
JOSH BROWN Heated Exchange with guests on CNBC

JOSH BROWN Heated Exchange with guests on CNBC

#JOSH #BROWN #Heated #Exchange #guests #CNBC

“Blue Cloud Trading”

Josh Brown and guests on the Half Time Report going at it!



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  1. If you would like to access weekly exclusive member only videos where I share some of the strongest stocks in the most bullish sectors with great technicals and fundamentals…
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  2. The stock market only goes up at least that’s what the bulls will say these experts know the underlying debt ridden economy is the last thing that falls off a cliff and it’s starting to happen these companies have actually gotten even more rich off of high inflation and interest rates because they’ve raised prices and gotten away with it how long will it last? something tells me the fall and winter won’t be as kind

  3. I understand VOO and SPY both tracks the same index. However, why not VOO since it has a lower expense ratio? Is there any specific reason why u track SPY instead?

  4. 40.000 dow thats just 30 companys and they change the AS THEY LIKE …so it keeps going up …
    thats not an indication of a good market …thats just changing a portfolio in my eyes…. . dow is not an indicator…its misleading in some way….

  5. 17:56 … at this point, I wouldn't call this a "heated exchange," more in my view, a "lively debate." Lively debates … are lively … but these guys are professionals. They are knowledgeable, passionate and not a single point or issue that was brought to the discussion had been done without consideration or merit. Real-Good-Stuff here.

  6. Thanks BCT. Wapner can be such a prick when it's his time of the month. Like that Steve stuck up for Jim. He and Josh have skin in the game. Wapner is a game show host.

  7. This is why I own these three ETFs as my core holdings in various portfolios HERD, FDIF, and AVGE for worldwide coverage including the U.S. Oh, by the way, we are not foolish, de-risk your portfolios, and have Margin of Safety investments in them and that means T-Bill ETFs, Intermediate Bond ETFs, and a money market fund.

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