

  13. Meta AI wrote that maybe Artificial Intelligence is indirectly involved to crash the humans' Microsoft 365 for Its 90's model Algorithms. AI added that the old engine with new body.

  14. The person in pink I dont agree with at all . Training human to human will always be important. Ai will also take revenue away from a lot of people & our capitalist system depends on people spending money ? Why is no one talking about this ???

  15. Takeaways from this report: Increased working hours for less pay due to role simplification from AI advancement. A much smaller percentage of roles will have "more time for meaningful work" (and that won't diminish the long hours spent working in those roles), if anything, the number of labor-intensive, minion jobs is increasing rapidly in the form of manual remote AI training gig-economy tasks that pay cents on the hour (already a present-day reality). Essentially, most virtual work will be in support of training and troubleshooting automated processes (transitioning away from the creativity of designing and implementing automation in the context of corporate work). The smug, "tow-the-company-line" demeanor of the SF Prez should tell you all you need to know about the corporation's position in all of this. I could go on about this only being a win for the owner class (as is always the case for all of human existence), but everyone knows this already. The solution? Again, the same thing it's always been: be innovative (just not too far ahead of the curve—no one will comprehend that) at whatever you choose to do, in the face of common mediocrity.

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